
Discussion of OOP 1st & 2nd Edition products and rules, ie TSR AD&D material.

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Post by Varl »

Anyone still alive out here? Halaster? You there? This site's been awfully quiet lately.
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Post by tedopon »

Yeah, I am not holding my breath. I came to check in on this forum for the first time in over a year just now. It appears that everyone else is doing the same.
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Post by Mira »

I check it every once in a while, but it's almost never got anything new. It appears to have faded away unfortunately.

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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Yeah, it's been dead. I spent the last year and a half of my life reading an average of 65 pages a night for school, plus tests and homework, on top of 2 jobs. Damn near worked myself to death. But I just graduated a few days ago! WHEW! :D

So now that my work load has been cut in more than half, I'm hoping to get more work done. I've managed to get dribbles in here and there, but nothing substantial. We have a HUGE amount of material done.

Level 7 is done. The sub-level is nearly done. I think I have just a few rooms left. Level 8 is about 3/4ths rough drafted and perhaps 1/4th done. And we're just talking about room descriptions. All the new magic items and spells and monsters are already written down and finalized.

If I learned anything with school/training this past year, it's NEVER QUIT. NEVER. If I'd have quit, I'd have died, literally. It's like the Juggernaut from Marvel Comics - you can slow him down to a crawl, but you simply cannot bring him to a halt.

I considered releasing Level 7 by itself more than a few times over the past year, but I just can't help but look at the big picture...what will it look like when we release the ENTIRE product? Quiet amazing, if I do say so myself.

So I'm going to continue on with this until one of two things happens...we finish it, or I drop dead. There is no third option.

We still have two huge issues...

1. We need artists. We need AN ARTIST. One who has a proper style and who is eager and excited to participate. That's like trying to find a particular grain of sand on the fucking beach, but it's gotta happen.

2. We need a new cartographer who is very good with Illustrator and also eager to throw himself into the work. Again, not easy to find.

The problem is that I've become a one man show. I mean, I have Varl to proof read stuff, but I gotta write and organize and plan and recruit and do maps and everything. I can't do all that. I've said it a thousand times and I'll say it again...if someone can locate an artist and a cartographer (and I mean serious, dedicated, hard working ones), we'll make lots of progress. I'm just hoping somehow someone finds them.
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Post by Tarrax Ironwolf »

I really hate to sound like a broken record, but I still haven't heard anything from you with the description of the rest of the monsters. I check my email daily and the only thing I've been getting there is from Deviant.

Now basing on your previous posts on the site, I figured you were still extremely busy and I didn't want to pester you, so I kept it on a simmer and waited till you were ready to send me the material at your earliest convenience. I really want to participate on this endeavor of yours and would like to expand my range and offer to do the room artwork as well to help out.
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Post by Beowulf »

Hi, guys! I've been in the same boat- just busy with school. But I just got done last week...at least for awhile. I need 10 more credits to get my Bachelor's degree but since I've finished my core requirements they can be any 10. And I won't worry about that til Jan. This will give me more time to hang out here.

Of course, I've noticed there hasn't been much traffic lately. I don't know if the interest in the game is waning, the interest in the site or if it's just a phase. I like BIP so I'm gonna hang in there and see how things go.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Hey everyone!

Seems to me that most AD&D sites are all talked out. Even DF (I took a peek there recently) is pretty much stale. Hard to find new things to talk about I guess, after decades of talking about a game.

I've just been busy with work, wrapping up my last few classes for school, and looking for a new job. And trying to get into the Christmas spirit in a city full of Scrouges and lunatics with no snow. :evil:

Tarrax, please email me. The last email I see in the BIP folder from you is one from Oct. 2011 with a lot of cool art attached. Still interested in having you do more art. I could swear I wrote you about re-doing one piece, there were some changes to be made, etc. but I can't find that one. Hope it didn't get lost in cyberspace.

I still have not given up hope of finishing this project. These past two years I feel like a hamster on one of those wheels...running his ass off and getting nowhere. Except unlike the hamster, I never seem to get a chance to step off the wheel. #@

That prick Doirche caused us a lot of re-working to do. I'm not a fan or re-working. Really.

