ALL my new spells - Mages!!

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Citizen of Undermountain
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ALL my new spells - Mages!!

Post by garhkal »

2nd level spells (NO first level ones yet...
Boar's Resilience
School: Alteration Components: V/S/M
Duration: 1 hour/level of caster, or 2 rounds/level
Casting time 1 turn or 1 round
Area of affect: Creature touched Range: touch
Save: None

Just like the mage spell from the PHB, Strength enhances a target's strength score, this spell was developed to enhance a target's Constitution. All rolls (and hit points) based on the Con score are impacted, such as the dwarven Saving throw bonuses, System shock and resurrection survival rolls etc. The exact amount of Con gained is class dependent, and when a multi-classed PC is the target, they use the most favorable class die value. THIS Spell cannot confer more than 19 Constitution, and it is NOT cumulative with any other form of magical or psionic enhancement to Constitution (such as the psionic ability, Adrenalin control). Subjects without a Con score (damn near all monsters) just gain a flat +2hp per Hit dice they have, and add d4 to their saving throws vs poison, and +2 to to their saves vs petrification and polymorph attacks.
Rogues and priests both gain +1d6 Con, while Wizards gain only +1d4. Warriors gain +1d8 con.
This spell has two methods of casting. One is more of a ritual long form, that takes 1 turn to perform, but lasts for one hour per level of the caster. The other method is a quick form, taking 1 round to cast, but also only lasts 2 rounds per level of caster.

The material component for this spell is a tankard of strong ale that is mixed with the ground up tusk of a boar which must be drunk by the spell's recipient.
Phantom health.
2nd edition - 3rd level for mages. For 1st edition, its a 2nd level spell for Illusionists.
School: Illusionist Components: V/S/M
Range: 0 (self only) AOE: Caster
Casting time: 1 round Duration: 1hr/level or until HP taken
Save: N/A

This spell acts like the clerical Aid spell, in that the illusionist who cast it, gains phantom hp. 1d10 +1/level of caster. Any damage sustained comes from these phantom hp before the illusionist takes any damage himself. During the casting, the illusionist paints sigils all over his body using special ink made from the ground bones of undead (ghouls seem to work best), squid and mixed with the tears of those who have suffered from undead. Once painted, the sigils stay on the caster till the last hp of damage is taken or the duration runs out.
Restore bonds.
School: enchantment/charm Components: V/S/M
Range: personal AOE: 1 creature
Casting time: 3 rounds Duration: instantaneous
Save: N/a.

With this spell, a mage who had a familiar killed, can, if the familiar is brought back to life, restore his bond with the familiar without having to recast the find familiar spell. If done within 24 hrs of the familiars demise, he restores 2/3 of the lost HP to himself. If done within 48 hrs, it restores 50%. If done within 72 hrs, it restores 1/3rd. If done after that time, nothing is returned to the mage.
Components are a pair of rings worth 25gp, each which are crushed between the mage and the familiar.
Shock missile
School: evocation Components: V/S/M
Casting time: 4
Duration: 1 round after casting to allow the mage to throw the item (or give it to someone else to throw)
Range: caster out to 15ft, 30ft, 45ft AOE: 1 item, see below
Save: Half for electrical damage, none for physical of the missile

When Shock Missile is cast, the mage is able to “Charge up” an item with electrical power, and then can either hurl it himself, or he can have someone else hurl it. The level of the caster, determines the size of the item that can be so ‘charged’, though its damage is increased if HE hurls it, vice if someone else does. If he selects someone else to hurl it, that person must be touched to be ‘designated’, during the casting of this spell.
When thrown, If the mage himself, does the throwing, he adds +3 to hit at close range, and +1 to hit at medium range, including any bonuses he has from a high Dexterity. IF someone else hurls it, they use their base “missile” thac0.
Any damage done, is on top of, what the weapon’s base physical damage is, OR is based on the size of the item being thrown..
A save is allowed to halve the electrical damage, but does nothing vs the spell’s add on damage.
A mage of the base level to cast this spell (3rd level), can ‘charge’ up an item of similar size to a dagger, (d3 damage physical).
Mages from 4th to 6th level, can go up to javelin/short sword, causing d4+1 base physical damage.
Mages from 7th to 9th level, can charge up a long sword or spear, causing 1d6+1 physical damage.
10th level and up mages, can charge up ballistae bolt sized items, doing d8+1 physical damage.
The “Electrical” damage portion, is a base d8 hp, +2hp per level he has attained. IF however the caster hands the device over to someone else to hurl (who must be designated during the casting of the spell), the electrical Damage drops to d6, +1hp/level.

Anyone else touching the device before hurled, has the electricity discharge into them.

Note, if this is cast on a Magical weapon, there is a 10% chance (per + of the weapon), that the spell fails. And if it works, upon discharging the electricity, the weapon needs to make a save vs electricity or be destroyed.
The material component for this spell is a small ring of iron with copper wire wrapped around tossed in the same direction of the missile's flight path. The cost for this is usually 20-40gp.
3rd level.
Chill Ball
Schools: Invocation/evocation, Elemental Water Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 3 segments Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 10 yards + 10 yards/ll Area of Effect: 20-ft radius
Save: ½ damage

Chill ball is the exact same as a fireball just that it's damage is from cold. The ball explodes as a giant snowball/ice ball showering all those in the area of affect for the d6 damage per level. Unlike its flame brethren it has little sound, but the concussive effect is a little worse (no actual damage but can knock down things)
Material components are, a drop of either white dragon blood, or a strand of frost giant hair and a leaf from a plant unaffected by frost.
Like with a fireball spell, those hit by a Chill ball, who fail the save, must then make item saves for their gear, vs magical cold, or see them destroyed.
Detect Curse
School - divination. Components: V/S
Casting time 2 rounds Duration, 1 turn
Range - caster Aoe - 60 ft long 90 degree wide cone from caster.
Save: N/a

