Happy Independence Day!

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Happy Independence Day!

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Happy Independence Day!

Well, it is for those of us in the USA! :wink:

Of course, it's almost become a day of mourning...


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Post by McDeath »

Can't see how they'd get 1776 wrong or independence from England wrong. Sheesh. Yeah, if you forget you're not going to probably get the founding fathers in their entirely but Jesse Ventura? WTF... that's just retarded people would believe that and NOT point it out.
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Post by Mira »

Wow. I know education has been dumbed down, but that is really disturbing. I'd be willing to bet that most illegal aliens know that stuff, and there's people living here that don't? That's very sad. #@

Mira (Lottery: A no return tax.............for you)
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Post by McDeath »

My only reply to this suckage... of peoples brains is maybe they'd remember it better with more modern day theme song:

[press play on tape er ... video] *Note youtube isn't working in forums so separate page for video to play music, then follow the bouncing carnage...

Come Back for More

"Fiver-Finger Death Punch" - "Back For More"

Let's get it on!

It's time to get in the game,
You gotta fight 'til it hurts and then you do it again

Let's tear it up!
I'm staying straight to the core, ain't no room for second place, go big or go home!


It's dog eat dog

Man versus beast

The strong will survive

I've got no time for the weak

It's time to rise up, man up, get back up, never been and won't be broken
Dust off and then come back for more

You've gotta reach down, dig deep, and break ground,
Show them all you won't be beaten

Brush it off and then come back for more!
Come back for more


It's do or die!
Time to settle the score, gotta give it all you got and then you give it some more

There will be blood!!
You've gotta fight 'til you break, talk a lot of trash now step up to the plate


Refuse to give in

Ashes to dust

Make 'em remember your name

'cause in yourself you can trust

It's time to rise up, man up, get back up, never been and won't be broken
Dust off and then come back for more

You've gotta reach down, dig deep, and break ground,
Show them all you won't be beaten

Brush it off and then come back for more!
Come back for more



It's time to rise up, man up, get back up, never been and won't be broken
Dust off and then come back for more

You've gotta reach down, dig deep, and break ground,
Show them all you won't be beaten

Brush it off and then come back for more
Come back for more


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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Y'all need to watch the rest of Mark Dice's interviews. You'll die. You'll just drop your jaw and freak.

In one, he asks if we should rebuild the Sears Tower in New Jersey after the Decepticons destroyed it. I shit you not!


In another he asks people if they're going to PRESIDENT John F. Kennedy's funeral after the car accident that killed him a few days ago (claiming he is the current president). It's mind-numbing how ignorant so many people are. Again, I'm not making it up:


Here he asks if people agree with the fact that we nuked China last week. Seriously.


And really, you need to strap yourself to a chair for this one...he asks the zombies whether they believe that if we had more gun control that Lee Harvey Oswald would not have shot and killed Jesus. No shit. I can't make up stuff this crazy!


It really gets to me on Memorial Day, when I have to lecture the zombies about how Memorial Day is not Barbecue Day and how it is not celebrated, but rather it is observed. Such a huge difference!

And if you want to laugh until you're ready to puke, watch the videos where he goes after the shopping zombies on Thanksgiving, reading poems over a bullhorn about the shoppers standing in line to buy tvs and ipads instead of spending it with family. Oh god, the poems are so funny you won't be able to breathe!

"Look at the zombies buying things they don't need and can't afford with money they don't have so they can bury their heads in their technology and further dissociate from society!"




It's worth watching again and again! :lol:

I forget which one it is, but he has a rhyme that's hysterical!

Found it! God this has me laughing till my spleen is about to burst!

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Post by McDeath »

I guess I got a verbal reprimand on DF for talking about the open fact that the new Iron Man takeover (a black woman in a transformer looking suit) is political. Same with ghostbusters, etc.

Well, I'm sorry for the obvious but its fucking true. I didn't bring politics into it. it was just a hiddden agenda using this feminizing men and shit in comics, media, etc. Women in combat in the USA, the open gay shit, a usa military commander of the army who runs the army (either homosexual or I think they said Transgender). Every show has the token GAY. It MUST be pointed out to assimilate the society that GAY is OK.

I don't care to hear about it. I honestly don't care to see token muslim, token black, token "indian" (when they mean tribal of the "americas'), token hispanic, token oriental, ETC. Everyone gets a particiipation award to feel good about themselves. If they're in it then they're in it... but DON'T go waaaay out of thine way to point it out and make that statement like some proud achievement of victory. I don't care.

