Some Spells :)
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:15 am
These were all used in our longest running AD&D game.
Corona's Spell Shield
Level: 4
Range: 3”
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 3 segments
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 3” x 3” wall
Explanation/Description:This spell creates a magical curtain which inhibits spells passing through from the outside. All spells which do not cause damage have no effect on the spell caster and/or beings protected by the shield IF the shield makes a saving throw as the caster with +2 on the die, but disregarding all magical protections. If the shield fails, normal saving throws still apply. The shield continues to function whether it successfully saves or not. Against damage causing spells the shield can absorb the same amount of damage as the spell caster could when fresh. Saving throws are applicable to the damage. However, if the shield takes more damage than it can absorb, it collapses and the caster takes the excess damage without any saving throw. The shield may be dispelled at any time by the caster. Spells can be cast through the shield from the inside. The wall can take any form desired as long as it remains a wall. The wall cannot be seen. The spell shield allows saving throws against spells which normally have none.
Corona's Scry Trap
Level: 5
Range: Touch
Duration: 6 turns/level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1'/level radius (+special)
Explanation/Description:This spell creates a detection network which senses detection, divination and scrying type spells and warns the caster of their presence. The spell sensed is immediately identified to the person detecting it. The material component for this spell is a small ornate mirror of no less than 5,000 gold in value which must be specially prepared to accept the spell. The detection web radiates from this mirror which is not consumed in the casting of the spell. Detection/Location spells will register as a blue glow from the mirror, Clairvoyance, ESP, crystal balls and related spells will be locked onto and a 2-way channel will be formed which (except for ESP or possibly Telepathy) will not be obvious to the intruding individual unless the mage makes it so. With a command word, the spell can form a forced lock which locks a channel to the spy, along which can be cast certain offensive spells. The channel lasts for 1 round and during that round time is suspended for the spy (so that no time lapse will be noted). Against visual spells like Clairvoyance or a crystal ball, Phantasmal Force and like spells may be used to fool the spy, or a Light spell may be thrown through the channel causing the spy to save at -4 or be blinded, though either way, the spy's spell is broken. Against listening spells such as Clairaudience, an Audible Glamour or similar spell may be used to fool the spy or may be thrown along the channel to deafen the spy if a save (at -4) is not met and break the spy's spell in the process. ESP cannot be fooled, however a Confusion or Forget spell (also saved against at -4 in addition to any other penalties) can be deadly against it! The Forget spell can cause total amnesia in the spy if not saved against. Detection and location spells will be misdirected if the same spell is thrown back through the channel. All the personal effects are permanent until taken care of by a Heal, Restoration, Dispel Magic or in the case of blindness, Cure Blindness. The spell moves with the mirror, but if the caster moves outside of the detection web, the spell is broken,
Magic Door
Level: 7
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 day/level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special
Explanation/Description:This spell enchants a door handle so that when it is turned, the creature grasping the handle will be Dimension Doored to another location. The handle may either be part of a real door or it may be a fake door. The spell may only act as a Dimension Door two times per level of the caster, after which time it is dispelled. The destination cannot involve arriving inside a solid object. If the creature would take damage when it arrives or if the spell is used in any offensive manner, the creature is allowed a saving throw against the spell.
Time Slip
Level: 3
Range: 0
Duration: Special
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Caster
Explanation/Description:Except for level, this spell functions about the same as the Clerical spell Withdraw. While this spell is in effect, the caster gets 1 round of action for every segment of real time (up to 1 segment per level maximum) The caster may not engage in any actions other than casting spells of an informational or defensive nature, reading, thinking or similar type actions. Defensive spells such as Globe of Invulnerability which can affect others but are primarily centered on the caster are allowed, but spell such as Spell Shield, although similar in nature, will break the Time Slip as they are not primarily centered on the caster. Thus spells such as Protection from Normal Missiles, Fire Shield, Duo-Dimension and the like can be cast without breaking the spell, but Teleports, Wall spells and such, which are defensive, but involve movement or are not centered on the caster, will break it. Spells which can affect things later such as Fly or Spider Climb ARE permitted provided that no movement actually occurs until the Time Slip has ended. For purposes of duration, each segment spent in the Time Slip counts as 1 round for spells cast earlier. (Example: a Shield spell was cast, then Time Slip. Segment 1 we cast Fire Shield, Segment 2 we cast Protection from Normal Missiles, Segment 3 we cast Globe of Invulnerability, Segment 4 we cast Fireball, which breaks the Time Slip. On Segment 5 (outside the Time Slip), the Shield has been up for 1 round (before Time Slip was cast) plus 4 rounds while we were in the Time Slip. The Fire Shield has been up 3 rounds (the casting round doesn't count) and the other spells are likewise affected.)
