Submission Guidelines

General discussion of the Back in Print Project

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Halaster Blackcloak
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Submission Guidelines

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

The Back In Print Project

Submission Guidelines

Welcome to the Back In Print Project! We look forward to submissions from fellow fans of the various out-of-print editions of Dungeons & Dragons. Before you submit any content to the project, please read the information below.

General Info

Keep in mind that this is a fan expansion project, and hence there is no pay involved. Any submission for the project is subject to review before inclusion. Submitting something does not mean it automatically becomes part of the project. We reserve the right to ask for clarification or editing on any entry submitted. We will not include submissions that need editing for content without the author’s permission.

Please check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation before submitting material. Entries that have numerous spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors, or which do not follow the template format will most likely be sent back to the author for corrections. We simply don’t have time to do massive editing on basic things like spelling, grammar, etc.

Decisions as to what is accepted as part of the project are made solely by the Back In Print development team. They have final say in all matters related to the project. Decisions will be made not on personal taste but rather on the quality of the submission and how well it fits established AD&D rules. In other words, we may love your Super Holy Avenger +20 Demon Slayer Sword, but that’s overpowered by AD&D standards, and hence will not be included.

All submissions must follow the format established at the Back In Print website. There are standard templates available for the various categories (Monstrous Compendiums, NPCs, Magic Items, Spells, etc). These were created to best reflect published AD&D format and to allow for uniformity in submissions. Any submission which is not submitted on a template will be deleted and ignored.

Please keep in mind that this project is available for all ages, so we will be following general guidelines similar to those used by TSR. This means that anything submitted which contains gratuitous sexuality, nudity, bathroom humor, general vulgarity, tastelessness (slaughter of children, Satanism, etc) will be sent back to the author for editing, or rejected outright. If in doubt about any aspect of your work, please feel free to write the project managers for clarification. Generally, you can expect that if it would be publishable by TSR, it would be publishable here.

Formats and Abbreviations Used

In order to ensure that the project is compatible with established AD&D rules and adventures, please make sure that your submissions follow the guidelines listed and use the proper abbreviations.

Character classes, NPC classes, monsters, magic items, and weapons begin with lower-case letters. The title “Dungeon Master” is always capitalized, and the abbreviation “DM” is also always capitalized.

Abbreviations for game terms such as DM, NPC, and HD are always capitalized. Ability scores are always capitalized (Strength, Intelligence, etc). Coins and experience points are always lower case (ep, gp, sp, xp). Keep in mind that the abbreviation for electrum pieces is ep and the abbreviation for experience points is xp. No abbreviations use periods (gold pieces is written gp, not g.p.)

Single digit numbers (zero to nine) should be spelled out. Larger numbers (two digits) are written as numerals (10, 20, 100). Any number above 999 needs a comma separating the thousands from the hundreds (1,500 not 1500). There is always a space between the amount and the type of coins when listing treasure (1,000 gp, not 1,000gp).

Character levels are listed by numeral (a wizard of 4th level). When preceding a noun, it needs to be hyphenated (a 10th-level druid).

Numbers identifying a spell need to be written out and hyphenated (a seventh-level spell, not a 7th-level spell).

When listing names of spells or magical items, use italics and lower-case letters. In other words, a sword +2 or a haste spell. However, if the item or spell contains a proper noun, then it is capitalized. For instance, Halaster’s Delirious Dictation spell. Plusses are listed after the weapon (a sword +2, not a +2 sword).

When listing gems or jewels in treasure, list them in decending order of value, with multiples marked in parentheses. For example: “You find seven gems worth 500 gp, 300 gp, 200 gp (x2), 100 gp (x3).”

Abbreviations for classes are as follows:

Fighter: F
Wizard: W
Cleric/Priest: P
Ranger: R
Druid: D
Paladin: Pal
Thief: T
Bard: B

Specialist wizards are described in text. For example:

W12 (Necromancer) = Wizard, 12th level, Necromancer.

When listing levels, just the numeral is used. For example, a 6th-level wizard is W6, not W6th. A 7th-level ranger is R7, and a 10th level paladin is Pal10.

Keep in mind the difference between a character and a player. A character is an assumed personality within the game. A player is the real life person who plays/acts out the character.

Specific Guidelines/Ideas To Avoid

When submitting content to the project, please emphasize originality.

In regard to weapons, please try not to create simple variants of exiting weapons.

