Dusting off the DM Hat. Geez I'm Nervous

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Dusting off the DM Hat. Geez I'm Nervous

Post by jeffx »

It has been years since I have run a game. I think Lincoln was President the last time I rolled a 20-sider as the title of DM. But I am not that good with American History so it could have been James Carville. Anyway, it has been a long time and tomorrow I put the hat back on my head, load all my 2nd Edition books in my car, and drive to be creative. I am nervous. I have performance anxiety.

This all assumes that the game actually takes place. This is the third scheduled meeting and he haven't rolled the first dice yet. So far no one has canceled so that is a good sign. But now I am sitting at work hacking away at an upgrade gone bad. Vendors, those damn vendors, lie! I am praying to Golza that I finish soon or I might be driving from work to the game. I'll smell bad and I'll be tired. I won't cancel.

I may have bitten off a bit much for my grand return to the hat. First, I am running the game in a local gaming store. I have never been a big fan of this but necessity dictates it. Gaming stores are cool just not the most appropriate place to run a game. There are tons of distractions and people watching. Role-playing isn't much of a spectator sport. It imposes a fixed ending time. That can be good and bad. However, I am not none for being a clock watcher. I fear that I will be in the middle of a plot element and get kicked out.

Next, I have a group of players who are virtually strangers. And most of the players don't know each other. I've had lunch with two of my players and they seem great but I don't know if my content will be offensive, too much combat, not enough combat. Worst case scenario, I get a method actor AND a munchkin. First gaming sessions aren't the best time to meet people for the first time.

Finally, and most importantly, I haven't run again in a long time so I am not as fluent in the rules as I would like. Which means I am not as organized as I would like to be. I hate going to the rule books during a game unless some obscure rule comes up. I used to have everything organized in a way that worked. I don't have that anymore. I'll learn it again quickly and future game sessions will be much better. However, this first session may be a bit painful.

So here's to performance anxiety and nerves when starting a new game. Anyone have similar scenarios?

Now, who's ever heard of an installation that installs itself and the deletes everything? Never a boring moment.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Don't be nervous. You'll do fine. Explain to everyone that it's the first real meeting and that you're all going to just sorta feel out how the campaign should go. You might want to consider what I did when I started my latest campaign...do "test run" game, ie just a throw-away game that doesn't "count" for reasons of continuity or game history, just to get a feel for how things work and how everyone interacts. Think of it as either a warm up or foreplay, depending on which way it goes. :lol:

I'd explain to them up front that the first game might be a bit bumpy until everyone gels a bit, and just let them know that you're a bit rusty. It comes back quickly, trust me. Tell them that you want to get a good feel for everyone's play style first so that you can tailor the game to fit everyone's needs and make sure that there's plenty of excitement for everyone (ie some combat for the hack'n'slashers, some mystery for the riddle solvers, some NPC interaction for the rolplayers, etc). When they know and can see that you're working hard to make sure there's something for everyone, they tend to be more tolerant and easier to deal with.

If you're in the gaming store, ask if you can set up a room divider or something between the group and the casual customers so you don't feel so eavesdropped on. Failing that, make sure the DM (you) sit with your back to the crowd (ie the store and customers). It's easier to ignore them if you're not looking at them, or looking at them looking back at you.

A little chamomile tea really does relax the nerves and doesn't leave you drowsy. Avoid valerian because it can make you sleepy. If you can get any oat extract at the health food store, that's marvelous for calming the nerves, and doesn't make you groggy. But it's hard to find at most stores. Kava kava extract is a great relaxer and is totally safe, but I'd get the whole extract, not the standardized form. It will numb your tongue for a few minutes when you first take it (a natural and safe side effect), but that fades quickly. It's perhaps the best thing you can take for that situation. I'd take that over chamomile, since chamomile is so mild. Kava relaxes the tension in the muscles and the nerves as well, so it helps you shed tension on all levels.

Well, that's all I can think of for now.
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Post by jeffx »

Halaster Blackcloak wrote:You might want to consider what I did when I started my latest campaign...do "test run" game, ie just a throw-away game that doesn't "count" for reasons of continuity or game history, just to get a feel for how things work and how everyone interacts.
That's my intention. I will introduce a few of the NPCs and the rest is just a group bonding sort of game.
Failing that, make sure the DM (you) sit with your back to the crowd (ie the store and customers). It's easier to ignore them if you're not looking at them, or looking at them looking back at you.
That's a really good idea. I am trying to imagine the store i my head. There is one room that is private but I think another group has it reserved. I can move tables around and think I will.

What I could do is stop goofing off on message boards and do a little more prep work.
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Post by jeffx »

So my first session back with the DM hat is complete. It was an amazing success. Well, after the THAC0 discussions that is. Had a few concerns early on with one player wanting to play a monk but only remembering monks from 1E or the 3.5 monks. We eventually game to terms. She is now a monk that works for 2E.