This spell allows the user to detect any cursed magical items. It won’t though, reveal curses that are on people or animals/monsters.
The base chance for successfully detecting a curse is 20% plus 5%/level. While it will not reveal what is the curse (e.g whether that robe/cloak is one of poisonous or weakness, etc) it will show the item is bad. The chance of success, maxes out at 90%. if they succeed in their % roll, they learn that something is cursed, but NOT what that curse is (IE, it will tell you a cloak is cursed, but not that it’s a cloak of vermin). This allows the party, to weed out treasure that is cursed, so no one has to be impacted by them. IT will NOT however, reveal items that punishes one class, that ‘rewards’ other classes, such as the many classed based books, like the Book of Exhalted deeds.. NOR will it reveal magical items that are aligned, and will damage those of a “wrong alignment”.
Each additional time this is cast in a 72 hr period, there is a chance (3% per time, cumulative) that the cleric or Mage actually gets a bad response, as the energies of the detections cloud his judgment.
Both clerics and Mages must perform this back at a relatively 'pure' location (e.g one they know is free from magics) so as to not cloud any readings. a shrine would be a great spot (assuming it is not tied to an evil or trickster god).
Fair Winds
School: Alteration, Elemental air Components: V/S/M
Casting time 1 turn. Duration: 2 turns +1 turn/level
Range: Touch. Affects a globe of 50 feet +5ft/level centered on the main mast of a single ship
Save: N/A

With this spell a seafaring mage can make the prevailing winds better for him and his ship. Regardless of their intensity and direction, the winds this spell draws into it will be sufficient to keep the ship moving in the direction it wishes to go at full speed (or less if the captain wishes). He can also give it a 1mph boost per 3 levels above 5th level (the min needed to cast the spell).
The material component is a statue of a god of the sea made BY the mages hands, containing at least 10 drops of his blood (for pigment in the paint) worth not less than 1000 gold. As long as the statue is intact, the spell will work on that ship and resists dispelling as if cast at +8 levels. If it is destroyed, the spell will no longer work again on that ship, even if a new statue is made for that specific vessel.
Familiar Restoration
School: necromantic
Components: V/S/M Range: Touch
Casting time: 3 rounds Duration: Instantaneous
Area of effect: One creature Save: NA

This spell, allows a mage to bring back to life one animal, that is or was a familar creature, to himself or another mage. Unlike Raise dead, there is no system shock, aging or the like, for the caster to worry about, but the Familar must still make a ‘resurrection’ survival roll, that has a flat 80% of working (the DM can modify this based on whether the familar was normal or special).
Once a familar is brought back to life, a caster can then get the Restore Bond spell cast, to return the animal’s status as being his Familiar.
Components of the spell is a glass of wine, worth at least 50gp, mixed in with 2hp worth of the caster’s own blood. This is drunk by the Animal’s master (the caster or another mage), then spat back over the animal to be brought back to life.

Note there is a 4th level version of this spell, that works on all animals, even mounts (including a paldain’s bonded mount).
Improved Armor
School: Conjuration/summoning and Abjuration school Components: V/ S/ M
Casting time: 2 rounds Duration: See below
Range: Touch Area of effect: 1 creature
Save: N/A

This is an improved version of the 1st level Mage spell - Armor. When cast, the mage creates a magical field of force, that grants him protection vs blows. It serves as Chain mail + Shield level of protection, granting him an AC of 4. The protected person, even 'appears' to be wearing that armor, but this is just an “image”.
The spell has no effect though on someone already wearing armor (physical armor that is), or using Bracers of defense or a shield. Unlike the base Armor spell, it will improve the base AC given if cast on someone who's natural AC would be better than that given by this spell (so if someone had a natural AC of 3 or lower) by shifting their AC down by 1, much like Barding does to horses.
Just like the Armor spell, those protected by this spell are not hindered in movement, or suffer any penalties to casting of spells or use of thief skills, in fact thieves protected by this are able to take benefit of the bonuses to their thief skills from the “Unarmored” category. Nor are they vulnerable to spells like Heat or Chill metal, cause the image of armor on the person's body, is just that, an image.
The spell lasts till either hit with a Dispel magic, or the wearer suffers sufficient damage to end the spell, this being equal to 10hp +3hp/2 levels of the caster (so a 8h level caster can have the protection up till he takes 22hp). Additionally, unlike the Armor spell, the Improved armor spell also reduces incoming damage taken from melee or missile fire by 1 per blow, though it can't reduce damage to 0hp, a blow always causes at least 1 hp.
The Material component is a piece of finely forged ring of chain armor, that is blessed by a priest (the amount of ring, must be sufficient to cover up one finger). It has a cost of at least 5gp.
Shock ball
Schools: Invocation/evocation, Forces Components: V, S,
Casting time: 4 segments Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30 yards +10'/level Area of Effect: 20 feet rad globe
Save: N/A

Shock ball was created by a force mage, who disliked the common attack spells of 3rd level, many of which often have counters to (such as fire resistance for fireball). He desired a spell which could both do damage and either stun or dizzy an opponent. After 15 months of research this was developed....
This creates a burst of concussive energy only, and as such does less base damage, than other ‘ball’ spells (such as chill or fireball), but the concussion, can stun opponents.
Anyone caught in the 'blast' takes 1D4/level of damage, and is stunned for 1 round per 2 levels of the caster. A save means only 1 round of being stunned and half damage.
And due to it being concussive, there’s no item saves for the caster to worry about!
School: Abjuration, Elemental Air Components: V/S
Casting time: 1 round Duration: 4 rounds +2 rounds/level
Range: 50ft Area of Effect: 20ft+5ft/level
Save: N/A

When cast, wind mist stirs up the froth of the sea crashing against the ship's hull into a wind locked mist. This has the effect of making the ship appear like a mirage, AND causes incoming missiles to be skewed to one side or the other (-2 to hit).
Last edited by garhkal on Tue May 04, 2021 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
Citizen of Undermountain
Citizen of Undermountain
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Re: ALL my new spells - Mages!!