For example, a halberd +2 is not very original. However, a halberd +2 of flying which can be made to shoot like an arrow is. Likewise, avoid simple variants such as a warhammer of hurling, a vorpal axe, a Frost Brand dagger, etc. Also, be sure to stay within established limits for powers of weapons. Generally, non-artifact level magic items have a range of +1 to +5, with the higher plusses being quite rare. Magic items submitted with ridiculous power levels such as +10 or +20 will not be included. Intelligent weapons should follow the rules in the Dungeon Master Guide. Histories for non-artifact/relic magic items are appreciated but not necessary. All artifacts and relics must have well developed histories. Please consult the 2nd Edition Book of Artifacts for guidelines on creating artifacts and relics, or simply ask us for guidelines before submitting them. Keep in mind that relics differ from artifacts only in that they have religious significance and/or religious origins.

Magic item categories are:

Potions and Oils
Armor and Shields
Misc: Books and Tomes
Misc: Jewels and Jewelry
Misc: Cloaks and Robes
Misc: Gloves and Boots
Misc: Girdles and Helms
Misc: Bags and Bottles
Misc: Dusts and Stones
Misc: Household Items and Tools
Misc: Musical Instruments
Misc: The Weird Stuff

When submitting magic items, please indicate on the submission template which of these categories the item belongs in. The category “Misc: The Weird Stuff” covers items which don’t fit anywhere else. These categories are taken directly from the DMG. Refer to that book for more info.

When creating spells, avoid simple variants of existing spells. For example, a spell such as enhanced magic mirror which lasts two rounds/level instead of one round/level as per the original magic mirror spell is not exactly creative. Try to invent spells that do something other existing spells cannot. Avoid super-powerful spells such as spells which can blow up mountains or create continents. Such spells are beyond the scope of the game. Make sure to designate whether the spell is a priest spell or a wizard spell. For wizard spells, be sure to designate which school the spell belongs to. For priest spells, indicate which sphere it belongs to and in parentheses which wizard school it would correspond to. See the rules in the PHB for more details. Also, make sure to indicate the level of the spell. Most importantly, original spells should compare favorably with general power levels of existing spells. So for example, a spell which can turn daylight into darkness for hours at a time is too powerful to be listed as a 1st level spell. Conversely, a spell which merely dusts off a wizard’s clothing is too weak to be listed as a 9th level spell. Comparison to similar spells listed in the PHB is the best way to gauge spell power levels. Note that priests have access to powerful spells called Quest Spells which are above 7th level, and submissions of such spells should be noted as Quest-level spells.

New monsters should also be original. While some monsters lend themselves well to variants of all kinds (giants, dragons, etc), there’s no need to create an arctic orc, or a desert gnoll. Try to invent monsters that have original powers, origins, and goals. If you’re talented art-wise, feel free to include a picture of your creation. However, keep in mind that we plan on having a staff of artists and we may prefer to assign art chores to them regardless. Don’t take it personally if we don’t use your particular picture. On the other hand, don’t be afraid to submit a drawing and also indicate whether or not you’d like to handle future art assignments, as we can always use more artists. Monster submissions use a template identical to the Monstrous Compendium format, so refer to the Monstrous Compendiums for clarification on any question, or feel free to ask us.

When creating monsters, spells, or magic items, try not to use overdone, stereotyped material for their origins. If your submission is specific to a particular campaign setting such as the Forgotten Realms or Dark Sun, please indicate so when submitting it.

Art and Maps

When submitting maps of any area or building, be sure to include a measured scale, item key, and direction of North on the drawing. North should always point to the top of the page unless there’s a compelling reason to do otherwise. Make sure to use internal logic when designing structures. Inhabited areas or buildings need ways to bring in food and water, dispose of waste, and allow access into and out of the structure or area. Make sure to double check descriptions of rooms or areas on a map to make sure the map and text are correctly labelled and described.

When submitting art for monsters, magic items, NPCs, or other non-map art, please use color drawings if possible. Be sure to name the piece and describe what it is exactly that is being depicted. For example, an iron dragon and a lead dragon are both silvery and metallic, so don’t expect us to guess what it is by the art alone. Art should be tasteful and appropriate for all age groups. No nudity, excessive gore, real life personalities, or offensive racial depictions are allowed. While women in skimpy chain mail and similar garb is part of the established genre, please submit such content tastefully. No anatomically revealing shots are allowed. Likewise for the male figure.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions

If you have any further questions, comments, or suggestions, you can post them in the Back In Print Project forum at:

This forum was set up to allow discussion of the project with the general public, so feel free to stop by and join us.

