Undermountain questions

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Undermountain questions

Post by McDeath »

Had this question pop up on a site you hate but I couldn't honestly answer why this item/creature is this way other than it was written that way and that's it.

https://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/view ... =2&t=82405
Ravens Craig wrote:The flying dagger magical item is actually an animated guardian, like a golem or automaton. With that in mind, what would be the appropriate experience point reward following the rules for calculating experience points given on tables 31 and 32 from Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three (updated from the DMG)?
The Ruins of Undermountain, page 115 wrote:Flying Dagger
XP Value: 3,000 each
GP Value: 15,000 each
This useful magical item was very popular as an animated guardian in younger days of the Realms. A flying dagger darts about silently, point-first, and is typically about nine inches in length. 1-12 such daggers are usually encountered. Many different specimens of flying daggers can be found all across the face of Toril; therefore, a DM can freely alter the statistics of an individual flying dagger, creating one exactly to fit specific campaigns. The secrets of magically animating such daggers are known to few living mages.
The ‘trigger’ activating a given dagger can be as general as attack all intruders or as specific as the elaborate triggering conditions of a magic mouth spell.
Flying daggers are usually enchanted to attack anything that moves within a 60’ range. The spells that allow a flying dagger to swoop, dart, and detect opponents also protect the blades from rusting and brittleness due to extreme heat and cold.
An ‘average’ flying dagger is given the following statistics for combat: AC 5; MV Fl 21 (A); HD 1 + 1; hp 9 each; THAC0 17; #AT 2; Dmg 1-4; this item is considered a magical weapon that can hit creatures vulnerable to +2 weapons-the weapon gains no true attack bonuses. Flying daggers are neutral, non-intelligent, and cannot be affected by any type of mental control. A dagger that successfully strikes a moving arrow, thrown weapon, or like missile deflects it, if a DM so desires.
Some flying daggers can be enchanted with special abilities: immunity or reflection of certain spells; their touch can rust metal items as a rust monster (items struck must save vs. lightning or rust-a
flying dagger strikes metal when it attacks a target creature carrying or wearing something metal, and its attack roll misses by only one point.); or perhaps the flying daggers can even deliver a shocking grasp effect upon contact.
It was repeated in Myth Drannor on page 124 with slightly different statistics, the same XP and GP value, but no value was given for defeating one. From this source, the dagger has a speed of 24 (A) and 3 attacks, but is only considered a magical weapon for what it can affect as opposed to being able to affect creatures requiring +2 magical weapons to hit.

From The Ruins of Undermountain, there was an experience point total given that does not follow any of the normal tables:
The Ruins of Undermountain, page 28 wrote:These flying daggers are considered magical +2 weapons for purposes of deciding what it can hit-the weapon gains no true attack bonuses. Flying daggers are neutral, non-intelligent, and cannot be affected by any sort of mental control. These daggers are nine inches in length. Their magical nature prevents rusting and brittleness due to extreme heat and cold, and their touch can rust metal items; items struck must survive saving throws vs. lightning or rust. Consider a dagger to strike metal when it attacks a target creature carrying or wearing something metal, and its attack roll misses by only one point.

FlyingDagger (6): Int Non; AL N; AC 5; MV Fl 21 (A); HD 1 + 1; hp 9 each; THAC0 17; #AT 2; Dmg 1-4; SA Attacks as magical weapon; SZ S; ML N/A; XP 200 each.
This seem a little low as these daggers posses an additional special ability to rust metal which should make these flying daggers worth more a lot more experience points than just the 200 XP.

Interestingly enough, this item is equivalent to a stirge in many respects including attacking as 4 HD monster, flight, and having 1+1 hit dice. However, the flying dagger does not have the blood drain ability, but instead has maximum hit points, immunity to mental control, and the ability to hit monster requiring +2 magical weapons to hit.

When using table 31, the flying dagger starts at an XP value of 35 for having 1+1 HD. From table 32 which was updated, included more abilities, and is more specific on abilities from Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three:
Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three, page 5 wrote:Table 32 Hit Dice Value Modifiers

Armor Class 0 or lower________________________________+1
Attacks, multiple (four or more per round)_______________+1
Blood Drain _________________________________________+1
Breath weapon, under 20 hp maximum damage___________+1
Flies or has other special movement power ______________+1
Hit points greater than normal (over 6 hp/HD)____________+1
Immune to a spell or spells ____________________________+1
Intelligence High (13-14) or better______________________+1
Invisible at will ______________________________________+1
Magic resistance (less than 50%)________________________+1
Magical item or weapon use ___________________________+1
Magical or silver weapons to hit________________________+1
Missile weapons or ranged attack ability_________________+1
Psionic devotions ____________________________________+1
Spellcasting (level 2 or less) ___________________________+1
Unlisted special defense mode _________________________+1
Unlisted nonmagical special attack mode ________________+1

