Gods of Kervasis..

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Citizen of Undermountain
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Gods of Kervasis..

Post by garhkal »

Well sinc my CJ is up here, i thought it was right to also include all the backround info on the gaming realm of Kervasis..

Here's the Gods i use..
“Teacher of the masses, keeper of the eternal flame, watcher of the whispering winds”

Balkao is an old god of Kervasis. He was worshiped way before the time of the great Cataclysm as the main god of the elements. Recently he has started to regain some worshipers in the dwarves of the northern mining city.

To become a priest:
Alignment; Must have neutrality as part of alignment, otherwise is not limited.
Attributes: Normal clerical requirements. Standard PR requirement.
Racial: Human, Lizard-men, Half elf, Dwarf, Gnoll.

Armor allowed: Any. Cannot use shields.
Weapons allowed: All normal clerical, plus spear, morning star and halberd (seen by many as the symbol)

Non-weapon proficiencies:
Bonus: None
Required: None
Recommended: None
Cross over groups: Normal for clerics

Spheres of access:
Major access to All, Animal, Creation, Divination, Elemental, Guardian, Summoning, Sun, Weather and Travelers (Tome of Magic),
Minor access to Plant, Combat, Necromantic and Protection.

Special benefits:
At fifth level gains the ability to ignore all normal weather affects (except vision issues from snow or rain)
When a cleric of Balkao summons elementals, they never need to fear losing control of them in the normal fashion, but enemy casters can still 'wrest control over them the normal manner'.

Special hindrances:
Turns undead as a paladin (at -2 levels). And like a paladin, is limited to owning only 10 magical items of a permanent nature.

Sacrifices: Must sacrifice something of each element once a week. (think of the final scene in the temple, of the film Fifth element)

Relations: As is new, has yet to develop relations with others.

Holy symbol is a volcano's silhouette with a wave coming out of.

Due to being an elemental god, priests of Balkao, is not really concerned with 'relationships' with other human or non-human gods, but does put dwarves ahead of the other races. His priests are limited to only 1st and 2nd level magics on any, who are not of the faith. This goes up to 4th and under for dwarves. Due to both Lizard-men and Gnolls being able to worship him, he has no specific restrictions on his priests helping these 2 races.
"Empress of opulence, Queen of pleasures, and self fulfillment, Maker of bargains, Guardian of the treasures of heaven, Golden temptress of the Crimson chambers."

Halea is the goddess of love, fertility, and good luck on Kervasis Kalomm. In other realms, she would be competing with Selune, and other love goddesses. She is also the patron of bargains, and so many traders worship her.

To become a priest:
Alignment: Lawful neutral, Neutral good.
Attributes: Wisdom 12, Cha 12, Comeliness (if used) 15.
If either is above 16, gains +5% to earned XP.
If both are above 16, gets +10.
Racial: Human, Half elf, Elf.

Armor allowed: Any leather, no shields.
Weapons allowed: Any bludgeoning, Net, Man-catcher and spec in wrestling.

Non weapon Proficiencies:
Bonus; Herbalism (love potions)
Required; religion
Recommended; any artistic,
Crossover Groups; priest and all.

Major; All, Animal. Charm, Guardian, Healing, Sun and Thought
Minor; Astral, Creation, Necromancy, Summoning and Weather

Special benefits:
Gains a Saving throw bonus of +4 vs CERTAIN spells from the mage school of Enchantment/Charm, once is sufficient level to cast the spell level the spell's of (IE needs to be 3rd level to gain the bonus against 2nd level spells). This also applies to Priest spells of the Charm school.
NOTE: This bonus never applies to the Following spells –
Mage; Bind, Forget, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold person, Emotion (ANY), Fumble, Minor or Greater Malison, Eyebite, Guards and wards, Sink or Modenkainen's Disjunction.
Priest; Hold person, Dictate, Cloak bravery/fear or Exactation.

Soothing word 3/day +1/level above 4th.
Cast confusion at 7th level 1/day.

Special limitations:
Uses D6 for hp,
Must be married by 8th level
Cannot be celibate (or if looses the ability to carry children), or looses all spells
Gains no followers.
Cannot turn undead

Sacrifices: Love, art, precious paintings,

Relations with other gods: neutral to all but peoni, good to the latter.

To spread love, to make love when ever possible, to precede over marriages.