Corona's Spell Shield
Level: 4
Range: 3”
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 3 segments
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 3” x 3” wall
Explanation/Description:This spell creates a magical curtain which inhibits spells passing through from the outside. All spells which do not cause damage have no effect on the spell caster and/or beings protected by the shield IF the shield makes a saving throw as the caster with +2 on the die, but disregarding all magical protections. If the shield fails, normal saving throws still apply. The shield continues to function whether it successfully saves or not. Against damage causing spells the shield can absorb the same amount of damage as the spell caster could when fresh. Saving throws are applicable to the damage. However, if the shield takes more damage than it can absorb, it collapses and the caster takes the excess damage without any saving throw. The shield may be dispelled at any time by the caster. Spells can be cast through the shield from the inside. The wall can take any form desired as long as it remains a wall. The wall cannot be seen. The spell shield allows saving throws against spells which normally have none.
Corona's Scry Trap
Level: 5
Range: Touch
Duration: 6 turns/level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1'/level radius (+special)
Explanation/Description:This spell creates a detection network which senses detection, divination and scrying type spells and warns the caster of their presence. The spell sensed is immediately identified to the person detecting it. The material component for this spell is a small ornate mirror of no less than 5,000 gold in value which must be specially prepared to accept the spell. The detection web radiates from this mirror which is not consumed in the casting of the spell. Detection/Location spells will register as a blue glow from the mirror, Clairvoyance, ESP, crystal balls and related spells will be locked onto and a 2-way channel will be formed which (except for ESP or possibly Telepathy) will not be obvious to the intruding individual unless the mage makes it so. With a command word, the spell can form a forced lock which locks a channel to the spy, along which can be cast certain offensive spells. The channel lasts for 1 round and during that round time is suspended for the spy (so that no time lapse will be noted). Against visual spells like Clairvoyance or a crystal ball, Phantasmal Force and like spells may be used to fool the spy, or a Light spell may be thrown through the channel causing the spy to save at -4 or be blinded, though either way, the spy's spell is broken. Against listening spells such as Clairaudience, an Audible Glamour or similar spell may be used to fool the spy or may be thrown along the channel to deafen the spy if a save (at -4) is not met and break the spy's spell in the process. ESP cannot be fooled, however a Confusion or Forget spell (also saved against at -4 in addition to any other penalties) can be deadly against it! The Forget spell can cause total amnesia in the spy if not saved against. Detection and location spells will be misdirected if the same spell is thrown back through the channel. All the personal effects are permanent until taken care of by a Heal, Restoration, Dispel Magic or in the case of blindness, Cure Blindness. The spell moves with the mirror, but if the caster moves outside of the detection web, the spell is broken,
Magic Door
Level: 7
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 day/level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special
Explanation/Description:This spell enchants a door handle so that when it is turned, the creature grasping the handle will be Dimension Doored to another location. The handle may either be part of a real door or it may be a fake door. The spell may only act as a Dimension Door two times per level of the caster, after which time it is dispelled. The destination cannot involve arriving inside a solid object. If the creature would take damage when it arrives or if the spell is used in any offensive manner, the creature is allowed a saving throw against the spell.
Time Slip
Level: 3
Range: 0
Duration: Special
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Caster
Explanation/Description:Except for level, this spell functions about the same as the Clerical spell Withdraw. While this spell is in effect, the caster gets 1 round of action for every segment of real time (up to 1 segment per level maximum) The caster may not engage in any actions other than casting spells of an informational or defensive nature, reading, thinking or similar type actions. Defensive spells such as Globe of Invulnerability which can affect others but are primarily centered on the caster are allowed, but spell such as Spell Shield, although similar in nature, will break the Time Slip as they are not primarily centered on the caster. Thus spells such as Protection from Normal Missiles, Fire Shield, Duo-Dimension and the like can be cast without breaking the spell, but Teleports, Wall spells and such, which are defensive, but involve movement or are not centered on the caster, will break it. Spells which can affect things later such as Fly or Spider Climb ARE permitted provided that no movement actually occurs until the Time Slip has ended. For purposes of duration, each segment spent in the Time Slip counts as 1 round for spells cast earlier. (Example: a Shield spell was cast, then Time Slip. Segment 1 we cast Fire Shield, Segment 2 we cast Protection from Normal Missiles, Segment 3 we cast Globe of Invulnerability, Segment 4 we cast Fireball, which breaks the Time Slip. On Segment 5 (outside the Time Slip), the Shield has been up for 1 round (before Time Slip was cast) plus 4 rounds while we were in the Time Slip. The Fire Shield has been up 3 rounds (the casting round doesn't count) and the other spells are likewise affected.)