The Emasculation of 3rd Edition

Discussion of OOP 1st & 2nd Edition products and rules, ie TSR AD&D material.

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Post by jeffx »

Minstrel wrote: So yes, 3.x sucks. I'm not going to equivocate on that point.
Fair enough. In my limited exposure to 3.X (been a player, never DMed), I even agree to a point. I prefer 2nd Edition.
I do think it's an unimaginative, cold, hollow game, devoid of the common bond of archetype and most of the games of 3.x I've seen fit that mold. Should I pretend I haven't?
Archetype.....I know if I comment on this the hounds of flame war will be on me in moments. I don't have a flame retardant suit with me at the moment.

While playing in the group I am currently a playing in, they do all the "bad" things with the system. These are smart, well educated people. All of us are well versed on classics and other things. Despite all that they level in A to have access to feat/skill B. I hate the game sessions. It has almost none of the gaming experience that I like. It is so bad I am about to remove myself from the game. At the same time, while I sit there and try not to kill myself, I think about how feats can be used to benefit the game, even help in role-playing aspects. There is nothing that makes it unimaginative, cold or hollow except the players. I feel their game style comes from being war and board gamers. That is what they like so that is what they bring to the table.

With all the talk of bad groups and bad players people have seen. Do you think giving them 2E books would change anything? If you have no imagination, the game rules are not going to help.
Blackmote wrote: Look, there's some now! *points at Doirche, Shacia, Evil Eli, Zherbus, and jeffx*
Gafaw! I think I was just called a banana! To arms! :)
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

I don't have much time to post right now, because I'm in the middle of getting everyone organized for the big concert and I have a 2.5 hr drive to get there. But I did want to jump in real quick to make a few points.

First, Shacia, I am truly sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. Please don't think that I consider you a bliss bunny or anything of the sort. There are always exceptions to the rule. That's why I put these disclaimers into my original post:

Before I get into this rant, let me be clear...I am not ripping on anyone for their choice of game edition. I don't fault someone just because they play a game or edition I don't like. I am referring to the game itself, the edition, the effect on the game instituted by WOTC. [snip] I'm not criticizing 3E gamers or even power gamers, I'm eviscerating the mentality that went into the development of 3E, and the attitude the game espouses by the very existence (or rather non-existence) of its rules.
I don't look down on people simply because they play or make use of 3E. Varl makes use of 3E material. Zherbus played it I believe. James (our old site admin) played it exclusively. I don't consider any of them idiots for playing or using it, and likewise I don't think poorly of you for playing it. James would still be working on the BIP Project, in fact, even though he's a purely 3E gamer, except that he has a new job and a new marriage and he wasd pulling 60+ hour work weeks. He just doesn't have any free time.

I always chuckle when someone posts something about vein-throbbing foreheads as Varl points out, because I know that's precisely how it sounds when some of my posts are read. But I should set up my webcam and let people watch as I write these things. I'm usually munching on chocolate and chuckling to myself. It's all in good fun.

But there are still the facts to deal with. It is true that WOTC emasculated the game. There's no doubt about it. In fact WOTC has publicly admitted (both officially and unofficially) to much of what I have said criticizing the game (while at the same time, of course, spinning things to claim those changes were good things :roll: ).

When the 3E game first came out, and I was posting over at WOTC, the bulk of 3E gamers there literally sneered down their noses at the "grognards" (they used the term in a derogatory sense) who had stuck with earlier editions. They invaded the OOP forums and constantly incited flame wars because they were so pathetic that they couldn't handle the fact that many people simply didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a new edition that, in our eyes, sucked.

And it is true that virtually all the 3E gamers I have met online (again, not every one of them, but almost all of them) have been nitwits. And almost every one of them (again, not every single one) has been very dishonest, negative, and condescending towards players of OOP editions. Rude, obnoxious, ignorant, and stupid are the 4 words that always pop into my head when recalling any discussions I've had with most of them (but again, not all of them).

I think the problem is partly society being so screwed up. WOTC is admittedly dumbing down the game in order to appeal to the great masses. And the problem is that our society no longer encourages intelligence, honestly, education, knowledge, etc.