If you feel the need to inquire about something privately, please contact the project managers:

BIP Development Team:

We look forward to your participation!
The Back In Print Project - Where AD&D Lives Forever!

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Post by McDeath »

Can PC/NPC stats be abbreviated (i.e. Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Chr)?
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Post by Zherbus »

Thanks for the guidelines. I just cut/pasted your already done monsters to use as a template.
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

You're very welcome, Zherbus! :wink:

McDeath, you can definitely abbreviate ability scores for the stat blocks. In stat blocks, they'd be abbreviated this this way:

Strength is S
Dexterity is D
Constitution is C
Intelligence is I
Wisdom is W
Charisma is CH

In written script it would be written as:

"the creature has a strength of 22"

Although I suppose that it would be acceptable to write is as:

"the creature has a STR 22".

I've seen it both ways.
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Post by McDeath »

Single letters is better INHO as it takes less space and gives more letter-characters for what is important; creative writing. I looked at 3rd ed adventures and just about smacked my head on an anvil at the amount of space they wasted from stat blocks. So this leads to another question; should there be a master reference sheet for monsters with the stat blocks or should they be posted for each individual encounter? ROU went with per encounter so if we want to mirror that we'd go with that. If page count gets too high then the other option would give you more room to work with. Option 2 means you simply list the name of the creature and hp, I believe. Naturally, special monsters, NPCs would still follow the normal method.

Anyway I want to get the stat blocks right so here's how I see it in the original boxed set:

Monster Name -- other name (#Appearing): Int; AL; AC, MV; HD; hp; THAC0; #AT; Dmg; SA; SD; MR:SZ; ML; XP

Seems the original capitalized various part. This example was taken from:

Saurogh -- Orc (1): Int Average; AL LE; AC 6(behind shield), 7; MV 10; HD 1; hp 8; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8 (broad sword), 1-8 (battle axe); SZ M; ML 11; XP 15.

Notice there is a space between the abbreviation and the number or number range. The monster block ends with a period.

Another few examples that include special attacks and magic resistance:

Salamander (2): Int High; AL CE; AC5/3; MV 9; HF 7+7; hp 49, 63; THAC0 12; #AT 2; Dmg 2-12 (tail constriction+ 1d6 heat damage), 1-6 (spear); SA Heat 1-6; SD +1 or better to hit; SZ M; ML 13; XP 2,000 each.

Baneguard (1): Int Average; AL LE; AC 7; MV 12; HD 4+4; hp 30; THAC0 15; #AT 1 + special; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon: 1d8+2 (scimitar +2); SA Magic missile; SD Blink; MR As skeleton; SZ M; ML 12; xp 975 each.

According to this entry when "or by weapon:" appears you list the damage different than as the orc entry; perhaps due to the magic scimitar +2. I do not understand why "each" is put at the end when there is only one Baneguard. Now for an NPC:

Name -- Race sex Class level: AC; MV; hp; THAC0; #AT; Dmg; SA; SD; MR; stats S, D, C, I, W, Ch; SZ; ML; AL; Spells:; XP.

Muiral -- hm (see below) F9/W13: AC 3; MV 15; hp 89; THAC0 12 (9 w/sword); #AT 2 + special; Dmg 1-6 + poison (tail sting) / spell or weapon type: 1-10+3/3-18+3 (vorpol sword +3); SA: Undead Control ESP; Co 16; I 18; AL CE. Spells: see below.

the weird thing I noticed about this particular statblock was Co for constitution and a period after the alignment. Actually, take that back all the NPCs are listed like that so perhaps it goes: ML; AL; XP. Spells:

A lot of the NPCs didn't have XP listed so either I omit it or figure it out (more helpful and less frustrating to DMs). I'll take the Co as a pure mistake by a different editor (after all when I looked at the info on the orc above they spelled scimitar as scimtar). Most treasure and magic items are listed in the paragraphs afterwards (doing a brief look). Let me see if I can find a quick spell listing for an encounter. I took a brief look at Halaster & Muiral and it seems they are listed deeper in the paragraph discriptions along with their tactics, magical items, and treasure. Spells are typically listed last.