Holy symbol is an opened up chastity belt covering a heart.
Being the goddess of mercantilism, she commands her priestesses to help, however, for spells 3rd to 5th level, they will only cast on those who can pay up. When it comes her highest level magics (6th and 7th level) are restricted to only those of the faith. The only exception to this, is to those who revere Peoni though. She maintains neutral relations to all the demi-human deities. So other than above, has no restrictions on whom she can help, so long as they can pay!
" Lady of chivalry, The Shield maiden of worthy causes, Guardian of Dottier, Protector of the brave, the Unwilling warrior, Lady of Paladins"

Laranni is the Kervasis Kalomm variant of Helm, Torm and Tyr rolled into one. She is the Peak of chivalry and art of combat. She protects those who fight against evil and against those who use Dishonorable-fighting tactics. She has a special hatred for those who use bows, as these are seen as coward’s weapons. She also promotes competition and test feats of strength and endurance. For any who wish to become Paladins, she is the only patron.

Requirements to become a cleric of Laranni:
Alignment. Lawful Good / lawful neutral. Warriors who wish to revere her can also be of Neutral good alignment.
Attributes: Wisdom 12, Strength 12
If either strength or wisdom are 16, clerics gain +5% to earned experience.
If both are 16, the cleric gains +10% to earned experience.
Racial: Of the main races, only Halflings cannot worship Laranni. Dwarves, and Humans make up the bulk, but there's quite a # of half elves and elves as well.

Armor allowed: Any armor is wearable, but the heavier the better. Shields are acceptable.
Weapons allowed: Clerics of Laranni start with the same number of weapon proficiencies as do warriors, and similar to warriors can specialize. They are forever prohibited from gaining proficiency in missile weapons UNLESS they can also be used in melee combat such as the spear or hand axe. They can use any melee weapon.

Non weapon proficiencies:
Bonus; Weaponsmithing (as dwarves for time, but uses humans for init modifier). If a Dwarf, has Weaponsmithing - dwarven instead.
Required; Religion, and Blind fighting (or Blind fighting Elf/Blind fighting Dwarf as appropriate)
Recommended; Heraldry, and any to do with combat.
Crossover Groups; general, priest and warrior, thief (for gem cutting)

Major; guardian, combat, war, sun, law, all
Minor; protection, healing, elemental air and fire, weather.

Special benefits:
Clerics of Laranni gain 3 special powers, besides the normal clerical turning of undead..
3rd level – once a day they can cast a Protection from Normal missiles on themselves, which lasts as if cast by a mage of 1 less level than they are.
5th level – Twice a day they can Remove Fear in one ally.
9th level – Can perform a Champion's Strength once a day, that lasts as if the priest was 4 levels higher for duration ONLY.

Special hindrance:
Their only real hindrance is their inability to use missile weapons. And in fact, priests who come across unclaimed/owned missile weapons, and get a chance to lay ownership of them, must break them in sacrifice. If someone else owns it, a priest of laranni can challenge that person to lay claim to it, so they can then break it later. This is specially hurtful for Elven priests who worship Sehnanie moonbow, as their racial favoritism with the bow is at odds with her teachings.

Note: If warriors and rangers wish to worship Laranni, they too must abide by the no missile weapon requirement. BUT they do gain the capability to inspire themselves to a “Heroic Fury”, once a calendar week. While in this state, they gain +1 to hit, +2 to damage and +5 extra hit points. This lasts for 5 rounds. It acts like the incite berserker rage ability of priests, but is renamed cause of what she is...

Missile weapons of all sorts, but bows are preferred
combat, gems.

Instruct others in the art of chivalry
Maintain honor in all things, especially combat
Break bows when ever found
Serve thy liege to the death
Never falter in one's vigilance

Holy symbol is a Scale of justice, with a sword on one of the plates, and a shield on the other.

Due to being the goddess of paladins/chivalry, Larannian priests cannot ever help those who are true thieves. She also won't help those who worship Vorka (due to his focus on archery) or Solonor (for the same reason). This often puts her clerics at major odds, when there are priests of those two faiths in the party, as both (or all) refuses to help each other.
Her priests will easily help out any other GOOD deity's followers, up to 4th level magics. Peoni is the only exception to this, and that just increases what they can cast, up to 5th level. Due to the Gnoll races use of the 'great bow', her priests will NEVER willingly aid a Gnoll, even a fellow PC in the party. Lizard-men, for the most part, (unless they are crossbow/spear-gun users) are ok though. However they are still limited to 3rd and lower spells.
For when it concerns neutral deities, 3rd and lower spells are the limit, except for cure serious or critical wounds, or their followers are ancillary benefiting from their spells above 3rd, such as being in the range of another spells' casting. THIS DOES NOT however, apply to spells that aid 'terrain' such as many from the WAR sphere.
"The restorer, The bringer of the life renewed, Maker of balms, Lady of truth, Guardian of the meek, Confidant of lovers, Protector of healers."

