Detecting scrying

Discussion of OOP 1st & 2nd Edition products and rules, ie TSR AD&D material.

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Citizen of Undermountain
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Detecting scrying

Post by garhkal »

The 1e DMG gave us rules for 'pcs to detect being scried'. Who here has imported that into their 2e games, and if you do, HOW do you describe it for pcs that 'roll successfully', but themselves are not casters?

If say a fighter (4th-6th level or so), succeeded in a detect scrying roll, but the party mage and priest didn't.. How would you describe his sensation of 'being watched'?

If a caster DID succeed, what do they see? Do they know where the scrying is (IE, do they sense the window the crystal ball use is using)?
Do they know which method of scrying is being used (magical crystal ball, vs clairvoyance spell vs clairvoyance psionic power).?

Is this a roll, THEY (the pc) should make, or is this like with thief skills, something the DM should make?
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Holy shit! How did I miss this cool topic? And for so long! Focusing on the politics stuff I guess.

Garhkal wrote:
The 1e DMG gave us rules for 'pcs to detect being scried'. Who here has imported that into their 2e games, and if you do, HOW do you describe it for pcs that 'roll successfully', but themselves are not casters? If say a fighter (4th-6th level or so), succeeded in a detect scrying roll, but the party mage and priest didn't.. How would you describe his sensation of 'being watched'?
I brought that forward into my 1E/2E hybrid.

I usually describe it as a sort of chill, and the sense of being "watched". A sort of uncomfortable feeling the PC can't shake.
If a caster DID succeed, what do they see? Do they know where the scrying is (IE, do they sense the window the crystal ball use is using)?
Do they know which method of scrying is being used (magical crystal ball, vs clairvoyance spell vs clairvoyance psionic power).?
You mean if the caster succeeds in detecting the scrying? I don't reveal the source, unless the source is located near the person being scryed upon. Say a mirror hung on a wall that is being used to scry through.
s this a roll, THEY (the pc) should make, or is this like with thief skills, something the DM should make?
Usually I make the roll myself. The PC I think shouldn't be sure what's going on exactly.
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Citizen of Undermountain
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Post by garhkal »

Would a caster know he's being scried, or just "Feel he's being watched" (like someone from the woods, or the like?

What of a non-caster? If they know about scrying magic (from their mage/priest allies), does that mean their 'awareness of their being watched, extends to them knowing "I am being scried"?
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Garhkal wrote:
Would a caster know he's being scried, or just "Feel he's being watched" (like someone from the woods, or the like? What of a non-caster? If they know about scrying magic (from their mage/priest allies), does that mean their 'awareness of their being watched, extends to them knowing "I am being scried"?
I've always liked the idea that a magic user or priest would suspect they're being scryed upon, simply because they are so well versed in using magic. That should give them a better chance of realizing what's happening. For non-magic users (anything other than priests or wizards, for sake of this discussion), they just feel uncomfortably "watched".
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