Post by garhkal »

4th level
Cone of sonic waves
School: Evocation/Invocation Components: V/S
Casting time: 5 Duration: Instantaneous
Range 20 feet from caster Area of Effect: cone of 5ft long 1ft wide per 2 levels of caster
Save, n/a

This spell calls fourth a cone of high frequency sonic waves that will cause both damage, and possibly other effects, based on what sort of target is being hit in the AOE.
If the target is a living life form, that is not specially vulnerable to sonic effects, the damage is 2d4 damage to the ears, and prompts a save versus spells to avoid being deafened and stunned. If the save is made, the person is only stunned for 1 round, and deafened for two. IF however the save is failed, it increases to 2 rounds stun, six deaf.
Sound susceptible life forms such as the bat the damage increases to 4d4, and saves are at -3.
Constructs/life forms made from rock such as Gargoyles, the damage goes to 6d4 and rather than a save for stunning/deafening they make a save against getting shattered. If the save is failed they are weakened (loosing 3 from their AC and taking 2 extra points of damage from bludgeoning blows). This weakening lasts for six rounds.
If used on demi liches skulls, and it passes the MR it causes 10d4 damage to the skull.
If used on structures, it causes 1d4 structural points of damage plus 2 per level. Consider most unworked corridors underground have between 3 and 7 structure points in a given 10ft area.
Many under dark races when fighting enemies of their cities as it restricts their entrance ways and can trap a number of opponents favor this spell.
Halo of Pain
School - Necromantic Components: V/S
Casting time: 4 Duration: 3 rounds plus one round per level over minimum required to cast
Range: Touch Area of Effect: One person per four levels of caster above minimum required to cast spell

This spell, created by the half elf Vinschen flan'es acts similar to the Psionic power of Pain amplification in that anyone who succumbs to the effect of the spell takes double damage from any hit scored on them, in melee or missile combat. Additionally, it also causes damage from noise and light, in the form of 1d4 points (1d6 for real loud) for higher than normal noise/light in the area, per incidence of it occurring.
This damage is all mental and will NOT kill the person unless he fails a System shock roll once he hits -1hp. Lost hp due to this spell recovers at the rate of 1/hr once it is over, 3/hr if resting, 5 if sleeping.
Note: ONLY one damage check is made a round from any sound, but if more than 1 source of sound affects the target, go with the highest damaging one.
When cast the person must make a to hit roll against the target, though said attack bypasses armor. If the attack succeeds, the target then needs to fail a saving throw against spell.
It stays in effect on the caster until he has made 1 attempt to hit per person he can affect with the spell, and once cast is not considered 'interuptable', though any remaining 'touches' are lost if he casts another spell while he has people left to try and touch. BUT this cannot held for more than 2 rounds per level of caster regardless.
Life Line (Reversible)
School: Abjuration, Necromancy Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 round Duration: 1 turn +1 round/3lev
Range: Touch Area of Effect: 1 person +1/5 level
Save: n/a - negate

Life line was created By the WU-Jen Ho-Mai Toi, to better enable him to survive combat when he acted as his school's champion in martial art tournaments. It establishes a spiritual link to one other (possibly more than 1), and for each person in the link, damage is reduced by that amount. IE. 3 people in the link inc the caster, All damage received by ANY member of the link is reduced by 1/3, unless that person being struck, is the key stone. (see below).. So if three people are in the link, Two can stroll out into melee, and suffer 1/3rd the damage they normally would from blows!. This also allows anyone in the link to use a save of any other person in the link if he/she has a better one than himself. The downside to this is, if ANY member of the link dies before the spell's duration ends, all of the other(s) need to make a system shock roll at a -10% penalty for each member in the link or die. Also, any magical attack affecting any one member has a chance to affect the others, each gets a save though. Lastly, any damage taken by the Keystone (the one the caster designates), is also felt by the other members.
In some respects this is like the Psionic power of fate link.
The reverse of this spell, allows the caster to tie enemies into 1 week individual, and then have that individual be killed, therefore having a greater chance to kill the stronger one. All those who the caster wishes to place in this form of the link get a save, and if after the caster touches (successful to hit roll needed), some have saved, and he still has bodies left, he can try again. The reverse also requires the possession of one 1000GP value diamond or pearl, which is NOT consumed by the spell, but cannot be used as the material component for ANY other spell. If lost, stolen, or inadvertently sold, it takes 1 month of possession of another diamond or pearl, to ‘attune it’ to the mage, for purposes of this spell. And until replaced, the caster cannot even memorize this spell, let alone cast it.
Raise animal
School: necromantic
Spell components: V/S/M Range: Touch
Casting time: 1 turn Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 creature Save: NA

With this spell, a mage can restore to life, one animal, whether a familiar, a companion or mount. As long as the animal is not a “Special” creature, such as a Pixie, Pegasai, Unicorn or the like, it can be restored to life. Similar to priests and the Raise dead spell, the mage, can only restore life to an animal dead for one day per level of the caster. There is a flat 20 % chance of this failing, since animals normally do not have a listed Con score, so have no ‘resurrection survival chance’. ALSO an animal can only be brought back to life ONCE AND ONLY once..