Peoni is the goddess devoted to healing and peace on Kervasis Kalomm. Merchants, farmers and normal folk are her normal worshipers, but adventurers do find her healing capabilities always welcome. Though they dislike her inability to do anything vs undead.

Alignment: Any good. Can also be lawful neutral.
Attributes: Wisdom 12, Charisma 13
If wisdom is 16 or higher gains +10% to earned XP.
Racial: Peoni is one of the only gods that have no racial restrictions.

Armor allowed: None. No shields. Can always wear magical devices that improve one's armor class, such as robes, rings, cloaks and bracers.

Weapons allowed: Clerics are prohibited from using any damaging weapon, but can always use a lasso, whip, bola or net. They do love wrestling and are also noted for being versed in Tai chi and Aikido. As such, they are the only really known practitioners of martial arts in Kervasis. As such, if they Do take one of those martial arts, they start with knowing 3 of the special maneuvers of that style, and gain 2 additional maneuvers, every 3 levels.

Non weapon proficiencies:
Bonus; Healing
Required; religion and herbalism
Recommended; any peaceful arts.
Crossover Groups; General, priest

Major; necromantic, Law, healing, Divination, weather, travelers
Minor; plants, charm creation, guardian

HELPING Requirement:
Due to priests of Peoni having an OBLIGATION To assist all in need, who ask for their help, ANY SENTIENT HUMANOID who recognizes a priest of Peoni, for who they worship, will NOT attack that priest.

Special benefits:
Clerics of Peoni gain many special powers, Six in total, since they do NOT have access to turning undead. 3 of those 6 powers, are level dependent, meaning they gain access to them, once they hit a certain level or higher, while the other 3 are not.

For the 3 that ARE level dependent;
3rd level – they can make a save vs death magic to ignore level drains from UNDEAD. This ability once gained is always in effect, and if they are then protected via Negative Plane Protection spells, their save is at +4, AND if made the undead suffers Double the energy backlash that they normally would, from that spell. IT DOES NOT impact the ability of other things that cause level loss, such as the enervation spell, or swords of life stealing!
5th level – they can Remove Curse once a week, on top of any using of that spell.
9th level – when they cast a Raise Dead spell, they double the duration of how long it can be usable. Additionally, those brought back to life this way, are healed up to 4d4hp above 0hp, rather than just the spell listed 1hp.

The 3 granted powers are not level dependent;
In combat vs pugilists, wrestlers or martial artists, they never need fear being knocked out due to their opponent rolling a successful KO score. THEY can still get knocked out, though, by taking enough damage!
When casting ANY of the 4 Cure wounds spells, normally for the realm of Kaloom, everyone rolls 2d4, PER d8 of healing the spell creates. Priests of Peoni instead, shift that to 1d4+4 per d8 of the spell, or shifts Cure moderate wounds to a d5+6, vice a d4+d6+1.
And Lastly, the Restoration spell, is gained as a 5th level spell vice a 7th level one, and unlike normal, priests of Peoni have no aging component to using the spell.

Special hindrances:
Clerics of Peoni suffer several penalties to offset the above listed benefits;
First off they only gain D4 for hp as if they were mages.
Second is their lack of offensive weaponry, if you note, most all of their weapons allowed, just tie up foes.
Lastly, if they kill A SENTIENT Creature, such as a humanoid, they lose all spells for 1d4 weeks from remorse. THIS does not apply to demons, devils, undead or other creatures with ties to the inner or outer planes. IT DOES however, apply, if they used a spell to hold/paralyze or otherwise incapacitate an enemy, and one of their allies, kills said held creature.

None, but is required to help all those in need of healing, even the enemy

To heal those in need
Vigilance against bad crops (helping the farmers)
Lending an ear to couples in trouble
To help those who need it

Relations to other gods: Hatred for those of the evil deities. Good to Save’k’nor and Laranni, ambivalent to the other neutral gods. Has great relations with the halfling deity Arvoreen, and the dwarven deity Berronar.