You could change this if you wanted to as I know when I want to choose a spell for a monster I like to be able to look right after the monster so perhaps:

XP. Spells: See below


XP. Spells:

(5/5/5/4/2): chill touch, color spary, magic missile x3; alter self, cloak undead, flaming sphere, web, whirling blade; dispel magic, fireball, fly, haste, lightning bolt; charm monster, dig, enervation, polymorph other; animate dead, hold monster, monster summoning III, wall of force; energy transformation, chain lightning.

As you can see each level of spells is separated by a semicolon and each spell, itself, is separated by a comma. Hard to tell so perhaps a bold on the semicolons:

(5/5/5/4/2): chill touch, color spary, magic missile x3; alter self, cloak undead, flaming sphere, web, whirling blade; dispel magic, fireball, fly, haste, lightning bolt; charm monster, dig, enervation, polymorph other; animate dead, hold monster, monster summoning III, wall of force; energy transformation, chain lightning.

For simple cut/paste:

(): ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Comments/input as I want to get this right.
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

McDeath wrote:
Single letters is better INHO as it takes less space and gives more letter-characters for what is important; creative writing. I looked at 3rd ed adventures and just about smacked my head on an anvil at the amount of space they wasted from stat blocks.
Yeah, the 3E stat blocks take up half the page! :shock:

Single letters is the way to go with the stats in the stat blocks. Just remember that C is Constitution and CH is Charisma. Charisma is the exception, by necessity.
the weird thing I noticed about this particular statblock was Co for constitution
Yep, that had to have been a typo.

Normally, there's a period after the xp totals, since that ends the stat entry.
A lot of the NPCs didn't have XP listed so either I omit it or figure it out (more helpful and less frustrating to DMs).
Generally, NPCs that are not tied to a room don't get xp because they're meant to be NPCs and not just "monsters" (in the generic sense where "monster" refers to any potentially adversarial encounter). "Monsters" that are NPCs listed strictly as an encounter in a particular room would get xp. Generally, almost no NPCs will have xp listed.
I took a brief look at Halaster & Muiral and it seems they are listed deeper in the paragraph discriptions along with their tactics, magical items, and treasure. Spells are typically listed last.

You could change this if you wanted to as I know when I want to choose a spell for a monster I like to be able to look right after the monster so perhaps:

XP. Spells: See below


XP. Spells:

(5/5/5/4/2): chill touch, color spary, magic missile x3; alter self, cloak undead, flaming sphere, web, whirling blade; dispel magic, fireball, fly, haste, lightning bolt; charm monster, dig, enervation, polymorph other; animate dead, hold monster, monster summoning III, wall of force; energy transformation, chain lightning.
I agree, I would prefer the spell list directly after the xp as in the second example. Makes it a lot quicker to reference than placing it in another random paragraph. We should go with that.
As you can see each level of spells is separated by a semicolon and each spell, itself, is separated by a comma. Hard to tell so perhaps a bold on the semicolons:
True, that's something that always made my eyes squint. We might actually be able to do it like this:

(5/5/5/4/2): (1st): chill touch, color spary, magic missile x3 (2nd): alter self, cloak undead, flaming sphere, web, whirling blade (3rd): dispel magic, fireball, fly, haste, lightning bolt (4th): charm monster, dig, enervation, polymorph other (5th): animate dead, hold monster, monster

It really wouldn't add even a single page count done that way, and it's much easier to see.
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Post by McDeath »

Halaster's Original Post +:
Halaster Blackcloak wrote:The Back In Print Project

Submission Guidelines

Welcome to the Back In Print Project! We look forward to submissions from fellow fans of the various out-of-print editions of Dungeons & Dragons. Before you submit any content to the project, please read the information below.

General Info

Keep in mind that this is a fan expansion project, and hence there is no pay involved. Any submission for the project is subject to review before inclusion. Submitting something does not mean it automatically becomes part of the project. We reserve the right to ask for clarification or editing on any entry submitted. We will not include submissions that need editing for content without the author’s permission.

Please check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation before submitting material. Entries that have numerous spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors, or which do not follow the template format will most likely be sent back to the author for corrections. We simply don’t have time to do massive editing on basic things like spelling, grammar, etc.

Decisions as to what is accepted as part of the project are made solely by the Back In Print development team. They have final say in all matters related to the project. Decisions will be made not on personal taste but rather on the quality of the submission and how well it fits established AD&D rules. In other words, we may love your Super Holy Avenger +20 Demon Slayer Sword, but that’s overpowered by AD&D standards, and hence will not be included.