The Material component is a ground up gem, worth at least 200gp, and two hp of the caster’s blood, that is made into a paste, that is to be rubbed over the carcass of the dead animal to be restored to life.
Schools: Alteration, Elemental Air Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch Area of Effect: see description of spell
Save: N/A

By virtue of casting the Shotgun spell on a group of Spears, arrows or similar objects, a mage is essentially turned into a portable ‘siege weapon’. If the caster (and/or his allies) have taken the time to set up special racks to contain the spears (or arrows/ballistae bolts etc), he can ‘fire’ up to 20 items a casting (or more!!).
What this spell does, is it taps into the elemental plane of air, to give a ‘Compressed” boost of air, to the items In the rack (or even a quiver of arrows), which ‘Shoots” the items out to their maximum range, hitting with the caster’s Thac0. Every six levels attained, adds “one rack (or quiver)”, that a caster can so ‘shoot’.
When cast, the items remain charged for 1 turn, allowing a caster to charge up multiple racks, till needed. But if not used by the end of that one turn, the compressed air, is Essentially wasted.
All items shot out, do NOT gain any bonuses to hit or damage from high strength, weapon specialty, dexterity or the like, but spells such as Prayer, Bless etc, do add their bonuses to the thac0 and damage, as applicable.
NO Damage is done to the weapon rack(s), or quiver being used. ANY bolts, arrows, spears or the like, fired in this manner, whether they Hit or not, are ruined, due to the force that they are fired with. This even applies if they are magical, though they THEN get an item save vs crushing blow. Normal items do not.

The material component is a pouch of diamond dust, worth no less than 300gp, and the feather of a large avian creature. The powder is “Fanned” over the racks or the quiver being enspelled. The feather can be re-used, but the powder is wasted.
Yitvig' shocking touch
School: Alteration Components: V/S
Casting time: 4 Duration: 2 rounds, +2 rounds/3 levels
Range: Touch Area of Effect: 1 creature touched
Save: None

When the wizard casts this spell, he develops a powerful electrical charge that gives a jolt to the creature touched. This spell allows the Mage to deliver a shock similar to shocking grasp (M1) but he can touch more than once. He gains the capacity to deal out 1 shock per 2 levels, but if not used up they just dissipates harmlessly at the end of the duration.
The caster deals 4hp, at levels 4 to 7th, adding 2hp per 3 levels, there after. And this damage, is dealt 2hp each round.. So a caster of 12th level, would cause a total of 8hp of damage per touch (four touches total), that lingers on a target for 4 rounds, dealing 2hp each round.
This damage, is Sufficient to prevent Any spell casting by the subject, due to their inability to maintain concentration. IT also forces them to drop spells they are concentrating on. Additionally, Classed and leveled opponents, suffer a -4 to hit and ac, due to his pain, but CAN try to reduce it to -2, by succeeding on a Con check, with a -1 penalty per HP they have suffered (this is checked each round).
For non-leveled and classed foes, this penalty, is a flat -4, and it shifts to a save vs spell, to reduce it to half. The save is penalized by -1 per 4hp suffered.
While the Wizard needs to touch his opponents to shock them, (or use an electrical conductor to deliver the shock), it is considered an Armor bypassing spell, Only for metal armor. As such, it ignores the actual armor, and only considers magical bonuses and Dexterity. IF the subject’s in leather/hide armor, or animal chitin, THEIR full armor class is used.

5th level
Death ward (Reversible)
School: Necromantic/Abjuration Comp: V/S/M
Casting time: 1 round Duration: 2 turns, +1 turn/level
Range: Touch AOE: 1 person (can be self)
Duration: 2 turns + 1 turn per level
Save: None (regular), Negate (Reverse)

When cast, it allows the mage to protect one person (can he himself or someone he touches), allowing them to get a normal save vs death magic, against any form of ‘death like effect, whether spell, power from a device or effect from a creature. The casting mage, protects the recipient against one instance of “Death magic” plus one additional instance, per 4 levels of the caster.
Similarly to someone who Wears a Scarab of Protection, this spell, will grant a base save, (Vs spell, death magic, R/S/W etc), plus any and all saving throw bonuses, that the character may enjoy.
If its cast on someone, who then gets hit by a death spell/effect, that can be normally saved against, this ward grants a +2 bonus, lasting for one save per 3 levels of the caster.
Like the priestly version, it can be used in reverse, as a curse of sorts, making them more susceptible to death magic, giving them a -4 to their saves vs death spells and the like, but the target needs to first, be struck in combat. This spell does not ignore armor. Once hit, the target also gets a normal saving throw, to avoid this ‘curse’.
The components for the mage version, are a chunk of ground up skill, of a person that was slain by death magic spells (Finger of Death, Power word kill etc). The skull powder is then blown or sprinkled over the person to be cursed or protected.
Flame Pillar
Schools: Invocation/evocation, Elemental Fire Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 6 segments Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 10' +5'/level Area of Effect: 5' radius pillar
Save: ½ damage

This spell, was initially created by members, of the Red Wizards Of Thay, on Toril in the Forgotten realms, as a means of having an offensive spell of the Fire sphere, giving them a counter part to Cones of Cold. When cast, it mimics the ability of the priest spell Flame Strike, in that it conjures up a pillar of flame, that is 5ft wide, usually enough to encompass one target fully (or occasionally two if standing close together.
Those caught in this pillar, suffer 6d8 points of damage, + 1 point of damage per caster level, They may make a save versus spell, to suffer half damage.
Those who take full damage, must also then, make item saves vs magical fire, for their gear.
The Material component, is two ounces of sulphur, thrown in the desired direction of where the pillar will impact.
Greater Armor
School: Conjuration/Abjuration Components V/S/M
Casting time 3 rounds Duration special
Range Touch Aoe 1 creature
Save none

