Player Primer to the realms..

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Citizen of Undermountain
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Player Primer to the realms..

Post by garhkal »

Planet's name is Kervasis (pronounced Ker Vase sis), New found continent is Kalomm (pronounced Kal Loom). Continent is roughly 4100 miles east to west with a north to south of 3500 miles. Human / demi-human controlled lands are roughly 400 miles north to south, 300 miles or so east to west. Think North america in size. Human lands control Alabama, Georgia, Florida and South Carolina, with a large mountain range running roughly mid north carolina, through Tennessee, into Kansas, Missouri, Swinging up northward through Nebraska, South and North dacota. Monster lands are to the NORTH of that mountain range!

Main cities:
Capital – Pra'kova (pronounced P-ra Cove A). Ruled by retired paladin, Lord Hai'kon, who is supported in ruling the lands by a trio of councilors. First up is the ranking Magister, a diviner known as Rura (pronounced Roo Ra), a human. Also human is the ranking high priestess of Halea, a female known as Telasa (pronounced Tell As Sa). Lastly is the third council member, who's also human, Jordva (pronounced Jawed Var).
City has 4 trade land routes out, one to north by north-west, heading to elven forest, one to the north by north east, passing through 5 villages en-route up to Ravion (Pronounced Rave Ion). The third is due east towards Vestway (pronounced as it looks), while the last is southerly taking less than 7 hrs of travel to the coastal town of Cenway (Pronounced as it looks).
It also has 2 rivers leading into and 1 out of. 1 comes from the east, from the forest just north of Vestway, while the other spirals in from the elven forest. These combine in the city then head out south-west to the coast, ending at village 1, known as Ozetta.
All good and both neutral gods maintain several temples in the city, and the dwarves have a small shrine to Moradin. No other dwarf god, elf god or human god is worshiped.

Main mining city – Awagorr (Pronounced Awe ag warr though the 2nd w is silent). Ruled by the Dwarf fighter, Gammar (Pronounced game Mar) Holfsteag (Pronounced Hole St egg). 6 other NPCs of note, Meka (pronounced Me Kay), human high priestess of Peoni, the godess of healing (Pronounced Pea on Knee). Zumak (pronounced Zoo Make), a dwarf cleric of Dumathoin (Pronounced Dumb Math on), resident high priest of the temple to Dumathoin in the city. A human high priest, Felvian (Pronounced Fell vee Ain), of the goddess Laranni (pronounced Lare Ran Knee). Adwain (pronounced Add Way Ain) is one of two high mages, also both human, the other is Lo-Tan (pronounced like it's spelled), but only the latter is a guild master in the mage guild. Adwain is just a part time member.
The city has 3 trade routes into/out of, one to the west by north west heads up to Everschul (pronounced Ever Shoo Ill), one to the east along the southern edge of the mountains going to and from a number of mines, and one to the south towards Ravion.

Main fishing center – Porca (pronounced Poor Ka, the K is hard!). Ruled by Lady Dewinder and her brother (Pronounced De Wind Durr), She's a paladin, while he is a ranger. Besides fishing, its main sales are in Scrimshaw artwork). Only has the trade route going west towards Escormian.

Main trade hub – Escormian (pronounced Es Score Me Ian). Central location means most trade caravans come through Has 4 incoming/outgoing routes, one eastward to Porca, one north-west towards Awagorr, one west by south-west towards the village of Isonna (pronounced Eye son Nay) and one to the south towards Dulki (pronounced Dull Ikky). Has the river Teschi (pronounced Tea she) coming through from the north west going out east by south east towards the coast. Travel often goes by land routes, but can also go by river for smaller caravans. Has a number of npc's of note, such as Davis douson (pronounced Dew sun), leader of the mage guild branch here, a human enchanter, and Lord Byron Kelps (pronounced as it looks), a human who runs both the warrior guild and the city itself.

Secondary fishing city – Vestway. Ruled by Tunixia (Pronounced Tu Nice sea), one of only 2 named druids in the realms. Concentrates on ensuring the lake Zumwhal (Pronounced Zoom whale) is not over-fished to where the fish breeds are not exterminated. Has the westward trail towards Pra'kova, a north one towards Dulki, and a north-west one towards the longer but straighter 'village trail' that goes from Pra'kova to Ravion. It also has 4 rivers coming from the lake (all named below).

Main ingress and egress from Kalomm – Cenway. No one rules, as it is too close to Pra'kova to have its own lord. No other NPCs of note, but outside the bay in the ocean is a dragon turtle.

Redlass (pronounced Red Lace), carpentry and forestry is main sources of income/exports. Has only 1 major npc of note, a retired mage, Oeto (pronounced Oh Eh Toe), a human abjurer. Only has western trade route going towards Dulki. Sits on south eastern corner of Tiefwass forest (pronounced thief wa see).

Everschul – More of a watch keep and hub for miners going to and from western mines and mining city of Awagorr. Sits in Kibu reach a massive pass / hole in the mountain range. Has 2nd largest concentration of Peoni clerics in land next to Awagorr (Pronounced Pea On knee). However no major npc's of note live here. Other than the trade route South east to Awagorr, it has none coming in our out, but has a # of trails going westward into the mountains and mines.