As I always say, generalizations are generalizations because generally they're true. People over time have come to misunderstand generalizations and what they are. Here's a definition:
Generalization is a foundational element of logic and human reasoning. Generalization posits the existence of a domain or set of elements, as well as one or more common characteristics shared by those elements. As such, it is the essential basis of all valid deductive inference. The process of verification is necessary to determine whether a generalization holds true for any given situation.
It's not a bad thing as most people consider it. Same thing with stereotypes. Stereotypes have a strong basis in truth. It's not like people get up one morning and arbitrarily say "Hey, I think all _______ are _____." People form biases, stereotypes, and use generalizations due to repeated exposure to experiences that verify their perceptions. Sometimes they don't examine these things further or they erroneously believe them to be universal laws. They're not. They're just trends. Things that hold true in many or most cases.

Anyway, I didn't want you to think that you're unwelcome here or to feel bad or anything. And again, I'm sorry if what I said made you feel that way. I definitely did not intend that and I apologize. I'm just relating my experiences with 3E people in general.

Finally, to address what Blackmote said about upsetting players in general, I don't really worry about that. The core audience of BIP are people who by default do not like 3E. It's all about making material for those who prefer OOP editions over 3E. So criticizing 3E isn't really going against what we're doing. It's actually the very reason we're doing it.

Well, more later. I gotta get to the concert. Hopefully I get to hang out with the band again after the concert. :wink:
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Post by Varl »

I just wanted to comment on Halaster's thoughts regarding how 4e is becoming more and more disconnected from the tabletop in relation to its Digital Initiative movement. I just watched this
video, and I think it exemplifies pretty well the overall direction WotC is wanting to take the game.

That being said, you all know I'm into this projector style gaming/mapping phenomenon lately. Well, you know, after seeing what's possible in this video, I have to admit it has me somewhat intrigued. Mind you, none of the character creation, rules integrations, or any of the MMO-like crap, but the actual mapping tools it has. If I can get that to work locally on my laptop, and not be as buggy as the program I'm using now, and allow me to import my own custom maps, I can't say I wouldn't full embrace it because I probably would!

I'm at least going to check it out and see if it can replace the buggy program I'm using now. Worst comes to worse, and I'll keep using what I have.
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Post by Zherbus »

Zherbus played it I believe
Whoa whoa whoa... I've given it a few chances. Saying I "played" it makes it sound like I was actively engaged in such nonsense.
Do you think giving them 2E books would change anything?
No, they've already tasted 3e and what it brings. It's very difficult to take someone who is predisposed to a style of gaming and then suddenly taking away the over the top crap.

Again, these are generalizations. There are always exceptions to the rule and to be fair, let me point out that I know quite a few 3.x gamers who started with 3e and had a blast playing 1e and 2e. But those gamers didn't really get *in* to the power-gaming nonsense in 3.x anyway, so there was never a 'style' to get away from.

Take the average high-school kid (WotC's main target audience) who only knows 3.x, has grown used to the 'freedom' of the rules, the number crunching their "builds" to eek out bonuses, and the style pre-disposed to (because playing just an elf is for n00bs) winged-horned-and-scaled half-goat, half-"fey" characters. Knock them 'down' to something comparitively simple as a Level 3/3 Elven Fighter/Thief (with no feats, extra 'bloodlines') and see how quickly they run back to 3.x.

You don't need me to convince you of the stylings of 3.x, just puruse the WotC forums.
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Post by Mira »

Varl wrote:I just wanted to comment on Halaster's thoughts regarding how 4e is becoming more and more disconnected from the tabletop in relation to its Digital Initiative movement. I just watched this
video, and I think it exemplifies pretty well the overall direction WotC is wanting to take the game.
Well, at least the mapping tool is free. If you can scale it, it'll probably work for you based on what I saw in there. Of course I find it telling that it's on an MMO review show. With their D&D Insider tools, they hope to hook people into paying the monthly fee that is required to use them.

I hope they do make it simpler than 3E, but I'm not holding my breath.

Mira (There's nothing more frightening than ignorance in action)
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Post by jeffx »

Varl wrote:I just wanted to comment on Halaster's thoughts regarding how 4e is becoming more and more disconnected from the tabletop in relation to its Digital Initiative movement. I just watched this
video, and I think it exemplifies pretty well the overall direction WotC is wanting to take the game.
I just watch that video. I have mixed thoughts on the virtual table top. I am really excited to check it out but don't think I will be able to. See I run Linux and won't change my OS for this product. Okay, maybe for a week or two.