Holy symbol is a red robe with a medical cross on. THIS IS A highly recognizable symbol, even to many humanoids, such as Orcs, and as such IF those humanoids see it, they will not attack the one wearing it.

Peonian priests have NO restrictions on whom they can cast spells on, as her god specifically dictates, that her worshipers help ANY who ask for it. This extends even to evil humanoids who are smart enough to recognize her priests. This often means smart humanoids, who SEE a Peonian priest, will NOT target them in combat.
THIS “Requirement to always help”, does not extend to raising everyone from the dead. Since there are only 8 priests of sufficient level to raise the dead, and they generally are high priests of their respective temples, they GENERALLY do not raise the dead on 'just anyone'. Even if they DO so (after some good RP to convince them to do so), there will still be a fee, of 5,000gp. IF they have to use the “Combine spell” and have Several priests work, to boost the “# of days someone could be dead”, add in 500gp PER priest that has to join in.
"King of the icy winds, Lord of the perilous quest, Wielder of the bloody axe, Master of the frost, The gray slayer, Guardian of the wilds."

Sarajin, is the god of the barbarians. He is the god of battle lust, and so is considered unpredictable by those of Laranni. But as he is also the god of competition in combat, he is similar to Laranni.

To be a priest:
Alignment: Any but evil. (Chaotic neutral is favored)
Stats: Str Con and Wis of 12.
If any of the 3 are at 16, Gains +5% to earned Xp,
If 2 are at 16, +10
If all 3 are at 16, +15%.
Racial: Human Lizard-men and Gnolls.

Armor allowed: Any non metallic (hide preferred). No shield. IF they get armor made from Animal Chittin, such as Scorpion shells, or the like, they can be worn.

Weapons allowed: (starts with 3, +1 bonus. Gains a new slot every 4th level as regular). Spear, swords (barring kopesh and scimitar), Bows (but not crossbows), Axe (any). Plus see below in special benefits.

Non weapon proficiencies:
Bonus; wilderness survival, hunting
Required; none
Recommended; tracking, endurance, land riding, local history, heraldry
Crossover Groups; fighter, priest, general

Major; sun, elemental all, combat, travelers, guardian,
Minor; war, divination, healing, protection and Either Chaos or law as given by character alignment)

Special benefits:
Priests of Sarajin gain a # of granted powers, like all others do. The first three powers are not level dependent, and they are;
Use of a Warriors d10hp for how many hit points they gain, however they do NOT gain the Warrior's exceptional Constitution bonus from a 17 or 18 Constitution.
And they gain a Ranger's Animal Friendship ability.
They also gain 1 free weapon slot, to be used to take proficiency in one Weapon (as already mentioned).

And the level dependent ability they gain, is that they can cast the Heal spell, once a day, ON SOMEONE else only. This is a very special boon.. This is gained at 11th level.

Special Hindrances:
Turns undead at -3 levels, so does not gain the capacity to turn, till 4th level.
Cannot gain the Non-Weapon proficiency Reading and Writing, till they have hit 6th level. This does not stop them though, from using Protection scrolls, but it Does bar them from using Priest spell scrolls, until they gain the read/writing NWP.
And lastly, often seen a their biggest weakness (and its a known one to all 3 of Sarajin's evil barbarian brethren), IF EVER challenged to a battle by a sentient foe, such as a humanoid, or fellow barbarian, THEY ARE not allowed to turn that challenge down!
If does so, loses access to spells and granted powers for a period of 1d8 weeks. Many evil humanoids and priests fully understand this downside to those who worship Sarajin, and try to take advantage of it.

Sacrifices: gems, combat,

To ensure the tribe flourishes,
To maintain vigils against the other tribes,
To increase the tribes power
To aid other tribes in need

Relation to other gods: Good to Laranni, Neutral to all other good/neutral gods.

Holy symbol is a bear holding a spear standing on hind legs.

Sarajin as the god of battle lust, is always willing to see his priests help out anyone, regardless of race, who fights in battle with his followers.
Outside of battle though, only those who worship Clangeddin, Urogalan or Laranni, are eligible to receive any spell 3rd to 5th level. All those who worship any other god, or those who worship no one, are limited to 1st and 2nd level magics. Due to often being fellow barbarians, he actually often favors Lizard-men, more so than humans. Outside of battle, his priests, can help out any Lizard-man pc, up to 3rd level spells.
"Lord of puzzles conundrums and mazes, Sage of the gods, Lord of jesters, Mixer of the tree of knowledge, Keeper of the Var-Hyuvrak the lost god."

