Character Class
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:21 am
Character Class – Bandit/Buccaneer
This class combines the fighting potential of a fighter with the stealth of a thief and the defensive capabilities of a monk. Characters of this class may use any weapon available to fighters and they attack on the fighter table. Their thieving abilities include: Open Locks, Find/Remove Traps, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Hear Noise and Climb Walls. They operate as thieves 2 levels below their bandit/buccaneer level. Dexterity adjustments do apply to these abilities. Characters of this class save as thieves and their saves operate as do a monk’s save; ie a character which saves against a fireball or like spell takes NO damage. All members of this class are also 25% magic resistant (see Monster Manual for details). All this seems to make an extremely powerful character, however, there are restrictions. Members of this class may not wear armor or carry a shield. Most magic items, including magical protection devices are not usable by them. Magical weapons CAN be used and certain magic items (like an elven cloak or boots) and some potions (like healing or longevity) can be used. Basicly, any item that is blatantly magical is not usable. No ring, wand, staff or rod can be used. They tend to be very suspicious of arcane magic and the practioners of such, though clerical magic which is restricted to healing spells is generally accepted. In combat, strength bonuses (or penalties) do apply. No percentile roll is given for an 18 strength. They can dodge/knock aside missles as a monk does. Their armor class goes up with level, similar to that of a monk, and dexterity bonuses DO apply. Thieves cant may be taken as one of their extra languages. Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence must be above 9 to qualify for the class, and only humans may take it.
Bandit/Buccaneer Table
(well, I tried to make it line up )
We only had one character of this class, and were never really sure if it would work outside of our group, it probably wouldn't be too hard to abuse it if you don't play the magic-suspicion properly. Later, the barbarian came along and seemed to play on the idea better. Still, I put this up to see what others think
This class combines the fighting potential of a fighter with the stealth of a thief and the defensive capabilities of a monk. Characters of this class may use any weapon available to fighters and they attack on the fighter table. Their thieving abilities include: Open Locks, Find/Remove Traps, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Hear Noise and Climb Walls. They operate as thieves 2 levels below their bandit/buccaneer level. Dexterity adjustments do apply to these abilities. Characters of this class save as thieves and their saves operate as do a monk’s save; ie a character which saves against a fireball or like spell takes NO damage. All members of this class are also 25% magic resistant (see Monster Manual for details). All this seems to make an extremely powerful character, however, there are restrictions. Members of this class may not wear armor or carry a shield. Most magic items, including magical protection devices are not usable by them. Magical weapons CAN be used and certain magic items (like an elven cloak or boots) and some potions (like healing or longevity) can be used. Basicly, any item that is blatantly magical is not usable. No ring, wand, staff or rod can be used. They tend to be very suspicious of arcane magic and the practioners of such, though clerical magic which is restricted to healing spells is generally accepted. In combat, strength bonuses (or penalties) do apply. No percentile roll is given for an 18 strength. They can dodge/knock aside missles as a monk does. Their armor class goes up with level, similar to that of a monk, and dexterity bonuses DO apply. Thieves cant may be taken as one of their extra languages. Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence must be above 9 to qualify for the class, and only humans may take it.
Bandit/Buccaneer Table
Code: Select all
Experience Points Level Effective AC 10-sided Hit Dice
0- 2,000 1 10 1
2,001- 4,000 2 9 2
4,001- 8,000 3 8 3
8,001- 16,000 4 7 4
16,001- 32,000 5 6 5
32,001- 64,000 6 5 6
64,001-105,000 7 4 7
105,001-200,000 8 3 8
200,001-400,000 9 2 9
400,000-625,000 10 1 9+3
625,001-900,000 11 0* 9+6
225,000 experience points/level for each additional level beyond 11th level. Bandits/Buccaneers gain 3 HP/level after 9th.
*maximum AC not counting dex
Level Attacks per round
1- 4 1/1
5- 8 3/2
9-12 2/1
13-16 5/2
17+ 3/1
We only had one character of this class, and were never really sure if it would work outside of our group, it probably wouldn't be too hard to abuse it if you don't play the magic-suspicion properly. Later, the barbarian came along and seemed to play on the idea better. Still, I put this up to see what others think