I laughed at the beginning of the video. There was comment about how some people may not know their roots. Then mentioned 3.0 and 3.5. Teehee. Makes me wish I had some Gimp skills. I would make a t-shirt with the old 1E players handbook on the front with know your roots in text underneath. Then on the back a plug for the Back in Print Project.
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Post by Minstrel »

jeffx wrote: I laughed at the beginning of the video. There was comment about how some people may not know their roots. Then mentioned 3.0 and 3.5. Teehee. Makes me wish I had some Gimp skills. I would make a t-shirt with the old 1E players handbook on the front with know your roots in text underneath. Then on the back a plug for the Back in Print Project.
Gotta watch me that video now.

And I'd pay for that shirt!
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Post by Zherbus »


I just watched that video. Every time that company makes a move, they piss on the good name of D&D. Inching ever closer to just being an MMO.
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Post by Minstrel »

Varl wrote:I just wanted to comment on Halaster's thoughts regarding how 4e is becoming more and more disconnected from the tabletop in relation to its Digital Initiative movement. I just watched this
video, and I think it exemplifies pretty well the overall direction WotC is wanting to take the game.
"We no longer think that a battle is one monster against a party of adventurers. We now think that it is a party of monsters against a party of adventurers"

Wow, we've been doing that all along, I hadn't realized what an advanced game we had been playing all those years!

I think the whole virtual tabletop thing will be nice to have (to the extent that it's used as a mapping tool, and a medium to do audio chat games with said tool), so long as some effort's made to use it to bring more gamers together around a real tabletop. Until I've got holograms of my buddies sitting around the table with me though, I can't really think of anything over teh intraweb as truly "social".

EDIT: added the part in ()'s for clarity. Zherbus' point about it turning into an MMO is well taken. The minute it goes from being a map of where your character is to doing all the dice rolls for you, maybe showing some neat animations or more, it's crossed a line from being a tool facilitating an rpg to a borderline online game itself.
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Post by Minstrel »

It's interesting that the guy pretty well admits that D&D 4 RC1 (or is it still in beta?) is borrowing strongly from the video games that evolved from games based on AD&D.

Hearing people talk about a tabletop rpg with terms like controllers and tanks and such makes my dice weep.
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Post by Mira »

jeffx wrote:Makes me wish I had some Gimp skills. I would make a t-shirt with the old 1E players handbook on the front with know your roots in text underneath. Then on the back a plug for the Back in Print Project.
What all would you need to do that? To me, that sounds quite easy to do in Gimp, but taking it from an image to a T-Shirt is the part I don't know how to do. I use Gimp all the time for manipulating images, it's really not that difficult. Something like that would just need a scan of the 1E PHB, then you use the text tool to add some text to it. (click on the 'T', then click where you want the text to be and start typing)

Mira (Latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the world's population)
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Post by jeffx »

Mira wrote: What all would you need to do that? To me, that sounds quite easy to do in Gimp, but taking it from an image to a T-Shirt is the part I don't know how to do. I use Gimp all the time for manipulating images, it's really not that difficult. Something like that would just need a scan of the 1E PHB, then you use the text tool to add some text to it. (click on the 'T', then click where you want the text to be and start typing)
The way I envision it isn't just a scan of the PHB. The image would only be the demon statue and possibly the two thieves. The text "Know Your Roots" would be in the font that Advanced Dungeons and Dragons is written in. Assuming you could find the font it probably isn't all that hard.

I know people who do silk screening. I don't know if they can do the full color but they certainly make a nice shirt. If not, there are tons of options for printing t-shirts. Some make more money than others.

I don't have much time this weekend but it might be something I can whip up next week.

Post by Doirche »

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Post by Zherbus »

I like the more subtle approach where it's just the art (or portion of the art) and the same font that says know your roots. It allows closet geeks like myself to wear it in public without being utterly embarassed.

Post by Doirche »

Zherbus wrote:I like the more subtle approach where it's just the art (or portion of the art) and the same font that says know your roots. It allows closet geeks like myself to wear it in public without being utterly embarassed.
Sorry, was just something I whipped up in a few mins after reading this thread.
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Post by Minstrel »

Nice! I would wear that with pride to a local game shop just to hear the 3e crowd snicker in their insecurity (if they even recognized it!).
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Post by Zherbus »

Doirche wrote:
Zherbus wrote:I like the more subtle approach where it's just the art (or portion of the art) and the same font that says know your roots. It allows closet geeks like myself to wear it in public without being utterly embarassed.
Sorry, was just something I whipped up in a few mins after reading this thread.
No need to apologize, just stating a preference. What's that font from?
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

I'd wear it! Hell, I'd have worn it to the Hanson concert! :D
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Post by Evil Eli »

I have purposley stayed out of this thread for a reason. I have come to the conclusion a while ago that arguing the merit and flaws of various editions of D&D was a waste of time. I just ran out of piss and vingear about the subject.

