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Halaster Blackcloak
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New Admin/Project Manager!

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Hey everyone! I wanted to give y'all a heads up on a major new development here at BIP. I just promoted Doirche to co-Admin of the BIP site and to Project Manager for the Ruins of Undermountain III: The Deadly Levels project! :D

Doirche's been working tirelessly on the maps and other aspects of the project(s). He also has some great management skills (which I don't!), and I simply don't have the time or desire to deal with management issues anymore. He and I discussed the idea that we need to run the projects more like an actual company, or at least as an accountable development team. As it stands right now, it's too laid back, too relaxed, too drawn out. People just pop in and out on their own schedule, and it's gotten to the point where the work is just clogging up and taking forever.

We need to make things happen in a more timely manner. For example, if someone volunteers to develop some traps, they need to have a date set..."Ok, we'll need those 6 traps done in the next two weeks". It motivates people and gives a little sense of urgency.

I'm going to have Doirche co-ordinate all the development team members so we can get everyone working on whatever it is they're working on and get a timeline going.

This frees me up from having to communicate with half a dozen people on every issue on every aspect of the project. I have my hands full as it is, with drawing original maps, tweaking and re-designing maps, working with the artist, writing and developing rooms, creating new monsters, items, spells, etc, and running the website.

Yes, Halaster is still the Warrior God of Everything That Stirs In The BIP Universe, but even so, I'll feel better motivation with some accountability. So if I don't get those next 10 rooms done this week, Doirche can bitch me out about it. :wink: :lol:

It's just a good motivator to have an accountability partner.

I believe this will move things along a lot more quickly. Especially for me, because it frees up so much more time to actually create!

So I hope everyone gives Doirche a warm welcome to his new position and works with him on getting things speeded up and organized. Congrats Doirche!
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Oh, just an explanatory side note...

Yes, I'm still the lead creator and designer of the RoUIII project and all that. I'm still doing virtually all the main writing and overall design, etc. But Doirche is going to coordinate all the other developers so that I can focus on mainly creating content.

I got some really good ideas and content from Varl, Shacia, McDeath, (am I forgetting anyone?), so that's being incorporated into it as well. That means the dungeon dressing cards are pretty damn near done. :)

Anyway, more to come as we get organized.
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Post by McDeath »

Grats on the promotion Doriche, from what I've seen the maps are excellent. The art I've seen is great and in the true spirit of the original UM. I can only guess that the monsters from Halaster's Tome will be in there along with more suprises. I can't even imagine the text. Jared has also taken an excellent stance in promoting the project. I'm spending a lot more time on the net lately reading, throwing out ideas, etc.
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

McDeath, I'm glad you're here! :wink:

Some (but not all) of the monsters from Halaster's Tome will appear in RoUIII, along with lots of new variants and brand-new creatures.

Jared is as tireless as me in promoting us! :lol:

As soon as we get some stuff converted to PDF, I'm going to post previews of one of the rooms, text and all. That will give everyone a feel for what's in store for them in the bowels of Undermountain! :twisted:
The Back In Print Project - Where AD&D Lives Forever!


Post by Doirche »

Thanks Halaster :)

I have some great ideas that will hopefully steer the project in a positive direction and I will be leaning on the developers a little to ensure we deliver a fantastic product to the gaming community.

Stay tuned sports fans! The best is yet to come :D
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