Sorry fucking world. It's run by MAMMON (greed) and the agenda is CONTROL over all. Eventually, the flood gates of the raw amount of human lives on this world will overflow to the pure crippling of the planet.

We don't control our waste, we destroy resources, we cram humans everywhere for the basic structure of society: BORN, GROW, WORK, REPLICATE, WORK, DIE! - Begin human cycle again. During this its all control and getting more and more controlled to take away every fucking freedom you have.

The world was built on conquest, no where is there a place in the world that wasn't conquested as long as mankind was there. Some is far more brutal and longer lasting than others.

The more I look into the why anything exists I always get pointed to a GOD of some sort. So, idea look at that and think, WHY THE FUCK! Try and try as I might to bury my mind into deviations from what is and just live in a fantasy world of some sort I see the raw truth of humanity. Whether there is a god or not its just control.

POPS - Pyramid of Political Stucture encompasses the perceived ruling political infrastructures of the world which include the "spiritual" religions. You could say illuminati shit but its all just man ruled by a scant few at teh top of the pyramid and down to the base which is the slave-men. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE! They care about the PROFITS and POWER to Control. Plain and simple.

This campaign, set up. I'll vote for trump even if he speaks like an idiot and has the demeanor of an ass-clown. He's rash, and frankly, I believe if he gets in there will probably be a full-scale nuclear war. If hillary gets in its more of the same but more intense as she's proven she hates the military and this country. Eh, I'm probably wrong. Everything is a OK. Yeah, nothing wrong with the world. Its just changing.... right... for the good of all mankind....

.....like I give a fuck since I'll be dead in the future.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »


You gotta tip-toe on egg shells on DF, otherwise one of the smarmy-ass moderators will post some passive aggressive whiny shit in public and then send you nasty messages in private. Unless you're on the exempt list, in which case you can say anything and flame anyone and remain unbanned. It's quite a strange place. The silliness and bullshit there even managed to drive off Frank Mentzer!


Yeah, I hate when they change characters for political purposes. Thoress? Please. Why not just give Sif her own comic? I've also noticed that they only ever change characters from white to black. Never anything else. Kingpin? White to black.Nick Fury? White to black. Hiemdal? White to black. And that one made less sense than anything! You never see an originally white character played by an Asian or Hispanic, nor a black character played by a white or Asian or Hispanic actor. It's very strange.

When I complain about this (mainly on movie forums), hyper-liberal idiots usually pipe in to whine and play the race card, calling me racist. That doesn't bother me, so I just slap the virtual shit out of them. I'd hate to see the Black Panther played by a white guy or an Asian guy. I'd hate to see Shang Chi played by a white guy or a black guy. I'd hate to see the White Tiger played by a non-Hispanic guy. Just stick to the damned comics, how hard is that? :roll:
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

McDeath, were you at DF way back many years ago when Clangador created a separate site called The Green Dragon Inn? He did it as an experiment back when the Bunker Buddies (Axe Mental, Gene Weigel, Black Prince of Muncie, etc) were having their numerous wars with me (and losing each time). Clangador set it up to allow flame wars and fighting. So Traveler and I joined, and I created two obvious sock puppet accounts, one called The Vizier (who ran Halaster's School for Recalcitrant Bunker Buddies or some such thing - I think we shortened it to simply "The Academy") and another called Halaster's Apprentice.

Well, the Bunker Buddies started their usual gang bang shit, only they didn't have Steve and the other whiny mods at DF to delete my posts and threaten me. :roll: So I gave them back ten times the shit they brought on. They whined and whined about Halaster's Apprentice and The Vizier being sock puppet accounts (duh!) - "Look, see, it's the same stuff being posted, and sometimes one account answers to the other's name - he's using sock puppet accounts, damn it!" - and they seemed to be the only ones who missed the joke. Traveler and I would be on the phone laughing our asses off while the Bunker Buddies frantically tried to fight against the negative karma points we gave them (the silliest function I've ever seen on a forum) and desperately tried to put me down.

God, they lost their minds! They scoured the internet trying to find posts by me from defunct Dejanews groups and what not. When they couldn't shut me up, they whined to Clangador, who said sorry guys, this is a site that does not moderate users. So they spammed DF and got bitched out by Steve for bringing their bullshit over there. Then when they finally realized they could not make me back down and had no moderator/admin to cover their asses, they whined to phpBB or the people running the server (the ISP) or something, and Clangador had to shut it down.

That's par for the course with people like that.