It is just a game in the end that people will come together and play. We play what we want and how we like to play. People might say we are foolish for wanting to play "out-dated" or "OOP" games. I just laugh and smile and roll my D20.

[Way OF Topic] However Halaster....

Halaster, I dare you to read Darwyne Cook's New Frontier or The Spirit and tell me it makes you want to puke. Most comic fans, New & Old, are in agreement that some of the best comics are coming out now since before the 90's boom. I have been reading and collecting since the mid 80's. I admit it is not all good but there is some good stuff. It might not be the Silver Age stuff that you like.

Some of the things I have read and wowed me.

Ross & Waid's Kingdom Come (DC)
Terry More's Strangers in Paradise (Independent)
Greg Rucka's Queen & Country (Indpendent)
Jeff Smith's Bone (Indie)
Kirkman's Walking Dead and Invincible
Jeph Loeb's Long Halloween or Dark Victory (DC)

Brubaker current run on Captain America is amazing. Geoff Johns has taken Green Lantern and turned it into one of DC best comici. JMS's Thor should be right up your alley.(Deep Norse Mythology)

Marvel has taken there little used Sci-fi characters and let real Sci-Fi writers write some of the best Cosmic Comics since Starlin. Annilahtion and Annilhation: Conquest are fanatstic reads. Nova who was once considered a cheap copy of Green Lanter has become one of the most popular Marvel cosmic hero since Silver Surfer. Star Lord ranks up there also.

I will stop now, I need my medicine

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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

I've seen Kingdom Come and from what I paged through in the store, I thought it sucked. Even if I did find something good, I would ignore it. Why? For two reasons. One, I refuse to support the companies that corrupted and destroyed the comics I once loved. And two, there's simply a whole lot more important stuff for me to get from the Silver and Bronze Ages, which is far better than anything I can see them doing now. Priorities and all that. :wink:
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Varl wrote:
That being said, you all know I'm into this projector style gaming/mapping phenomenon lately. Well, you know, after seeing what's possible in this video, I have to admit it has me somewhat intrigued. Mind you, none of the character creation, rules integrations, or any of the MMO-like crap, but the actual mapping tools it has. If I can get that to work locally on my laptop, and not be as buggy as the program I'm using now, and allow me to import my own custom maps, I can't say I wouldn't full embrace it because I probably would!
I know what you're saying! I liked the projector idea. I also liked the idea of the drag & drop dungeon maker. From what little I saw, it seemed a hell of a lot easier than Campaign Cartographer! :shock:

But the character dressing and all that video game terminology sucked. The mapping tools might be worth using, but 4E as a whole I can already see will be on my list of "sucks as bad as 3E if not worse" list. :twisted:
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Zherbus wrote:
Whoa whoa whoa... I've given it a few chances. Saying I "played" it makes it sound like I was actively engaged in such nonsense.

Sorry Zherbus! Didn't want to give that impression! Ok, Zherbus "dipped his toe in the water" and said "screw that!", just like I did. :wink:
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Jeffx wrote:
With all the talk of bad groups and bad players people have seen. Do you think giving them 2E books would change anything? If you have no imagination, the game rules are not going to help.
The ones I'm talking about? Hell no. Most of them claim to have read/played 2E, but arguments with them have exposed the truth...that they didn't understand most of what they read. They were usually completely wrong when trying to state rules from the books, they were confused when I tried to explain it to them (even speaking slowly and using baby words), and they refused to admit they were wrong no matter how many facts were thrown at them to prove they were wrong. Below is a cut and paste from where I summarized (in a slightly humorous way) the entire 12 page debate in a single page. This is almost literally how the "debate" went.


"You can have a paladin/assassin in AD&D."

"You can't have a paladin/assassin in AD&D. Paladins must be lawful good, assassins must be evil. You cannot be both evil and lawful good at the same time. 1E explains it clearly. It's a logical impossibility."

"Yes you can, because how do we know that all assassins are evil or that all assassinations are evil? What if they're done in a neutral manner?"