This is a much greater improvement to the Armor spell, both in effective AC granted, AND in how many HP it will soak before the spell wears out. It grants a base AC of 2, equal to plate + shield, and can soak a total of 12hp +2hp/level of caster (so at the minimum, a 9th level caster has it up till he takes 30hp of damage). Similar to the Improved armor spell, it also reduces incoming damage, by 2 points per attack.for melee and missile blows. This spell has no effect on a person already armored, wearing a shield or using bracers of defense, but can work on those protected via Rings or Cloaks of protection. Cloaks of the Bat/Arachnid and similar items that give a set AC also cause the spell to fail.
Unlike the Armor spell though, having a Natural armor class better than that granted by this spell, can still benefit from the casting, much like Barding works on horses or similar animals in that it lowers your AC by 2 in that case.
Just like the Armor spell, those protected with this are not hindered in movement, have their spell casting/thief skills prohibited or penalized nor do they suffer from being targeted by someone's heat metal spell since the armor is not really there.
The material component is a piece of finely forged breast plate, enough to cover a five inch square with a value not less than 200gp, that has been blessed by a priest of at least 6th level.
Halgor's Retribution
School” Alteration/Invocation/Evocation Components: V/S/M
Casting time: 7 Duration: 1 round/level
Range: 20ft +5ft/level Area of effect: See descriptions
Save: 1/2 damage

Halgor, was a Mages of great power, but also great insanity. He loved decimating townships who 'regarded him as crazy' with meteor swarm, but wanted something less destructive for small hamlets/villages. SO this was developed.

When cast, it allows the summoning Mages, to make 1 ’fireball’ like explosive meteor for each level he has, each ’sphere’ doing 1d4 damage. He can instead, opt for a lesser number of meteors, each doing a variable number of d4, equal to half his level (e.g minimum of 2 spheres).
Each of these ’meteors’ can be let loose, one a round with no hassle. If he wishes to use more than one, each of them suffer a 10% of being ’off target’ by 2d6x5 feet from where they were initially to go, using the standard grenade missile chart from the DMG.
Each sphere, when it explodes, does so out to 15ft, less than that of a fireball, but greater than that of a Melf's Minute Meteors. He DOES NOT need to make a two hit roll.
The material components are a small (one ounce) fragment from an asteroid or meteor..
Impact fireball (Spell jammer specific)
Schools: Invocation/evocation. Elemental Fire Components: V, S, M
Casting time: Touch Duration: Special
Range: Touch Area of Effect: 1D8 +1 item/level
Save: ½ damage

This spell, developed by the master mage Ithrador Balrog, incorporates the delay of the DBF, with the capacity to be used with catapult shots and bombard shots. It does D4/level damage in addition to the weapon's damage used to deliver it. If cast outside the "flow" (Spell Jammer), and then the items are taken into the flow, there is no chance for explosion, until used. The mage casts the spell, and leaves the last word out, to be spoken at a later date, by the weapon's firer. The items so enchanted, retain the enchantment for 1 day per level, or until used. Each mage can enchant up to 10 items total per ship. If the spell runs out, then the items they were on become normal variants. The blast radius of the resultant fireball is only 15 feet, vice the normal 20 feet for a fireball spell.
Material Components are a ruby of no less than 4000 GP value, which is NOT used in the casting, and 100gp worth of crushed gem dust which is sprinkled on EACH 'item' enchanted.
Nak's Translocation
School: Alteration, dimensional Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 Duration: 1 round per 3 levels + special (see below)
range: 0 area: personal
Save: none

This spell, made to be a more potent form of blink has many upgrades to that old and low level spell. But it also comes at a price.
When engaged, the Mage using it can PICK when in the round he 'ports out' to another location that is within 120 feet of his last location,
This allows the Mage to decide if he wishes to port then attack, or attack then port. He can also hold off porting, unlike with the blink spell.
This can allow him to avoid attacks before he is hit (porting out before it hits) or reduce the likely hood of it (porting behind his target).
He can make 1 normal attack (or cast a spell) in the same round as porting.
As with all like teleportation/dimensional magics, carrying any extra-dimensional magic item will cause an instant rift to either the Astral plane (40%) ethereal plane (40%) or Concordant opposition plane (20%).
The special for duration is that the Mage can sacrifice his own health to increase the duration at the rate of 2hp/round gained.
The material component is a Jade statue of not less than 3000 gold pieces value. Should this statue get destroyed he can no longer Teleport, and if it is destroyed WHILE the spell is in effect, he suffers a backlash of energy for 8d4 damage NO SAVE.
Schools: Illusion/phantasm Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round Duration: 4 rounds/5 levels
Range: Touch Area of Effect: 1 Ship
Save: N/A

This spell is a Spell jamming variant of the Invisibility spell. It allows the caster to cloak a Spell jamming ship with invisibility. The ship stays invisible, until the ship fires ANY weapon, but will return invisible 1 round after the firing stops, assuming that there is any duration left on the spell. A ship of up to 50 tons can be so cloaked, and for each additional 3 levels above 9 that the caster is, an additional 10 tons can be cloaked.
The material component is a piece of flesh (1 lb per 10 tons of ship to be cloaked) from any type of creature that can turn invisible (Drugear, pixie), which is mixed with the blood of the caster (1hp damage value for every 20 tons or part thereof of the ship), in a gold chalice of no less than 2000GP value.
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Re: ALL my new spells - Mages!!

Post by garhkal »

Sixth and up..
6th level
Expose magic
School - divination Comp. V/S/M
Casting time 1 turn Duration. 2 rounds + 1 round per 3 levels
Range. Caster AOE. 20 ft radius circle +5ft per 2 levels
Save: N/A

This spell, developed by Quinlay Fabre-castion the half elf cleric Mages, incorporates several lower level spells into one and improves on them.
When cast, it literally creates a dome of shimmering light (low level, enough to read a book's title by), but all magics inside, whether magical items or spells currently on a person are shown.

