First up are the
suits of armor.
Aerewen's armors.
The adventuring band known as the holy might’s right hand were all clerics or multi-classed clerics. They delighted in using their combined holy strength to wreck havoc amongst undead and evil beings. As such the following 10 suits of armor were made: 3 suits of plate mail, 2 suits of banded mail, 3 suits of chain mail and 2 suits of field plate. All of the suits barr the latter 2 field plates, were sized for humans or elves. The field plate suits were made for the 2 dwarves in the band.
Each suit of armor has a pair of shoulder plates adorned with the holy symbol of it's wearer, allowing him to forgo the need to hold one out for turning undead and for spell casting. It also substitutes for holy water where needed in spell casting. Lastly, those wearing it gain the following saving throws against undead energy drain attacks;
Wights - 14 or above
Wraiths - 16 or above
Spectres - 18 or above
Vampires - 19 or above.
XP 15000 GP 7500
Breastplate of the champion.
This normal but awe inspiring breast (and back) plate of armor used by a gladiator who wowed the crowds for more than a decade as the resident champion. His 'master' and stable decided to make this armor to celebrate his success and was awarded to him, with much fan fair after he won his 200th consecutive match. He proudly wore the armor for 3 years, even after he was released, after the city got taken over. He succumbed to poison several months later while adventuring and the armor has languished in dust since.. waiting, praying for a new master to make it shine.
The armor is intelligent, and loves to be worn by someone skilled, but not just at killing. But by one who can draw out that death, and make others cheer. it gives several powers. The first is that the wearer can make one "precise" shot a day. He does this by spending 2 rounds parrying his attacker, watching for a sign of weakness in his defense. Then the next round, he willingly goes last. The ONE attack he can make in that round is at a +4 to hit, but gives no damage bonus on the hit himself. IF the to hit roll is a modified 18 or higher, the wound is so precise that it opens a vein or artery causing the person hit, to lose 2 hp per round thereafter until hit with a cure wound spell.
Additionally, once a day for ONE combat, any who see him and are NOT already involved in combat must make a save against spell or be 'awestruck' and stand by, watching his fight (they CAN defend themselves but will not attack back, until they take damage. ANY damage will free them of this ability.
XP and GP value – 2,000xp and 3,500 GP
Armor of Solipsys
These suits of armor, from Chain Mail all the way to Full Plate, were made by the now deceased band of warriors turned mages (with some Elven and half Elven fighter-mages, and a dwarven fighter-cleric). They are all standard sets of +1 armor of the appropriate size and type, but where their magical effect comes into play is that they allow the wearer to put them on or remove them in but ONE round.
XP and GP value is based on armor type
Chain is 650xp and 3,600gp
Banded mail is 750 xp and 4,200gp
Splint is 725xp and 4,100gp
Plate is 850xp and 5,200gp
Field plate is 1,100xp and 6,500gp
and Full plate is 1,600xp and 8,500gp
Plate of Glimmering hope.
This specially made suit of plate mail was commissioned for a Paladin of Helm, in the country of Cormyr before he was to set out with his amassed troops to lay siege to the horde lands during their raids on the Cormyrian people. Since then, an additional 10 suits of armor have been enchanted to be glimmering (7 more plate mail and 3 field plate suits). All the additional suits are +2 magical enchantment bonus to Armor class, and are NOT intelligent. Only the initial suit is.
This glimmering hope power can only be used once a week, and lasts for a whapping 4 hours in mass melee only. It won't function if there's less than 50 participants per side of a conflict.
The power radiates out to 300 yards, as if a holy lantern was shining, cloaking all allies with a Cloak of Bravery effect, granting them +2 to fear based saving throws, and also boosts their morale up to unflinching. Enemies within the radius of the glow suffer a flat to hit penalty based on what range they are from the armor's wearer. Those within 50 to 100 yards attack at a -3 penalty. From 100 to 200 yards, the penalty drops to -2, and from 200 yards onwards, the penalty is just -1. However, Undead creatures, Drow and other creatures that would suffer to hit penalties for fighting in bright light or sunlight, have those penalties above, Doubled.
There are though, two downsides to this power while in use. Firstly, the armor wearer draws all missile fire his way. Secondly he cannot use (or even benefit) from Invisibility effects (whether magical or psionic), nor from illusions that would mask his presence.
The initially made suit for the paladin is intelligent, as the Paladin's own soul inhabits the armor. His intelligence was 16, and his charisma was 18. This combined with his 11th level gave him a total 'personality rating of 45. Though even if he is more potent that the wearer, he will not take over unless in a life or death situation. Due to his alignment, the armor's properties wont work for neutral good or chaotic good, other than the lighting effect (no morale bonuses, though the dark elf/other light phobic critters will still be hampered). If a non good neutral dons the armor they take D10 points of damage, and must make a save against spell or become feeble minded for 1d8 hours. Evils take 3d10 hp of damage and get no save against the feeble mind. Once they come too, they must remove the armor within 1 turn or start taking continual damage of 1d6/3d6 per 2 rounds worn.
XP/GP; 2500/5000
Hide armor of Healing.
These suits of +1 hide armor (or rarely +2 suits), are often worn by barbarian tribes, who live on the southern islands off the coast of Kaloom. Each day, the suits, can After the first damage is taken by the wearer, cast One cure light wound, and one cure moderate wound spell. The damage taken, before the spell(s) kick in, must be sufficient that the spell at maximum, can take care of it all.. If say only 4hp of damage was taken by a wearer, the CLW will not kick in, it must be 8hp or greater.
Due to how these suits of armor were crafted, they are always aligned to the gods of the tribes for the barbarians, so anyone NOT a barbarian, but of the same alignment, takes 4hp of damage merely for donning it, and d4 damage per round it's kept on. Where as if its worn by someone not a barbarian, AND OF A DIFFERENT alignment, its 8hp initially, and d8 per round! Even those who are barbarians, if they are of a different tribe/religion, they still take 2hp/d2hp of damage.
75% of the suits will be +1, 25% will be +2 (roll 1d20, on a 16 to 20, its a +2 suit).
Xp 2,000, Gp, 1,000 for the +1 suit. 3,000xp and 1,500 gp for the +2 suit.
Bear Hide of Toughness (+1 and +2 versions)
Bear hides of toughness act as +1 (or +2) set of hide armor, but they reduce all damage taken by 2. This reduction cannot reduce the damage to lower than 1 + specialization bonus (if any), Strength bonus (if any) and/or magical bonuses (if any, such as being under a chant spell). So if a bugbear of 17 str and wielding a spear +1 who's also under a friendly shaman's Prayer influence is strking the wearer of this suit of armor, he can do no less than 1 + 1(str) + 1( Spear) +1 (prayer) = 4 points of damage.
XP 2,800, GP 1,400.