"You can't have a paladin assassin in 1E AD&D. The rules clearly define assassins as uniformly evil, and assassinations are defined as taking intelligent life for monetary gain, which is the antithesis of weal and thus by default evil acts.

"Well, ok, you can't have a Paladin/Assassin, but you can have a Paladin assassin, which is just a paladin who commits assassinations! He's not an assassin class, just an assassin in name. Yeah, that's it!"

"No, you cannot have a paladin who commits assassinations in 1E AD&D because by definition assassinations are evil and an assassin is by definition an evil person who commits assassinations. If a paladin commits an evil act he is not a paladin. You cannot have a paladin/assassin in 1E AD&D."

"Fine, but you can have a paladin/assassin in 2E AD&D! So there!"

"No, you cannot have a paladin/assassin in 2E AD&D either. The paladin would still lose his alignment even if you consider assassination a neutral act, as he would be performing neutral acts and would thus lose his LG alignment due to alignment drift and would therefore no longer be a paladin. Besides, assassins are not even a PC class in 2E AD&D."

"Well, all that doesn't matter. I still insist you can have paladin/assassins in 2E because there's this kit, and this kit claims that you can be a paladin/assassin in 2E."

"While the other assassin kit in 2E specifically bars paladins from taking it. Either way, whether you consider assassinations to be chaotic, good, or neutral acts, the rules specifically state that they are neither lawful nor good acts. Therefore, a paladin who commits chaotic, neutral, or evil acts will lose his LG alignment and can not be a paladin any longer. You cannot be a paladin/assassin in 2E AD&D."

"[Stomps foot in frustration] Well, fine, but you can can have an assassin who becomes LG and then becomes a paladin and thus keeps his assassin skills and therefore is a paladin/assassin. So there! [Sticks out tongue]"

"No, you cannot become a paladin if you've been an assassin because the stink of evil would prevent you from becoming a paragon of goodness and law. Thats' the archetype as Gary Gygax designed it."

"That's just your opinion! That's not what Gary said! Where did Gary say that?"

"I'll ask him."

"Well fine. We'll just wait to see what Gary says. But you can still use some of your old assassin skills in a - you know - kinda role playing aspect? Without the mechanics? Or use some of the more neutral mechanics maybe?"

"No, because he would still suffer alignment drift for performing acts contrary to his alignment and thus would lose LG status along with paladin status. And by the way, Gary spoke. He said that assassins cannot become paladins. That's not within the spirit of the game. Here is the link to where he said so in his own words."

"Well who the hell does Gary think he is to question how I run my game? I never liked him anyway because he bashed 3E and therefore he bashed me personally!"

"It doesn't matter what you think of Gary, he has ruled on the matter, case closed."

"I don't care about what Gary says. What does he know anyway? We're discussing 2E now, not 1E, so his opinion is worthless. Now, assuming you allow a thoroughly evil, dirty, scummy chaotic assassin to have an epiphany and become lawful good, then become a paladin, and assuming you consider assassinations to be neutral acts because we are dealing with 2E and therefore they can be neutral, then it is possible to be a paladin/assassin because one neutral act will not change a paladin's status from LG right?"

"Perhaps, but that's still not a true dual class because a dual classed character can use either class as often he likes without losing one class as a penalty for using the other. What you have is a time bomb. If he engages in 'neutral' assassinations, then he is going to lose his paladin status pretty early on. The very concept is so absurd that even by warping the intent of the creator of the game, ignoring the archetypes the game is based on, using broken and poorly written kit rules, assuming nearly impossible qualifications as far as ability scores, and re-defining assassinations as neutral as opposed to evil, and defying common sense while bending the core rules of 2E AD&D, you have a dual class that cannot maintain its dual class status, which defeats both the purpose and intent of dual class rules in 2E AD&D."

"Yeah, but if he can do it just once, then he is a paladin assassin! See, I was right after all!"

And yes, that's how stupid their arguments were. It became abundantly clear very early on that, despite their claims of having played the game for 10 years and knowing the rules inside out, they in fact did not understand the rules, they were demonstrably wrong on almost every point, they were ignorant of the reasons for those rules of which they had such poor understanding, and they did not understand the concept of archetypes. I had a better understanding of the rules when I was in 6th grade, and the people I was debating were all adults. Go figure. :roll:

They just wanted to be able to have their cake and eat it too. And when I explained how they cannot have their cake and eat it too, as it was not within the rules to do so, they warped and twisted and contorted the rules day after day, trying in vain to twist them in order to allow such an absurd "class combo". And to the very end they failed. They weren't interested in understanding the concept of the game, the intent of the creator of the game, the rules as written, or the logic behind it all. All they wanted was to be right. And they were wrong.