I am damn near ready to just release Level 7 by itself, if I can get a few pieces of art finished for it, then do Level 8 as I can get to it. It won't have the impact of the entire box set, but perhaps releasing Level 7 alone will generate excitement that will bring in new help for Level 8 and beyond. Of course, once I release Level 7, one of the worthless, spineless, fanatical, emasculated Bunker Buddy cocksuckers at DF will run crying to WOTC in order to try shutting it all down, because they're psychotic like that. Not that it would stop me in any way, but it will definitely scare others away. Still, it might be the best way to go regardless. We'll see.
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Post by McDeath »

I imagine it is because they're either all turning into TwitterFaceDroids or it was because I dropped off the face of the earth from the internet. After my cat died I grew tired of my dialup cutting me off. So I dropped it my cellphone, tv for the most part, and radio. I became the luddite hermit in Oregon.

Now I've come to assist my brother with rent in Columbia Missouri. I don't hold my breath for college of any sort due to my pathetic SSI and social security checks coming to a brad spanking total of $700 a month. I'm still also trying to help my parent back in Oregon from here.

Pity, I feel like a rusty old cog in the shiny modern singularity cyborg world.

PS.. had my back worked on again in 2012... seem when the sciatic (??) nerve gets crushed by an old damage disk it really can bring you to the brink of death. The pain nearly shut down all my organs as I started to starve to death. Thankfully the surgery came through.... Best weight loss ever though.. in about a week I guess I went from 195 to 170 pounds. Sadly I have nerve damage on my left side; mostly my food. Some twitching is also evident I guess.
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Post by Beowulf »

Wow, that sucks! :shock: Hopefully you're feeling better now. It's good to see you back online in any event.

I have high hopes that I may be able to start up a live game again. First off, I started school again but I'm now able to take the last classes I need online. This will be a great boon to me! I won't ever have to be online at any specific time, it will all be on my own schedule. I just have to get stuff in by due dates, not a problem for me as I'm a self-starter.

Secondly, my brother & his GF of seven years broke up. To be honest it's the best thing for both of them. They've just basically been roommates for years, and he'd have dumped her years ago if she wasn't pretty much supporting him. At least now they both have a chance to be happy. He is a big AD&D guy and now that he's free again he'd like to get a group together. We will see!

I think part of the site being a little slow is that the world is going crazy right now. Between the fiscal cliff, a couple of wars and other crap things seem pretty manic in the world. And of course, with the economy people are worried. Lots of people are working two jobs if they can find them, just trying to get by. And in my case, life's been a bit different since my dad died a year & a half ago. When things get bad it seems like our hobbies sometimes get back burnered.

But things are actually going pretty well for me now. Work is fine, school is looking good and my personal life is stabilizing. Hopefully that will translate into some gaming! Especially now that football season is winding down.
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Post by McDeath »

Man, it seems everyone is going back to school. My sister in laws friends here in kansas are going to school, my sis in law is going to school, and even my brother who is still in the military is going to school.

I still see colleges as a huge money suck and a "ponsie scheme" (sp). The job market is going further and further into the toilet sub sewers like in futurarma.

I've heard that if one truly wants to get work they need to have more connectivity and networking. I'd imagine this could be done through face book and such. I'm still a luddite and don't know what the hell i'm doing most of the time.

I suppose it is a good thing I had typing skill from high school (ah the good old days of typwriters, pencils, paper, and "GOOD TEACHERS."
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Post by McDeath »

Halaster still doing well? I hear he's in school a well. I'm on a very fixed income so trying to help out my parents in Oregon and the rent over here in Missouri is stretching the $$ a lot. I only get $700 a month from Social Security/SSI. Rent is over 500 and then there's other costs. Fortunately there is not a whole lot I need in life. Food, water, and I can meditate.

I'm not spending a whole lot of time on the internet. Currently we are at my brother's house in Manhattan Kansas (whome got their asses handed to them by the Oregon ducks - QUACK QUACK QUACK!!!). Next few days or a week I'll be without internet until I decide Century Link or Media com. They both look pricey so I'll have to figure my budget.

