Life draining psionic power..

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Citizen of Undermountain
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Life draining psionic power..

Post by garhkal »

As per the Psi handbook, there is this psychometabolic power called Life draining.

How do YOU see it working (in how does the visual of it look like to others)..

Here's its write up from the hb.
With this devotion, a psionicist can drain hit points from another character, and can use them to recover his own, much like a mage using the spell Vampiric touch. This transfer occurs at the rate of 1d6 points a round.
The character can absorb up to 10hp more than his full healthy total would normally allow, but these bonus hit points last only one hour (or until taken as damage). After that, if any still remain, the excess vanish.
NOTE: Use of this power, is NOT considered a Good act. Neutral characters, can use it sparingly.
Power score: The transfer of hit points occur at the rate of 1d20 a round.
20: The psionicist gets a backfire, and transfers half HIS remaining hit points to the target, in a full reversal of the power.
As for those who are neutral, could they use it on captured prisoners, to 'heal your group' up?
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Re: Life draining psionic power..

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Not sure I have an idea on this. I never used psionics in AD&D. To me, that belonged in Gamma World.
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