New info about characters appearing in RoUIII

Public discussion of the extensive development of new levels in the Ruins of Undermountain.

Moderator: Thorn Blackstone

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Halaster Blackcloak
Lord of Undermountain
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New info about characters appearing in RoUIII

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Anyone here who is familiar with Ruins of Undermountain will surely remember the dreaded Nadrun's Doors that appeared on the Dungeon Dressing Cards that came with the original box set. :twisted:

Well, of course we're doing another dozen doors for this release. But...

I also decided to include a lab/workshop where Nadrun creates these doors, and more info about him. It's gonna be a lot of fun! Oh sweet Orcus, just wait till you see the room he has and what's in it! :twisted:

I've been reading through the original box set, incorporating tiny details and tributes to things that appeared there. For example, some NPCs that were suggested or mentioned (but not detailed) will appear in this release. Keys found there that work "elsewhere in the dungeon" may find use in this release.

So I think this is going to be not only faithful to the original, but connected organically enough to make it an "unofficial official" release, so to speak!

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