All submissions must follow the format established at the Back In Print website. There are standard templates available for the various categories (Monstrous Compendiums, NPCs, Magic Items, Spells, etc). These were created to best reflect published AD&D format and to allow for uniformity in submissions. Any submission which is not submitted on a template will be deleted and ignored.

Please keep in mind that this project is available for all ages, so we will be following general guidelines similar to those used by TSR. This means that anything submitted which contains gratuitous sexuality, nudity, bathroom humor, general vulgarity, tastelessness (slaughter of children, Satanism, etc) will be sent back to the author for editing, or rejected outright. If in doubt about any aspect of your work, please feel free to write the project managers for clarification. Generally, you can expect that if it would be publishable by TSR, it would be publishable here.

Formats and Abbreviations Used

In order to ensure that the project is compatible with established AD&D rules and adventures, please make sure that your submissions follow the guidelines listed and use the proper abbreviations.

Character classes, NPC classes, monsters, magic items, and weapons begin with lower-case letters. The title “Dungeon Master” is always capitalized, and the abbreviation “DM” is also always capitalized.

Abbreviations for game terms such as DM, NPC, and HD are always capitalized. Ability scores are always capitalized (Strength, Intelligence, etc). Coins and experience points are always lower case (ep, gp, sp, xp). Keep in mind that the abbreviation for electrum pieces is ep and the abbreviation for experience points is xp. No abbreviations use periods (gold pieces is written gp, not g.p.)

Single digit numbers (zero to nine) should be spelled out. Larger numbers (two digits) are written as numerals (10, 20, 100). Any number above 999 needs a comma separating the thousands from the hundreds (1,500 not 1500). There is always a space between the amount and the type of coins when listing treasure (1,000 gp, not 1,000gp).

Character levels are listed by numeral (a wizard of 4th level). When preceding a noun, it needs to be hyphenated (a 10th-level druid).

Numbers identifying a spell need to be written out and hyphenated (a seventh-level spell, not a 7th-level spell).

When listing names of spells or magical items, use italics and lower-case letters. In other words, a sword +2 or a haste spell. However, if the item or spell contains a proper noun, then it is capitalized. For instance, Halaster’s Delirious Dictation spell. Plusses are listed after the weapon (a sword +2, not a +2 sword).

When listing gems or jewels in treasure, list them in decending order of value, with multiples marked in parentheses. For example: “You find seven gems worth 500 gp, 300 gp, 200 gp (x2), 100 gp (x3).”

Abbreviations for classes are as follows:

Fighter: F
Wizard: W
Cleric/Priest: P
Ranger: R
Druid: D
Paladin: Pal
Thief: T
Bard: B

Specialist wizards are described in text. For example:

W12 (Necromancer) = Wizard, 12th level, Necromancer.

When listing levels, just the numeral is used. For example, a 6th-level wizard is W6, not W6th. A 7th-level ranger is R7, and a 10th level paladin is Pal10.

Keep in mind the difference between a character and a player. A character is an assumed personality within the game. A player is the real life person who plays/acts out the character.

Specific Guidelines/Ideas To Avoid

When submitting content to the project, please emphasize originality.

In regard to weapons, please try not to create simple variants of exiting weapons.

For example, a halberd +2 is not very original. However, a halberd +2 of flying which can be made to shoot like an arrow is. Likewise, avoid simple variants such as a warhammer of hurling, a vorpal axe, a Frost Brand dagger, etc. Also, be sure to stay within established limits for powers of weapons. Generally, non-artifact level magic items have a range of +1 to +5, with the higher plusses being quite rare. Magic items submitted with ridiculous power levels such as +10 or +20 will not be included. Intelligent weapons should follow the rules in the Dungeon Master Guide. Histories for non-artifact/relic magic items are appreciated but not necessary. All artifacts and relics must have well developed histories. Please consult the 2nd Edition Book of Artifacts for guidelines on creating artifacts and relics, or simply ask us for guidelines before submitting them. Keep in mind that relics differ from artifacts only in that they have religious significance and/or religious origins.

Magic item categories are:

Potions and Oils
Armor and Shields
Misc: Books and Tomes
Misc: Jewels and Jewelry
Misc: Cloaks and Robes
Misc: Gloves and Boots
Misc: Girdles and Helms
Misc: Bags and Bottles
Misc: Dusts and Stones
Misc: Household Items and Tools
Misc: Musical Instruments
Misc: The Weird Stuff

When submitting magic items, please indicate on the submission template which of these categories the item belongs in. The category “Misc: The Weird Stuff” covers items which don’t fit anywhere else. These categories are taken directly from the DMG. Refer to that book for more info.