But god was it hysterical! I remember those days so well! Laughing my ass off until I literally could not catch my breath! Traveler and I would be on the phone long distance for hours saying nothing intelligible, just laughing our asses off at the comedy. I think my spleen is scarred from those hysterics! Of course, I then went to K&K Alehouse and spammed the shit out of their site. I still have screen caps somewhere, of the forum topic lists. God damn, it was insanely funny!

The beauty of it was that they truly and honestly thought they got me angry. They pictured me stabbing the keys until my fingers bruised from the effort, sitting red faced and sweating and cursing under my breath as I typed. They insisted I'd suffer a heart attack, and wished it on me! Which only made it all the more hysterical, as the only threat to my health would have been hyperventilation from laughing so hard and for so long, or perhaps even a ruptured spleen from the force of the laughter.

Ah, the good old days! LOL! I gotta find the posts from that site. Maybe the Way Back Time Machine has them filed somewhere.
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Post by McDeath »

There are a lot of on/off activity with me and DF. I only found the site by looking for monsters (their first tome of monsters). I've noticed a lot of people have disappeared. I'm usually quiet about politics and religion but my current situation, and the news and way of the world kind of prompted my rage. And others have posted that the OP must've knew that it would end up at least partially political.

It is! Its in your face and is. I don't buy comics now so its kind of meh. Hell, I really don't care to go to movies as I'll fall asleep or be vastly disappointed. And hell, there's netflix and DVDs or w/e without the annoying audience and unlimited watching. The brain doesn't need a massive screen to imprint the memory. In school I recall being at horrible angles or distances from teh screen and remembering the movies perfectly well (old school documentaries on nature, history, etc.).

I recall mini TVs also and games and the images seem fine in memory (if not better than when I see them now....).

Yeah, I knew better. Oh well, people shouldn't get their panties in a bunch. Yeah Arabic is a language but Xenophobic.. NO.
1. I'm not afraid.
2. Xeno is foreign or alien.

Also found in: Medical.

xeno- or xen-
1. Stranger; foreigner: xenophobia.
2. Strange; foreign; different: xenolith.
[New Latin, from Greek, from xenos, stranger; see ghos-ti- in Indo-European roots.]

or before a vowel
combining form
indicating something strange, different, or foreign: xenogamy.
[from Greek xenos strange]

a combining form meaning “foreign,” “strange”: xenolith.
[comb. form of Greek xénos]

I always thought perhaps with intent on aggression or danger but maybe not.
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Post by McDeath »

I recall Traveller and others. I think I even remember reference to the site. Fuzziness.....
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

It was quite the trip, let me tell you! :lol:
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Post by McDeath »

Well, I've been banned several times from this "magic" forum. Its one of those spiritual sites where everyone things they are REAL magi or sorcerers in life. You know, from Voudou, to Thelema, to Goetia, to djin, evocation, invocation, demonolatry, etc etc.

Eh, some of those people have a real thin skin and put the ban hammer down or its just a bigotry on some people. I go to those sites for idea at times as its a great place to mine stuff. I'd never buy the books, hoo doo crap, and talismans, bowls, etc. Shit, old Solomon magic would cost you easily some 60k in USA currency. Hell with that.

They didn't like my negativity which is odd... you'd think they could read me or the fact I keep getting an account there. Apparently they're all full of shit. I've had the same sort of line with Christians some 3-4 years ago. That one I got sucked into badly but I let it. I purposely put my mental barriers to brainwash mode. It didn't last long. Nothing destroys brainwashing faster than telling me I'm wrong and putting me down continually for various ideas and belief.

But you're also looking at someone who's been banned from his homeland too (odd terminology since I'm from the USA but the land I tended and cats I loved are now blocked to me). I will probably rage at my Dad forever. He's a vile evil being IMHO and my Mum has turned into a lesser him and lies now as well or simply forgets.

I just can't say I've had a good year at all. I was so happy that day with my cats giving them so much attention, and planning on some gardening. Its still a shock every time I look at it. I can't help but shake my head.

Ah well, today I went to good will and fond an old hand dumb bell. I've manage to use my creativity and make another curl weight with it. Its not as good as the prototype I developed in Oregon since I don't have a metal sleeve (used some cottage cheese plastic container and duct tape), but it works for now. I'll figure some adjustments later.

Also bought sleeping bag (need to wash it), some Charlie Sheen looking shirts (you know the type he wore on the TV show, a Papa John's Cap, and some push up isolators. This good will sucks so I was surprised to get what I did.
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