D&D "Safe words/Trigger guides"?

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D&D "Safe words/Trigger guides"?

Post by garhkal »

What the fuck. I just saw this in my feed on youtube, about the new dnd books having pages for players to fill out of their 'trigger warnings' or things that are hardlines that they demand the dm not include and the like.

HOW FAR has D&D fallen if its catering to this woke shit.

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Re: D&D "Safe words/Trigger guides"?

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

I swear to god, if I ever had a player invoke an "emergency snowflake break" (LMAO! I love how he called it that!), I would -without warning and without saying a fucking word - turn around and punch him in the face as hard as Mike Tyson in a title match. Not a word. Just POW! :roll:
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Re: D&D "Safe words/Trigger guides"?

Post by McDeath »

What type of D&D are they playing F.A.T.A.L. or something. Some really deep S&M, Book of Erotic Fantasy, Lamentations of the Flame Princess?

Safe words? Ok...
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Re: D&D "Safe words/Trigger guides"?

Post by garhkal »

Just watched a vid someone was ranting about a game he saw in a store, where this one chick ( based on the vid i'd NEVER EVER call her a woman let alone a lady) demanded that all the male players, make their characters gay, OTHERWISE THEY ARE BIGOTS and should immediately leave her presence.

Another vid had a gal player demanding that a male player "LOVE HER CHARACTER" otherwise he's a sexist...

WHAT THE FUCK has invaded our game?!
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Re: D&D "Safe words/Trigger guides"?

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Anyone (man or woman) who insists that other people's characters have to be gay deserves to be punched in the face. HARD!
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Re: D&D "Safe words/Trigger guides"?

Post by garhkal »

Worse, is it seems to always (from the videos i've seen OR stories i've heard of) COME FROM female gamers.. Which might make players SHUN GOOD Players just because they ARE female..
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Re: D&D "Safe words/Trigger guides"?

Post by McDeath »

Honestly, 5e gives me a bloody headache. They might say it isn't as saturated as 3e but that's not what I see esp from Kickstarter and drivethru, DM's Guild, etc. Yeah, core WOTC D&D (5e+) might not be laden as thick but third party.... zoiks!

And I see some of these vids too talking about romances and other shit constantly. BG3 the pc/console fame sure as fuck didn't help this with gay sex, bear sex, and other shit. Ugh!

If these people wanna be fags or w/e then go get a room and rp your degeneracy in private. Why would you want to game like this? Esp when its a table full of dudes or whacko chicks?
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Re: D&D "Safe words/Trigger guides"?

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

I tried playing 5E with an old friend as a favor and literally could not stomach it. It's a stupid-ass, emasculated and yet power-obsessed version of the game. It never felt like D&D and I quit playing pretty quickly.
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