When creating spells, avoid simple variants of existing spells. For example, a spell such as enhanced magic mirror which lasts two rounds/level instead of one round/level as per the original magic mirror spell is not exactly creative. Try to invent spells that do something other existing spells cannot. Avoid super-powerful spells such as spells which can blow up mountains or create continents. Such spells are beyond the scope of the game. Make sure to designate whether the spell is a priest spell or a wizard spell. For wizard spells, be sure to designate which school the spell belongs to. For priest spells, indicate which sphere it belongs to and in parentheses which wizard school it would correspond to. See the rules in the PHB for more details. Also, make sure to indicate the level of the spell. Most importantly, original spells should compare favorably with general power levels of existing spells. So for example, a spell which can turn daylight into darkness for hours at a time is too powerful to be listed as a 1st level spell. Conversely, a spell which merely dusts off a wizard’s clothing is too weak to be listed as a 9th level spell. Comparison to similar spells listed in the PHB is the best way to gauge spell power levels. Note that priests have access to powerful spells called Quest Spells which are above 7th level, and submissions of such spells should be noted as Quest-level spells.

New monsters should also be original. While some monsters lend themselves well to variants of all kinds (giants, dragons, etc), there’s no need to create an arctic orc, or a desert gnoll. Try to invent monsters that have original powers, origins, and goals. If you’re talented art-wise, feel free to include a picture of your creation. However, keep in mind that we plan on having a staff of artists and we may prefer to assign art chores to them regardless. Don’t take it personally if we don’t use your particular picture. On the other hand, don’t be afraid to submit a drawing and also indicate whether or not you’d like to handle future art assignments, as we can always use more artists. Monster submissions use a template identical to the Monstrous Compendium format, so refer to the Monstrous Compendiums for clarification on any question, or feel free to ask us.

When creating monsters, spells, or magic items, try not to use overdone, stereotyped material for their origins. If your submission is specific to a particular campaign setting such as the Forgotten Realms or Dark Sun, please indicate so when submitting it.

Art and Maps

When submitting maps of any area or building, be sure to include a measured scale, item key, and direction of North on the drawing. North should always point to the top of the page unless there’s a compelling reason to do otherwise. Make sure to use internal logic when designing structures. Inhabited areas or buildings need ways to bring in food and water, dispose of waste, and allow access into and out of the structure or area. Make sure to double check descriptions of rooms or areas on a map to make sure the map and text are correctly labelled and described.

When submitting art for monsters, magic items, NPCs, or other non-map art, please use color drawings if possible. Be sure to name the piece and describe what it is exactly that is being depicted. For example, an iron dragon and a lead dragon are both silvery and metallic, so don’t expect us to guess what it is by the art alone. Art should be tasteful and appropriate for all age groups. No nudity, excessive gore, real life personalities, or offensive racial depictions are allowed. While women in skimpy chain mail and similar garb is part of the established genre, please submit such content tastefully. No anatomically revealing shots are allowed. Likewise for the male figure.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions

If you have any further questions, comments, or suggestions, you can post them in the Back In Print Project forum at:

This forum was set up to allow discussion of the project with the general public, so feel free to stop by and join us.

If you feel the need to inquire about something privately, please contact the project managers:

BIP Development Team:

We look forward to your participation!
Excellent and noted.

EDIT ---- Adding a few more thoughts that I found in some FR products along the way:

F = Fighter
R = Ranger
Pal = Paladin
T = Thief
B = Bard
M = Mage
Abj = Abjurer
Con = Conjurer
Div = Diviner
Enc = Enchanter
Ill = Illusionist
Inv = Invoker
Nec = Necromancer
Tra = Transmuter
Def = Defiler
Pre = Preserver
C [of deity] = Cleric [deity type is often in brackets or parenthesis]
P [of deity] = Specialty Priest [deity type is often in brackets or parenthesis]
D [of deity] = Druid [deity type is often in brackets or parenthesis]
Mon = Monk
A = Assassin
Psi = Psionicist
EleA = Elementalist (Air)
EleE = Elementalist (Earth)
EleF = Elementalist (Fire)
EleW = Elementalist (Water)
Ele = Elementalist
WM = Wild Mage
ShM = Shadow Mage