You know it is going to be a good group when they start handling a scenario in a way you didn't even consider. They are diplomatically trying to clear a storage center of orcs. They don't want to kill anything. This is just for the first little encounter I set up to get everyone to know each other. It is great!

Another sign it is going to be a good group,...they want more lifelike detail about something. In this instance it is herbs and their healing properties. Time to research.

This has the potential to grow into the best gaming group I have ever run.
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Post by adidamps2 »

jeffx wrote:So my first session back with the DM hat is complete. It was an amazing success. Well, after the THAC0 discussions that is. Had a few concerns early on with one player wanting to play a monk but only remembering monks from 1E or the 3.5 monks. We eventually game to terms. She is now a monk that works for 2E.

You know it is going to be a good group when they start handling a scenario in a way you didn't even consider. They are diplomatically trying to clear a storage center of orcs. They don't want to kill anything.. This is just for the first little encounter I set up to get everyone to know each other. It is great!

Another sign it is going to be a good group,...they want more lifelike detail about something. In this instance it is herbs and their healing properties. Time to research.

This has the potential to grow into the best gaming group I have ever run.
Are they all pacifist's? :lol:
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Post by Minstrel »

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Post by Blackmote »

Jeff, I'm glad you were able to get off to a good start. I feel we had a similar 'good first session' yesterday on the west side as well. It appears the older editions are alive and well in the ATL! 8)

I look forward to reading about more of your sessions. Congratulations!

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Post by jeffx »

Blackmote wrote:Jeff, I'm glad you were able to get off to a good start. I feel we had a similar 'good first session' yesterday on the west side as well. It appears the older editions are alive and well in the ATL! 8)

I look forward to reading about more of your sessions. Congratulations!

Thanks Hoyt. Congrats on your first game session as well. I am also happy that older editions are doing as well as they are. I wish I could have made our session on Saturday but I had to pick one day of the weekend to work.
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Post by jeffx »

adidamps2 wrote:
Are they all pacifist's? :lol:
Sort of. They had a good reason for not attacking. Didn't stop the orcs from starting a fire. Oops, that's three buildings used for marshmallow cooking.
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Post by Varl »

jeffx wrote:Another sign it is going to be a good group,...they want more lifelike detail about something. In this instance it is herbs and their healing properties. Time to research.
Heh. I have an herbalist in my current group too! Small worlds. If you get a chance, do a Google search on Shaun Hately's.....ah hell, I'll get it for you.

http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/by ... index2.htm

Under Guides, there's a herbs zipfile that has Shaun's document in it. It's singly the most impressive herbs document I've ever ran across, and it's the one I use in our current game with a few home mods thrown in. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in adding the use of herbs to their game.
This has the potential to grow into the best gaming group I have ever run.
Excellent! I'm glad you're having a great game, and that's it's using 2e. 8)
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Excellent! Wow, we really are going to consider BIP standing for "Back In Play" as well! :D

I just wrapped up the first new gaming session/adventure in my old Taladas campaign in almost 10 years! I'll post about that on another thread. :wink:
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Post by Beowulf »

It's just like riding a bike, jeffx. You'll be back in the swing of things in no time. 8)
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Post by Sangalor »

Back after over a week away concentrating on university (a study on 3rd/4th C North African Christianity - don't ask unless you really want to know :) ! ) and want to say keep up the good work Jeffx!

I'm in a similar situation - in just under 2 weeks I'm holding my own 1st session 2nd ed FR game and I'm worried about how it will turn out. Anyways, if anyone is interested I might post up some comments after the event.
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Post by Minstrel »

Would love to hear about it. It's good to see tabletop games happening. After being involved in the online gaming community long enough I begin to get the feeling that everyone just plays by post online, or talks about it and that the tabletop game is a dying art.
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Post by Zherbus »

It's just the small population pool in NH, I think. I think if you played with people in New England (I know, it sounds easier than it is to travel all over), then there's more of a pool. NH just sucks for tabletop gaming unless you succumb to the WizBro crap.
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Post by jeffx »

Varl wrote: Heh. I have an herbalist in my current group too! Small worlds. If you get a chance, do a Google search on Shaun Hately's.....ah hell, I'll get it for you.

http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/by ... index2.htm

Under Guides, there's a herbs zipfile that has Shaun's document in it. It's singly the most impressive herbs document I've ever ran across,
Sorry. I just got around to taken a look at that document. That's a pretty good document. Thanks for the link.

I enjoy when my players want something from the game that I don't already know. As long as they don't demand it immediately. It allows me to learn something from the game.

Now I just need to convince them to kill something. :)
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Post by Torctref Spleenkiller »

So Jeffx...any updates to the gaming group?? I'd love to read them.
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