I'm wondering if both have a cap on data usage per month. One looks like a measly 150 gigs of data per month (paltry I suppose). CL doesn't say as far as I can tell.
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Post by Beowulf »

I could do okay without school but it's something I promised myself I'd do. It won't take too much longer to get my B.S., then I'll be back at "just work." I'm looking forward to it.

Sounds like things are a bit tight right now. Is the situation something that will improve for you eventually? Things are pretty tough all around for lots of Americans...heck, lots of people everywhere.

At least our OOP AD&D stuff is already paid for! 8)
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Post by McDeath »

Yeah, but all my OOP stuff is back in Oregon. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! #@
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Post by Tawnos76 »

I just finished unpacking all my stuff and am now in Chino, CA
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Post by McDeath »

My parents don't know what its like to have an empty nest. Seems as soon as I left this time stuff started to happen. I think my mom finally decided to take the matters of her broken cell phone in her own hands.

I'm hoping they don't pull some sort of accident stunt like they did about 20 years ago. UGH! I don't know if I'd consider leaving back to Oregon as my brother needs me here to help with the rent on the apartment in Missouri.

I can't help family from two parts of the country. My income is technically below the poverty line ($8400 a year and its from the governement via SSI/Social Security). Me getting a job would probably be suicide in this economy. Like I said, I'm virtually a hermitic luddite when interacting with today's technology. I'm constantly worried about my back (little over 6 months since last surgery and I'd be fucked if it got just as damaged again here in Missouri). Piss poor people skills, hardly a work ethic, and no viable skills to the world.

In essence, I'm a leech on societies pocket book and a collosal waste of space when it comes to business/government/and perhaps even god itself since most Christian beliefs (at least what I hear preached on radio and TV) are worthless and condemned to hell. Well if that's the case I'll just petition to the ol Creator for instanteous dissolution of my essence and any registered knowledge of my creation. Go let it sort out the non-useful particulates of crap.
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Post by Tawnos76 »

I hope things work out better for you soon.
I have been in 4 different states this year looking for a job since being laid0off 7 months ago. At least the Government kept the extended unemployment benefits going as right now it is all I have.
I hate being out of the work but it seems that the average right now nationally is 2-3 years out of work before most are finding a job.
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Post by Beowulf »

I wish you both well. Try to keep a good thought! So long as you're above ground things can get better.

McD- you need a few books to keep you busy? I could certainly send you some 2E stuff. I have extra!
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Post by McDeath »

Nah, I have plenty to do. I like to do some pixel art on the computer. I have manuals I can retype to keep my typing up. I have some emulators I need to work with (assuming they work with win7), I'll be working out more since the apt managers have finally reviewed my credit check, and I do meditate a lot.

Perhaps I shouldn't listen to what Lars larson, Rush Limbaugh, and Glen Beck has to say about "entitlements." But after all they're so successful and know what the average American lives like.

As to books, I do have my pdfs on portable hard drive. Perhaps I just worry about too much stuff.
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Post by Beowulf »

Don't hesitate to ping me if you change your mind. I have plenty of books and stuff, and right now I don't have much time to use them. This semester I have 4 classes, all online, and it's more work than I expected. Not a huge deal, just cuts into my loafing-around time.

What's the prognosis on your back? Feel free to tell me to butt out if it's personal, just curious how it looks long term. Will it get enough better to able to return to work? I only ever had back trouble one time; nothing serious like yours but it was agony! I was lifting and twisting to put away some crates on a top shelf about 15 years ago and felt a CRUNCH! then a POP! and it really hurt. Ended up going to a chiropractor for a month and all was good. While it was bothering me though it was hard work just to breathe! It's hard to imagine living with that long term. No way to "not use" your back!
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Post by Tarrax Ironwolf »

Halaster Blackcloak

I sent you an email from my Gmail with the image update. If the picture needs anything extra, let me know! Plus, if there is anything else you want me to tackle let me know. I'd be glad to do more, both creature and room designs.