LG = Lawful Good
LN = Lawful Neutral
LE = Lawful Evil
NG = Neutral Good
N = Neutral or True Neutral
NE = Neutral Evil
CG = Chaotic Good
CN = Chaotic Neutral
CE = Chaotic Evil

h = Human
he = Half-elf
e = Elf
d = Dwarf
g = Gnome
ha = Halfling

m = Male
f = Female

Intelligence Ratings:
0 = Non- Intelligence (or not ratable)
1 = Animal Intelligence
2-4 = Semi- Intelligence
5-7 = Low Intelligence
8-10 = Average (human) Intelligence
11-12 = Very Intelligent
13-14 = High Intelligence
15-16 = Exceptional Intelligence
17-18 = Genius
19-20 = Supragenius
21+ = Godlike

FL = Flying (Maneuverability Rating from A to E in DMG Aerial Combat Rules)
SW = Swimming
BR = Burrowing
Wb = Moving In Web
Jp = Jump

Size: *Some monsters are listed as long and not tall)
T = Tiny (2 feet tall or less)
S = Small (2+ to 4 feet tall)
M = Medium (4+ to 7 feet tall)
L = Large (7+ to 12 feet tall)
H = Huge (12+ to 25 feet tall)
G = Gargantuan (25+ feet tall)

Morale: (on 2d10 rolls)
2-4 = Unreliable
5-7 = Irregular
8-10 = Average
11-12 = Steady
13-14 = Very Steady
15-16 = Elite
17-18 = Fanatic
19-20 = Fearless

cp = copper piece
sp = silver piece
ep = electrum piece
gp = gold piece
pp = platinum piece
XP = experience point value

Thief abilities: (in % which does not have to be listed)
PP = Pick Pockets
OL = Open Locks
F/RT = Find/Remove Traps
MS = Move Silently
HS = Hide in Shadows
DN = Detect Noise
CW = Climb Walls
RL = Read Languages
Backstab or BS = Backstab Multiplier (followed by x2, x3, x4, etc.)

Basic Monster Statbock:
Name of Monster
#AP = Number Appearing usually in (parenthesis)
AC = Armor Class (special note of why in parenthesis)
MV = Movement Rate
HD = Hit Dice (usually in d8 )
hp = hit points each
THAC0 = To Hit Armor Class of 0 (Zero)
#AT = Number of Attacks
Dmg = Damage per attack
SA = Special Attacks
SD = Special Defense
SW = Special Weakness (if applicable)
MR = Magic Resistance
SZ = Size
ML = Morale (Followed by the number)
Int = Intelligence (Followed by the number)
AL = Alignment
XP = Experience Point Value.
BNS = Bonus Spells

Notes = Any special information about the creature (can be cut out to save space. I've seen evidence of it used and not utilized).

SA = After base statblock, this often lists all the special abilities the creature may have.

Spell-like powers = Certain creatures have abilities that function as spells. Some creatures have very long lists that can clog up the main statbock and are usually listed below.

Spells = Displayed as Mage Spells or Cleric Spells (sometimes Bard, Ranger, Paladin, Druid). Halaster has noted that bolding the spell level between spells proves much easier on the eyes.

Psionics Summary = A basic layout of disiplines, sciences, devotions, Psionic Strength, and Total Psionic Strength Points used to power individual psionic powers:

Att = Psionic Attack Modes
Def = Psionic Defense modes

Player Option Psionics:
Dis = Disciplines
Sci = Sciences
Dev = Devotions
PSPs = Psionic Strength Points
PS = Power Score
Att = Psionic Attack Forms
Def = Psionic Defense Forms
#AT = Number of Psionic Attacks Possible
MTHAC0 = Mental To Hit Armor Class of 0 (Zero)
MAC = Mental Armor Class

EW = Ego Whip
II = Id Insinuation
MT = Mind Thrust
PB = Psionic Blast
PsC = Psychic Crush
IF = Intellect Fortress
MB = Mental Barrier
MBk = Mind Blank
TS = Though Shield
TW = Tower of Iron Will

Clairsentient Powers
psychokinetic Powers
Psychometabolic Powers
Psychoportive Powers
Telepathic Powers
Metapsionic Powers

Score or Power Score = Power score (usually based on an attribute minus a specific amount. Many creatures have scores that equal their intelligence).