Dulki (pronounced Dull Key) – Main way point between Vestway and Escormian. Lord Reingiar, a human fighter acts as mayor, but mostly the trade guilds run the city. No other major npcs make residence. Has the trade route east towards Redlass, the southern one towards Vestway, and the northern one towards Herstead (pronounced Her stead).

Ravion and Mecula (me Chew lay) are trade stops between Escormian and Awagorr, neither have any NPCs of note and both are not that far from the Teschi river. Lastly is Herstead, a way point in between Vestway and Escormian.

Forests in the known lands
The largest and most impressive of the three known forests in the known lands, is that of Teel'c'pa, the Elven nation's homeland. It sprawls over 180 miles north to south, and just under 120 miles east to west, housing almost 10 moderately sized elven communities within its vast bawn. The outer edges of it (roughly 40 miles deep) are light forests, getting thicker as you go further within.
Next up we have the 2nd largest forest, that of Tiefwass, the forest just to the north of the town of Redlass, barely 80 miles from the eastern coastline. It is close in size to that of the Elven woods, almost massing 2/3rds its size (120 by 80 miles in size). Though it has had a solid v chunk carved out of its south-eastern corner cause of lumberjacks that work in the town.
Lastly we have the forest of Delmai forest, sitting roughly 75 miles north by north-west of the coastal city of Porca. As yet, it has not been hit upon, for wood, as there is still a solid 5/7ths to go of the Tiefwass forest. It is roughly 50 miles by 35 miles in size.

Travel times
Most places sit within 4 days ride on a standard horse at standard movement. Cenway and Pra’kova, and Vestway/Dulki are the only ones that break with this. Cenway is barely 7 hours travel from the capital, while Dulki is a full 7 days from Vestway. However some of the villages on the north by north eastern trail leading from Pra'kova going towards Ravion are between 4 and 6 days between one another. For the “known lands” their area is drawn 3 times the actual size, so each big square is 40 miles vice the normal 115.5 miles as it is outside the known lands, and each small square is 4 miles, vice 11.5 miles. This gives a land movement speed of 3 small squares for a standard horse drawn wagon, along a trail (12 miles/day movement).

River names in the settled lands;
Coming south out of the eastern portion of the mountains, we have 2 main rivers. The first is the Junessa river, which goes due south-east towards the coast line. No land trails pass near or over it, however there is a village (V17) that sits on its eastern shore. The other river, the Teschi river, practically parallel's the Escormian to Awagorr land trail, till it passes through Escormian, then heads east by south-east to the coastline, passing several days south of the city of Porca.
Then from lake Zumwhal, we have 4 rivers passing from it, all going to the coast. The most eastern of these is the Habutz river. No land trails pass over or near it. Next comes the south-eastern one, the river Li'davik, which passes through lake Eyon. Village 15, sits off to its east, and has a land marked trail leading to the river, which is then used to take trade up to and back from the city of Vestway. The third river, the Mezeki river, passes by village 5, which due to sitting on it's edge, needs no overland trails to or from it. Lastly we have the Dias river. This close to Pra'kova, heading in a westerly manner, ending on the coast near village 1. However it's name changes to the Hanuus river coming out of the capital heading to the coast.
The Longest river, is the river Hunissr, which starts on the eastern edge of the western mountains, travels south through the elven forest, then on to the capital. Two other rivers come from roughly the same area of the mountains, one splitting of the Hunissr river, roughly even with Awagorr, going towards village 12, then ending roughly 50 miles due south of it. The other river, the Kapaki river, passes through lake Iguwyin, before ending in the elven forest.
For outside the known lands, there are roughly half a dozen coming out of the mountains heading north or north-east towards the coastline, three are known to come off Lake Iness, one of which links to lake Iron, another comes off of lake iron and goes to the southern coast, and there are dozens, suspected in the swamp lands, filling up the south-western corner of the continent, though an outright # is unknown as it has never been explored. No known ones are up in the north-western corner, or in the between lands, from the mountains to lake Iness.

Islands or island chains
In a nook on the south coast, is a large island which is known to be settled by Barbarians (mostly of the evil gods), but as they generally don't bother the settled lands, they are not seen as a threat as yet. There is also a series of 3 islands of the central northern end of the continent, also believed to be settled by barbarians.
Off the east coast, roughly even with the southern edge of the mountains is one lone island, which several adventurers have tried to map out. In recent excursions a dungeon or possible tunnel system is suspected to exist underneath a leaning tower, and under a cathedral that exist on the island.. Bugbears are also known to dwell on the island. Further north from that one, is a series of almost a dozen small 4 to 13 square mile archipelagos, and what occupy them as yet is unknown. Travel to and from takes roughly 5 hours by Knarr.
To the South-east off the eastern edge of the continent is a series of 8 islands ranging from an atol, barely half a mile wide, to a large island almost 60 miles across. A # of humanoid tribes are suspected to live there, but as its almost a 200 mile trek by ocean, the Paladin king does NOT see a need as yet to try and go out and tame them.
So far, there's been NO excursions to tell if there's any other islands off the northern coastline, or any to the west.
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
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