Ed Greenwood on Twitter......

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Ed Greenwood on Twitter......

Post by McDeath »

Ok, on DF I just saw this in the 2e section. While you could probably ask any question to Ed Greenwood here's the initial thread and post on the topic at DF (yeah yeah I know.. its DF)...

The Secrets of Undermountain - By Ed Greenwood

Forgotten Realms creator Ed Greenwood has generously offered to take questions about his work authoring the 1991 Ruins of Undermountain boxed set. In this thread, I plan to share his replies over Twitter unpacking some of the two decades old secrets of his epic Megadungeon, for ease of reference.



Here the party meets a projection of a 7 ft elf clad in ornate black armor. Who is the elf or who cast this spell and why?

Ed Greenwood
The spell was cast by Halaster, to dissuade explorers of Undermountain from using the stairs. (He wanted them to run into his other traps and monsters, not avoid them.) He intends the stairs to be maintenance access-ways for…

…himself and his apprentices (only). The printed text says the tall elf in black armor is an apparition of “unknown origins” because it’s reflecting what PCs can find out by asking in the Yawning Portal or querying sages or…

…talking with veteran Undermountain delvers. None of whom will have a clue, though there are various concocted explanations floating around.
The truth is that Halaster long ago magically tried to magically coerce a baelnorn…

…(and failed); this is what that ancient undead elf tomb-guardian looked like.
His (few) failures gnaw at the Mad Mage of Undermountain’s mind; he took glee in crafting this apparition to toy with, to make up for his defeat…

…under the spells of the real baelnorn. Who called on the tomb’s magic items to drive off Halaster (who lost because Mystra wanted him to; she used the Weave to covertly aid the baelnorn and diminish Halaster’s spells).
Now, I'm not sure what Ed's Twitter is...

I guess here...

Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse)
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Interesting! So is Greenwood taking questions on Twitter (god I hate twitter worse than facebook, which is a CIA front for its original Life Source spy system - do the research!) and then someone is posting them at DF? Because God forbid the poor man actually joins DF - the idiots there would run him off like every other TSR alumnist! :roll:
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

It is kinda stupid though, I must say, to use twitter to give out so much info. You have to break down every answer into 20 mini-posts. So irritating. Twitter is one of the most idiotic developments in modern technology and its dumbing people down so they can only think in tiny sound-bytes. :roll:
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Post by McDeath »

I rarely use it. Its there just like my uh... fake Facebook account. I think I have 4 or 5 FB accounts that sort of got locked because of one reason or another. Meh. Now I'm Keighn McDonald or something. Can't be McDeath there.
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Post by Tawnos76 »

I gave my dog a facebook account for anytime I needed to use it but never got on twitter.
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