Example Setups:

NPCs Main:
Name, race/sex class/level: AC (note); MV; hp; THAC0 (note); #AT; Dmg (note); SA; SD; MR; SZ; ML();
AL; XP (each).
S, D, C, I, W, Ch
Special Equipment:
Mage Spells or Spellbook (//////// BNS: ): (1st): ; (2nd): ; (3rd): ; (4th): ; (5th): ; (6th): ; (7th): ; (8th): ; (9th): .
Priest Spells (//////): (1st): ; (2nd): ; (3rd): ; (4th): ; (5th): ; (6th): ; (7th): .
Major Spheres: (For Specialty Priests)
Minor Spheres: (For Specialty Priests)
Thief abilities: PP ; OL ; F/RT ; MS ; HS ; DN ; CW ; RL .
Bard abilities: CW ; DN ; PP ; RL .
Ranger Abilities: HS ; MS .
Druid Abilities: .

Monster: AC ; MV ; HD ; hp ; THAC0; #AT ; Dmg (); SA ; SZ H (); ML (); Int ();
AL ; XP .
Mage Spells or Spellbook (//////// BNS: ): (1st): ; (2nd): ; (3rd): ; (4th): ; (5th): ; (6th): ; (7th): ; (8th): ; (9th): .
Priest Spells (//////): (1st): ; (2nd): ; (3rd): ; (4th): ; (5th): ; (6th): ; (7th): .

Monster (#AP): AC ; MV ; HD ; hp each; THAC0 ; #AT ; Dmg ; SA ;
SD ; SW ; MR ; SZ ; ML (); Int (); AL ; XP .

Demons (#APP): AC ; MV ; HD ; hp ; THAC0: ; #AT ; Dmg: (); SA ; SD ; MR: ; SZ (); ML ; Int ; AL ; XP .
Spell-like powers:
Mage Spells or Spellbook (//////// BNS: ): (1st): ; (2nd): ; (3rd): ; (4th): ; (5th): ; (6th): ; (7th): ; (8th): ; (9th): .
Priest Spells (//////): (1st): ; (2nd): ; (3rd): ; (4th): ; (5th): ; (6th): ; (7th): .Thief abilities: PP ; OL ; F/RT ; MS ; HS ; DN ; CW ; RL ; Backstab .

Psionic Summary: Dis #/Sci #/Dev #; PS #; PSPs #
Att: ??; Def: ??
Player's Option: #AT #; MTHAC0 #; MAC #.
Clairsentience: Sciences. ??; Devotions. ??.
Psychokinesis: Sciences. ??; Devotions. ??.
Psychometabolism: Sciences. ??; Devotions. ??.
Psychoportive: Sciences. ??; Devotions. ??.
Telepathic: Sciences. ??; Devotions. ??.
Metapsionic: Sciences. ??; Devotion. ??.

Psionic Wild Talent: Name, PS #; PSPs #
Player's Option: #AT #; MTHAC0 #; MAC #

EDIT AGAIN --- making some more notes that I seriously need to edit. I have noticed in many of the later products that xp was assigned to NPCs. Something worth considering for my own projects. Personality is a nice touch but not necessary. The same could go for proficiencies unless some adventure is really using them to solve puzzles. Anyway:

EDIT YET AGAIN --- Hmmm..... what to do.....? Quick Note: I noticed all experience point values in the statblocks were capital "XP" and not lower-case "xp." Hal might want to take a quick look at that in the ROU boxed set as it is consistent.

FINAL EDIT ---- Moved stuff around and finalized idea. Hey Hal, what do you think? I took these statblock formats from various sources and pieced them together. Obviously not all encounters need the whole kitten-kaboodle but I put it out there anyway. Did I miss anything?
Last edited by McDeath on Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:35 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Algolei »

:| Deity, not Diety.
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Post by McDeath »

Fixed. I'm not sure how many if any psionic creatures will be in FROU but the reference is there for any project.
At the edge of madness, he will show no sadness
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Post by Algolei »

McDeath wrote:Fixed.
Only until the next time my nephew writes it down somewhere....

And he's been mispronouncing "paladin" for at least 15 years, too. He makes it rhyme with Aladdin!

Algolei -- I used to weep for the next generation; now I weep because of it.
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Post by McDeath »

Hmm... "The Adventures of Paladin (puh ladd in) and the Holy Knight" :P
At the edge of madness, he will show no sadness
Never broken, he'll be back for more
Proven under fire, over trench and wire
No fear of death, he's unshakeable
Forged for the war, he's unbreakable
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