Each additional round of duration, it will allow the revealing of one items power(s), by scanning that item specifically. This will identify cursed items as a black glow, rather than a normal white glow, but will NOT identify what the curse is or poisons. For each round so scanned, ONE function of it is shown to all as if an Identify was cast. Command words are also shown, but that takes an additional round of 'bathing'. For items with more 'functions, than the number of rounds available, it goes from least potent to most potent.

As a secondary effect of this power, when initially cast, all Spells in effect (other than this one) on someone, even charms are shown as a brilliant red glow around the person the spell is on.

If the Mages wishes (this option is NOT available for the clerical one), he can spend an additional round scanning the 'glowed person', and this will make known what school of magic said spell is from.
if a third round is spent on this form of scanning, the specific spell is revealed, though if a Charm is shown, it does NOT reveal who the charm is towards though.
After casting, the spell caster is weak, requiring immediate bed rest (6 hrs), loses 5 from his constitution AND strength.
The material components for this spell are; 500gp of crushed pearl which must be 'inhaled' like if snuff/pepper, and a 1000gp crystal vase with the finest wine inside (not less than 200gp value for a pint of wine) which is tossed into the ground at the completion of the casting with the words "Nostrovo Greko Salutae Ignobile"...
Garhkal's Impenetrable Circle
School: Abjuration Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn/ 25 feet of circumference, or 1 turn per level of caster
Duration: Permanent, but see below
Range: 10 feet Area of Effect: Special, see below
Saving Throw: See below.

The mage version of this spell, though it appears similar to the priestly one, has a number of major differences! This spell, when read aloud, and accompanied by the drawing of a circle of power, around the outside of a building, prevents any and all extra planner OR teleportation spells from penetrating the building, up to a certain limit (Change 1). When made, the 'protective bubble' that is generated, blocks 1 hit dice worth, per two levels of the caster (Change 2). During the 'infusion of the circle", if the caster wishes he can sacrifice 1 hp permanently to get a 2 HD blocking bonus.

The area of effect is limited to a 25 foot circumferential circle (around the building) per level of the caster, so a 14th level caster can make a circle of power with a 350 foot circumference' circle, which gives roughly a 55.7ft radius circle of protection). The casting time is 1 turn per 10 feet worth of the radius. (Change 3!)

When an enemy is trying to penetrate it, by using any teleportation
means or dimensional means, see the following chart:

HD equal to 1-2 HD less Save at normal
HD equal to 2-3 HD less Save at -1
HD equal to 3-4 HD less Save at -3
HD equal to 5+ less No save allowed

If save is made, the target can come through the screen. If failed, they don't even make the trip.

When a critter/NPC tries to penetrate, and is foiled, they can retry each round (until either out of power, or out of spells), but each additional attempt incurs a -1 on the save, that is cumulative.
Also the HD protection is PER OPPONENT, not per day/week/year or what ever.

The material component is 1 lb. of ground bone from either a blink dog, or 5 lb. of bone from a displacer beast per 50 feet of size. This is mixed in with the ink of a giant squid, and the tears of a unicorn to form the ink which is used to pen the ward circle. This is the standard ink used to block Dimensional (and the like) magics. Teleports, dim door, and similar spells are NOT blocked with this ink. To block that, substitute the eye juice from the central eye of a beholder with the bones of the critters above (1 pint per lb. needed).
Safety warning: If the inks are for what ever reason, mixed, it actually acts as a summons calling forth a critter of half the HD it was supposed to block. As yet many Mages have not found out why this is...

Construction of the circle: First off, the Mage uses a golden chisel of not less than 8k gp value, to carve the outer part of the warding circle. Then he uses a separate silver chisel to carve the lettering/glyphs. These glyphs are then penned with the above ink. Lastly, he 'traps' the glyphs with a second 'inner circle' also carved with the gold chisel.
Wall of Corrosion
School: Alteration Components: V/S/M
Casting time 1 round. Duration: concentration +1 round/2 levels of caster.
Range 10ft +5/level. Area of Effect: 10ftsq/level.
Save (see write up)

Similar to other wall spells, a wall of corrosion brings up a real wall that is physically there.. Any metal, leather/cloth, pottery etc (NON LIVING MATTER) that passes through the wall needs to make a save versus disintegration or be destroyed, with a corresponding visual effect of the item corroding away within 10-20 seconds. UNLIKE other item saves, where something held/carried by a person needs to have the item's owner fail first before items are checked items possessed by someone walking through a wall of corrosion spell do NOT need the owner to fail a save to see if they themselves need to check. BUT like other item saves containers need to fail before the items carried need to check. Being ethereal/astral/out of phase will allow someone to pass the wall without any issues, but being in gaseous form/wraith form will not as you are still physically present. Iron golems/para-elemental elementals of metallic origin get a save against death magic or take 4d8 damage from passing through the wall. Undead due to being creatures are not affected though any items they carry will still get affected.

The wall appears like a swirling olive color mist. The material components are a piece of a black dragons stomach and a scale from a rust monster.
7th level
Kei's Tattoo of keeping.
School: Alteration and Conjuration Components: V/S/M
Casting time: 1 turn per level of spell affixed Duration: perm
Range: Touch AOE: 1 person
Save: N/A

The Wu-jen Kei Shagui devised this spell as a way to keep his spells with him without having to lug around a spell book. The Mage tattoos the spell onto his body (or another persons), and so unless the person's body is destroyed will never have to worry about losing that spell again.
If using it on himself, the tattoo takes up 50 square inches plus 10 sq-inch per level of the spell so inscribed, and can be any spell the Mage knows up to 6th level. If casting it on someone else, both the recipient and the make need to know the spell, and it takes up 40 square inches + 10 sqin per level. It also limits the spell that can be attached to 4th level max.
So with roughly, 1,600 sq inches of Usable skin on a caster's own body (his back, butt, scalp and such are not considered usable as the caster can't reach his own back), this allows for the potential of 8 first and maybe 8 second level spells to be stored on his own body.
While the tattoo is on the person, he never has to worry about using his spell book to memorize that spell.
Though a dispel magic or erase will NOT remove the tattoo, a dispel magic WILL serve to render the tattoo unable to be used for spell memorization for 1d4 DAYS.