Attack, single, inflicts 20+ points of damage______________+2
Attacks, multiple, inflicting 30+ points of damage_________+2
Breath weapon, over 20 hp maximum damage ____________+2
Fear or weakness caused ______________________________+2
Magic resistance (50% or better)________________________+2
Psionic Sciences______________________________________+2
Spellcasting (level 3 or greater) ________________________+2
Swallows whole ______________________________________+2
Unlisted special magical attack mode____________________+2

Energy drain (level or ability draining)___________________+3
From that table I get the following modifiers:

+1 Flies or has other special movement power - movement of 21-24 (A)
+1 Hit points greater than normal (over 6 hp/HD) - 9 hit points/1+1 HD
+1 Immune to spell or spells - immune to mental control
+1 Unlisted nonmagical special attack mode - attacks as a 4 HD monster, THAC0 17

For the ability to strike creatures requiring a +2 weapon, I would go with an additional +1 as an unlisted minor magical ability or the opposite of magical or silver weapons to hit, take your pick.

+2 Unlisted special magical attack mode - this would apply if the flying dagger had the ability to rust metal items or had a shocking grasp effect.

That would yield a XP value of 420 for the standard version (975 for the rusting or shocking grasp version).

Would any value this differently?
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Those people at DF are worse than little old ladies, fretting over the stupidest things! It's a freaking 1HD "monster"! Just award listed 200 xp and be done with it. Or, if going by the xp chart you decide it should be worth 420 xp, award 420 xp.

I mean, really? Adventurers of the level needed to navigate Undermountain and they're quibbling over the xp of a 1HD monster? :roll:

Go spank them for me McDeath! I have no patience for them! :lol:
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Post by McDeath »

I was going to say because that's how the writer wanted it; unique. Ravencage or w/e is a little bit too rules lawyer for me. Sounds like boredom in the boardroom going over tables and charts. Pay me 200k/yo and i'll play at that table.
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

It never ceases to amaze me what some people fret over. I mean sure, I try to be detailed and accurate. If my players are fighting a dragon or demon or something, that's a lot of xp. I want them (if they defeat the enemy and earn it!) to get the xp they're entitled to. But my god! To quibble over a freaking 200 xp difference? In UNDERMOUNTAIN??? :roll:

I read Raven-what's-his-name's post, and all I could think of in response is:

"Who the hell cares? You're an experienced DM (supposedly)! Make the call! Is a 200 xp variance REALLY going to wreak havoc on your campaign?"

As an example...on pg. 29 of the original Campaign Guide to Undermountain, it details a common bat. It's listed a having 1/4 HD, a whopping 20 hp, and THACO of 1. :shock: :?

It's permanently limned with a rosy colored faerie fire. Now clearly that was a typo. Yes, a bat has 1/4 HD and 1-2 hp. So it was supposed to read 1/4 HD, 1 hp and 20 THACO. Just a mix up of numbers. Why fret over it? Two choices...say "well that's a typo" and get on with it, or do what I did...read the stat block literally! I left the bat with 20 hp and a 1 THACO. I mean, hey...this is UNDERMOUNTAIN not Disney Land! I thought it would add a tad of spice. The PCs may hit the damned thing 2 or 3 times and wonder..."why isn't this damned bat dead?". In the meantime, it only misses on a roll of 1. Lots of bat bites! Enjoy the rabies, my poor adventurers! ANYTHING in Undermountain may kill you! :twisted:

Now granted, that doesn't make the bat more than a minor threat, but what the hell, why not? It didn't take me hours of posts on a forum to decide. Common sense...oh, it's a typo. A spurt of inspiration...hell, run with it anyway!

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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Oh, and that cool rat in Room #1 on Level 1? He plays a role in Ruins of Undermountain III: The Deadly Levels. Part of a tribute to a fallen PC from my original Undermountain campaign, that's all I'm gonna say. :wink:
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Post by McDeath »

I was just looking at dragon issue 166 and realized the ad in the back is what made me want to get undermountain so bad. Started with that pic.
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Yeah, that ad got me looking for Ruins of Undermountain too!

"I gotta go find this Undermountain thing NOW!"


What a great product!
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