Such is most of society these days, I'm afraid. :evil:
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Post by adidamps2 »

Halaster Blackcloak wrote:Jeffx wrote:
Assassins don't necessarily need to be evil. I don't mean from a rules point of view.
They most certainly DO! :shock: As Gary so eloquently states in the 1E PHB:

"Assassins are evil in alignment (perforce, as the killing of humans and other intelligent life forms for the purpose of profit is basically held to be the antithesis of weal)."
So what are your thoughts on Coke and Coke Zero? I'm afraid to mention how I feel. I might get castrated.

Coke? It's poison. And I mean that literally.

It was bad enough when it was loaded with sugar. Now they load it with high fructose corn syrup. Your liver metabolizes it differently than sugar, and it raises your blood sugar levels higher and for longer than sugar. It causes insulin resistance. This is one reason why we have a diabetic (Type II) pandemic going on. Sodas went from sugar to high fructose corn syrup and drink sizes went from 8 oz to 44 oz! :shock: HFCS converts to fat faster than any other type of sugar.

The high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) depletes minerals from your bones because your body must cannibalize them from somewhere in order to compensate for the lack of minerals in the HFCS. HFCS causes a general increase in both total cholesterol and LDL. It raises your triglyceride levels. HFCS also increases lactic acid levels in the blood, which leads to al sorts of complicated acidotioc conditions including cancer. It's converted to fatty acids by the liver much faster than glucose (sugar).

HFCS increases calcium in the urine, which, along with the acid of the soda, increases the risk of kidney stones. It depletes the body of minerals, especially iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. HFCS causes accelerated oxidative damage of the cells, and affects the cross-linking of the collagen of the skin.

HFCS is so difficult to digest that it robs ATP from the liver, resulting in decreased energy in the cells. It depletes copper, which leads to weak bones, anemia, defects of connective tissue, etc.

And that's just what's bad with the HFCS! What about the carbonation? The carbon dioxide (carbonation) turns to carbonic acid in the stomach, which acidifies the body and greatly amplifies the loss of minerals (especially calcium), which causes weakening of bone. Dentists sure love it though...all those dental caries (cavities) earn them lots of money. And then they get to put toxic mercury fillings in your teeth! With all that acidity from the corn syrup and the carbonic acid, your body becomes acidic (it takes 32 8oz glasses of neutral pH7.0 water to neutralize one can of Coke!). That's two gallons of water to neutralize the acid of one 8oz can of coke! Cancer can only grow in an acidic environment...a doctor won a Nobel Prize for proving this. So it encourages cancer growth by acidifying the body.

Of course, the artificial colors and preservatives suck too. Coke Zero? Those artificial sweeteners are even worse than the HFCS in some ways. It's all garbage.

So, using the definition of "food" as anything that nourishes the body and "poison" as anything that destroys or kills the body, Coke is a poison, not a food. Don't even get me started on pasteurized/homogenized milk! :wink: :lol:
This isn't a comics forum so I'll only make this one comment. If all all you can point at is crossovers and events you are reading the wrong comics. I won't defend the "Civil Wars" and "52" style books. They are indefensible. I also wouldn't judge all comics on those type of titles either.
Oh, I'm not judging them on those titles only, believe me. I cannot pick up a comic off the stands these days without retching and tasting my own bile. It seems to get worse and worse the more I see or hear about it.
this board just made my top 10 favorite boards with that statement alone! not only do I get my RPG/D&D fix, but it appeares my fix for nutrition discussion is aslo available's like being in heaven, but not dead! simply AWESOME! :D

BTW this is my 1st post here

Post by Doirche »

Zherbus wrote:
Doirche wrote:
Zherbus wrote:I like the more subtle approach where it's just the art (or portion of the art) and the same font that says know your roots. It allows closet geeks like myself to wear it in public without being utterly embarassed.
Sorry, was just something I whipped up in a few mins after reading this thread.
No need to apologize, just stating a preference. What's that font from?
The font is called Rosewood and is the closest I could come to the original "old-style" D&D font (which is called Quentin EF btw)

Check out THIS PAGE for more Dungeons and Dragons related fonts. Sorry no download links, just a reference sheet.

Sorry, didn't mean to take this off topic 8)
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