We have art!

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Halaster Blackcloak
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We have art!

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Well, after looking high and low and not being able to find an artist who can do all the art we need, I finally found a professional artist who was willing to work with us and do the art! :D

He's actually excited to be doing it, and he's an AD&D fan. Yes, it's going to cost me about $900 to get art done for a free project. But at this point, my commitment to excellence cannot and will not be compromised. I honestly believe that people are going to two things simultaneously when they see the final product. Shit their pants, and fall on their ass. :shock: :lol:

All the maps are pretty much done (we're tweaking the sub-level as we write it). The sub-level should be done soon, as will Level 8. The art should be ready in the next two months. So we are getting close. Very realistically, knock on wood, we should have this completed and released before the Christmas Season.

It's getting exciting here in the back room! :D

Once we get the first set of final pics back from the artist, I'm gonna post a preview of one of the pieces of art. All the art planned so far will be half-page pieces, and we plan on having at least 25 pieces of art for the main book, plus cover art (full color) plus art for each of the monsters. Hang in there, we're working hard!
The Back In Print Project - Where AD&D Lives Forever!

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Post by Beowulf »

YESSS! :D It's a shame you couldn't find free art but sometimes "free" ends up being pretty expensive! Congrats!
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Post by Tawnos76 »

That is very good news.
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