The material components for this are a shot of bamboo soaked in the Mages blood (3-8hp worth, for one day, and 400gp worth of materials to make the ink per level of the spell to be inscribed.
In addition to that cost, the ink also requires the tears of a virgin (2 drops), blood of a Tu-lung dragon (1 vial) and 1 pint of oil from a giant squid.
8th level
Valhalla's call
School: Summoning/Conjuration Components: V/S/M
Casting time: 2 rounds Duration: See below
Range: 30 feet Area of effect: Special, see below
Save: N/A

This potent war spell allows for the mage to cut himself/pull hair and throw the hair/blood drops into the air which then summons fourth a number of spectral warriors (NOT THE MONSTER) that serve their master. A Mage of the min level required to cast this spell, gains 1d4 + 3 warriors for a duration of 3 turns (or until dead/dismissed). Each additional 2 levels beyond the min grants another warrior and 6 rounds of duration.
Spectral Valhalla warriors
Fights and saves as a warrior of 4th level (5th for casters 4-7 levels above the min, 6th for those 8th-12th, or 7th for those beyond)
HP 8.5 per dice and can fight till -10.
Though is unarmored (usually is seen as wearing hide armor), they are considered AC 1
and all carry broad swords that strike as if of +2 enchantment. THESE swords disappear on the death of the carrier or when the spell runs out.
Special notes: immune to fear effects, charm/enchantment spells and suffer only half damage from elemental based spells. They do suffer from Prot evil/good (since they are summoned), and holy word though.

The material component for this spell is a silver dagger of not less than 500gp value and 2hp of his own blood (or 10 hairs) PER warrior that is summoned fourth and crushed bones from a slain warrior who has been killed by the Mage single-handed WITHOUT using spells.
Last edited by garhkal on Tue May 04, 2021 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ALL my new spells - Mages!!

Post by garhkal »

There is one other in the Fourth level bracket, that needs its own write up, cause of how long it is..
Gelos's item conversion.
School: Alteration Components: V/S/M
Casting time: 4 hours+ Duration: instantaneous/permanent
Range: touch Area of effect: 1 magic item
Save: Special.

When a mage casts this spell, he is allowed to convert the magical energies from one magic item (weapon, shield or suit of armor), into a “Lesser” valued magic item. IE he could take a +3 broad sword and make a +2 long sword (or scimitar, cutlass or the like). At the higher levels, a mage could even convert a suit of say Chain mail, into a suit of banded or splint mail, a buckler into a large shield. This allows the caster, to take magical items that a party finds, that no one can use (or wear due to height requirements), and convert them into ones they can use.
To perform this, the mage requires two things. A) the magic weapon/shield or suit of armor he wishes to drain, and B) a solid silver ‘talisman’ of the weapon, suit of armor or shield, that he hopes to convert the magical energies into. NOTE: IF the mage Fails at casting this spell (IE rolls too high on the percentile roll), BOTH the magic item and the talisman, are consumed in the casting).
When starting out, at 7th level, a mage is considered to have a “level of mastery” (here after known as LoM) of +1. As he increases in level, his LoM increases too, going to +2 at level 10, +3 at level 15, and +4 at level 18. This forms the basis of what he can convert and the magical plus of the item. He can convert a +1 magic item, PLUS his LoM modifier. So a 15th level mage, Boliz, who has a LoM of +3, can convert +4 magic items!

At levels 7th to 9th, he has a Level of Mastery of +1. He can convert any sword into a similarly sized sword (IE long to broad or bastard, short to scimitar or rapier). Any axe/mace/hammer into any similarly sized axe/mace/hammer (ie a battle axe into a morning star). A polearm into any other polearm.

At levels 10th to 13th, he has a LoM of +2. He can convert any sword up or down one size category (ie a short sword to a long sword, or a dagger A long sword to a two handed sword), a polearm into a similar type axe/mace/hammer (IE a halberd to a maul), an axe/mace/flail/hammer up or down one size (ie a hand axe into a battle axe), or a shield up or down one size (medium shield to large for example).

At levels 14th to 17th, he has a LoM of +3. He can concert any sword up or down two sizes. Any piercing weapon to a slashing or blunt one, a slashing to a piercing or blunt, and a blunt weapon to a slashing or piercing (IE a footman's flail into a battle axe). He can shift a shield up or down two sizes. He can now modify armr, by taking a suit of armor UP or down one Type (IE chain to ring or splint/banded), However if it's leather it must remain leather (IE hide to studded or studded to hide). He can also size it up or down one Size (IE a human size suit of chain to a dwarf sized suit).

And at levels 18th or higher, his LoM is +4, and he can convert any weapon into any other weapon, any shield or suit of armor to any other (still keeping it in the leather or metal grouping), or size it up or down two levels.

Converting magic items via this spell costs though, at Least ONE plus will come off the item being ‘offered up’ (so you need at least a +2 magic item to sacrifice). Additionally a further + comes off, per size up or down the weapon/shield or armor is, as well as for each ‘shift’ of weapon type (pierce to blunt for example). BUT THIS gets offset by HALF the Level of mastery (rounded up). So if a mage was converting a +4 Bardichie he found into a magical dagger, Normally this would cost all four of the magical pluses; One plus for the base transference, two pluses for the size shifting (large to small), and a further plus for shifting from a slashing weapon to piercing weapon). But since the mage doing this, is 15th level and has a +3 LoM, this offsets Two of those lost pluses. So if Boliz succeeds in the conversion, he created a +2 magical dagger!
The cost of conversion, also comes in the ‘talisman’ he needs, which is a solid silver representation of the weapon, suit of armor or shield, he is wishing to convert the magical energies into, that is valued at 10 times the BASE cost of the true item (so a suit of chain mail at 75gp, would require a 750gp talisman).
The caster has a base chance of success of 30%. To this he adds the following modifiers:
Each point of combined Intelligence and Wisdom over 28, gives a +5% per point (so someone with a 16 in each, would have four points over 28, so would gain +20%). Each 1,000gp worth of additional material sacrificed +5% per.
Each additional 2 hours spent in prep and concentration, +3%.
Each + of the item of magic that would be left - +3% per.