UPDATE: And now I know why you never got the updated picture Hal. It turns out that I never sent it, as I found it in my emails drafts folder. I must have been called for something and saved it in draft to send later. *curses his fleeting memory* Sorry about that Hal.
Last edited by Tarrax Ironwolf on Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by McDeath »

Well, my back is stable pretty much. The physical therapist said take it easy and don't lift a lot of weight. Basically when I weight train it is very light weight... nothing over 50 lbs for legs and about 35 for arms. Generally I do a lot of reps with very light weight.

I look at it as if I was working when I lift light weights.. lots of repetition. Since the first surgery I've done lifting exactly by the book when it comes down to anything.. even picking up a penny.

I can't say I really feel any pain these days... just sometimes a nagging odd sensation at times. The mega pain from just before this 2nd surgery has sort of numbed a lot of pain or rather raised my tolerence. I eat hotter/spicier foods now, muscle fatigue doesn't bother me as much, etc.

Gotta say, once you feel pain near death things get easy. The sadistic side is I sort of wish I could turn that old pain on/off at times and have it course through my body so as to raise further pain tolerence. I can't do that so I ain't getting into whips and chains. :P

Meditation. I do love doing that and should be doing it more. Computer sometimes distracts me. Yeah, I can pass the time pretty easy by stretching and meditating looking at a wall or mirror. I also like to soak up sun like a cat.

Weirdness I be at time.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

McDeath, check out a supplement called Super Bio Curcumin from a company called Life Extension. Not at all expensive and very top of the line quality. Reduces swelling and inflammation and does wonders for pain. Far better than drugs and totally safe even in very, very high doses. Glad to hear your back is doing better overall! :)

Tarrax, shame on you! Shame I say!

Just kidding. :wink:

I believe I got that email update. The Black Cube is so hard to illustrate (especially in B&W) because it's so plain. I gotta look at the new version.

I'm still around, just trying to keep sane (relatively speaking :wink: :twisted: ) and keep up with work, the last few school classes, and other projects I have to get to.

What makes it hard is that I so rarely have enough free time, when I'm not dead tired, to actually sit down and do any writing. And then, because it's weeks or months in between, I spend all that free time re-reading and catching up on "where the hell did I leave off last time?" so nothing ends up getting done.

It's so close I can taste it, but those last few steps are always the worst. Now I gotta find a new cartographer, which is like finding a needle in a haystack lately. I just don't even have time to look.

The hardest part of writing is trying to match the level of my inspired earlier work at a time when I'm exhausted, burned out, and depressed. The world is falling apart, this country is headed for a nasty fall, and I'm sitting back watching the masses fiddle while Rome burns, so to speak. Just a heavy burden to know the things I know. :evil: On top of all that, I deal with more assholes on a daily basis than Northern Toilet Paper does in a year. Just had to twist Comcast's arm for fraud and demand $230 in credits. I now charge them $35 for every hour I have to spend on the phone with them, under the threat of canceling the account and taking legal action. And I take names and make sure people there know that I'll be personally naming them and going after their job in particular. How sad these days, that the only way to get a company off its lazy ass or its pathetic drone workers to do their job is to threaten their job and their bottom line - money.

But anyway, I'm still determined to get this project done. Finding time and inspiration and getting those two factors together is the challenge. I've been tempted to trim back the number of developed rooms a bit in order to make this happen, but there are few to none I would want to cut.

All I know is that I want this to be so good that when people finally see it, they'll say "Well it was definitely worth the wait!". And I truly believe it will be.
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Post by McDeath »

When I lost internet I honestly thought I'd miss out on the opening for the project. I'm glad I didn't miss it. Tell ya what, I hit that 180+ million $$ lottery and I'll spot you enough to be able to take some leisure time. I'm so used to below povery income that I wouldn't know what to do with that much cash.
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Post by Tarrax Ironwolf »

I second McDeath's remark. I'll be more than glad to give you a good tiding to chill out your bones and mind to sit back and finally enjoy yourself.
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Post by McDeath »

Note to self: Need to actually play the lottery.
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