At no time can his modified chance of success be MORE than 95%. There is always that 5% chance (ONE in Twenty), of failure!
Casting the spell, requires a base time of 4 hours, but as seen above, the mage CAN push for ‘extra time’, to gain a bonus to his chance of success, but doing this is Very taxing to his system. For every two hours after the Base 4 needed, he must make a Constitution check, or pass out from sheer exhaustion. IF HE DOES so, he gets JUST one attempt to retry, after having at least four hours of rest (this CANNOT take him into a new day, or the spell automatically fails!). IF this second Con check fails, the spell fails.
Once he succeeds in the Constitution check, he can then make the % roll, to see if the item converted successfully. So If someone ops to try for say six more hours in concentration and preps, he gains +9%, to the chance of success, but needs THREE constitution checks!
After the item has successfully converted over, the mage is left with a choice. IF IT had any special powers (ie, a suit of blending, or a sword of wounding etc), he can make a Second percentage roll, to see if the special ability also converted over. What type of ‘special’ ability it is, though, imposes a Penalty on that chance.

Luck blades, swords of swiftness, bows of speed, accuracy or distance, -10%
Slayer swords, wounding swords, life stealing swords or sharpness - -20%.
Frost brands, flame tongues or vorapal swords, -30%
Nine lives stealer, -40%
Holy avenger -50%.
IF it is intelligent, -5% base + 1/2 of its intelligence rating.

For armor/shields
Armors of toughness, healing or shields of pushing, -30%
Armors of blending, solypsis, command or grounding, -10%
Armors of etheralness, or shields of returning/illumination or indication, -20% (note the last 3 are home made items)
Any suit of armor or shield with a special property not mentioned, a flat -25%.

Note: If a caster Succeeds in the BASE conversion of the item, but FAILS in his attempt to convert the special properties (if any), the item is STILL created, but the special abilities are lost.

Lastly, once the item is successfully converted, the mage needs to make a System shock roll, or lose a point of Constitution, just like he had used the Permanency spell. This check is penalized by -10%, per plus of the magic that was left over in the item converted.
Example in use: Boliz is a mage who found this spell on a scroll, and wishes to use it on a suit of banded mail, sized for an Ogre the party found, to shift it down, so his fighter ally can wear it. The scroll was penned at 16th level, so has an inherent LoM of +3, and can thus convert banded mail up or down one size (large to human), or he could keep it at that same size and shift it to being plate. BUT for this example he’s shifting it down one size. The suit when found, was identified as just a +3 suit of armor, but after further consultation with sages, and a few contacting of other planes, the armor is found out to be one that casts a healing spell twice a day on it’s wearer. Boliz has an Intelligence of 17, and a Wisdom of 15, giving him a combined total of 32.. This is four over the base 28, so he gains +20% to his chance of success. His LoM is high enough, it offsets the shifting of the suit down a size, so is only losing ONE plus from it, the base needed to convert the suit, so he retains +2 on the armor. This gives him a further +6%. He has a gem worth 4,000, he wishes to sacrifice, adding a further +20% to his roll. So his modified total is 76% (30%, +20%, +20%, +6%). He realizes he may need more, so ops to add six hours more into making the item (this makes him need THREE constitution checks, and must pass all 3.) This adds another +9%, giving him a final total of 85%. He succeeds in all three of his con checks, and POOF, in a blinding flash of light, the Ogre size banded mail, becomes a human size suit of banded mail. NOW he tries a 2nd roll, to see if the healing properties pass over, but this gets penalized by 30%, as per the above chart, dropping his 2nd chance of success down to 55%.. He rolls a 92, and fails.. So the armor converts over, but the healing powers are lost. Boliz, rests up, knowing his fighter friend, now has a nice shiney suit of +2 banded mail!

Like i said, its LONG!
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Re: ALL my new spells - Mages!!

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Woo hoo! I can't wait to read through all these! Did you want me to work some into RoUIII? Or if not, then RoUII?
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Re: ALL my new spells - Mages!!

Post by garhkal »

IF you wish to.. GO for it.
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Re: ALL my new spells - Mages!!

Post by garhkal »

So hal.. Any comments on these?
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Re: ALL my new spells - Mages!!

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Not quite yet. Still going over them. I've been so overwhelmed the last few weeks with tech shit and problems. Been very much out of the writing/developing mind set. Hoping to get back on track this week coming up.
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Re: ALL my new spells - Mages!!

Post by garhkal »

Hal. have you had a chance to read through any of these spells???
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Re: ALL my new spells - Mages!!

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Oh hell! I forgot we had these topics! I gotta go over them. I'm gonna start back on writing Undermountain in a week or so, and I'll go over these and see if I can fit some of them into the adventure. I skimmed over them when you first posted them and I'm liking what I see. My god, if we add more spells to RoUIII, we'll end up with 4 dozen instead of 3 dozen new spells! WOW! :shock: :D
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Re: ALL my new spells - Mages!!

Post by McDeath »

Sounds excellent!
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Re: ALL my new spells - Mages!!

Post by McDeath »

Look an artist for yah :P
... or not
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Never broken, he'll be back for more
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