Save 'K' nor is the Kalomm equivalent of Mystra, Ogmah and Azuth. He is the Patron of mages, sages and seekers of wisdom. He is the keeper of all the known knowledge, and only lets those that work hard for it, get it.

Alignment: Any bar lawful good, chaotic evil and chaotic neutral.
Attributes: Wisdom 13, Intelligence 12
If both are 16 or higher, clerics gain +10% to experience.
Racial: Human and Half elf only.

Armor allowed: None but can use magical enhancing items (i.e. cloak protection)
Weapons allowed: same as mage, + all bludgeoning.

Non weapon proficiencies:
Bonus; Spell craft and info gathering (thief handbook)
Required; None
Recommended; read/write, and others thought needed.
Crossover groups; general, priest, mage and thief.

Major; Divination (see below in spec benefits), guardian, protect, time, thought
Minor; charm, creation, sun, all, healing

Special benefits:
Priests of Save'K'Nor, gain 3 boons. The first is not level dependent, and is often seen by many as their most potent ability. The other 2 however, are level dependent.

The one that is NOT level dependent;
For priests of Save'k'nor, ANY time they cast a spell from the Divination sphere, its cast as if they were 5 LEVELS higher than they actually are, for ALL level dependent aspects of the spell. If a Multi-classed Mage/priest (or dual classed mage turned priest), this also applies to Mage spells of the Divination school of magic. However, certain spells still 'max out', such as Identify at 90% chance of knowing an item.

The two that are dependent on their level are;
5th level – Twice a day, they gain a MODIFIED version of the spell, True seeing, lasting for 1 turn each use.
This modified version of the spell, DOES penetrate Magical darkness, Fog Clouds/Walls of Fog, Obscurement, and other such magical spells. It penetrates through illusions, showing the priest, what's truly there, and even lets them see foes who are under the effects of invisibility MAGICS. (it does NOT however work on psionic invisibility).
Where it's changed from the base spell, is that it does NOT -
Pierce through and reveal someone Polymorphed/Change selfed, or a druid using his Animal changing ability (nor that of Dopplegangers).
Show Phased or Displaced beings actual location, nor does it determines alignment, locates secret or hidden doors, or extend his vision extend into the Etheral or Astral plane. It also only extends 60 feet, not 120 as per the priestly spell.

Lastly, at 9th level, once a month they can cast a Contact Other plane, spell, with half the chance of going insane as normal.

Special Hindrances:
Priests of Save’k’nor, suffer 2 major hindrances. The first and foremost is that similar to priests of Halea, the goddess of merchants and fertility, they ONLY USE a d6 for gained hit points.
AND lastly they can never turn undead, EVEN IF THEY some how gain a magical device that normally would allow it, such as An amulet vs undead.

Can never pass up the chance to learn something, even if potentially suicidal to do so.

To hunt for more knowledge

Relation with other gods: Great with Dumathoin and Avoreen. Good with Peoni. Neut with all others.

Holy symbol is a book leaning against a mortar and pestle.

As the god of knowledge, his priests are on great terms with Dumathoin of the dwarves or Arvoreen of the Halflings. To those who worship either of those 2 gods, his priests can cast any spell up to 6th level.
Those who worship any other god, are capped at 3rd level spells only (or 4th for healing magic). For those who are non-priests, they can only get up to 2nd level spells,curative or otherwise
However, at no time, will more than 50% of their spells/day, be just curative spells. At least one of each level, must be used for some sort of divination spell, as befitting a deity of knowledge
And lastly
"Swift wind, sure shot. Master of the many pathways through life."

Vorka represents travelers, archers and those who seek new paths. As such druids, rangers and most elves favor him. His clerics often are mistaken for rangers or druids. BUT don’t let that fool anyone.

To be a priest:
Alignment: Any baring lawful good or chaotic evil.
Attributes: Wisdom 13, Intelligence 13.
If both are 16+, gains +10% to earned XP.
Racial: Gnolls, Elves, Humans and Half elves only.

Armor: Any leather or hide based armor, and can use wooden shields.
Weapons allowed: as druid, plus any and all missile weapons.

Non weapon proficiencies:
Bonus; Tracking, survival (2 areas)
Required; Herbalism
Recommended; Any that will assist travel or seeking paths.
Crossover groups: General, priest, and warrior.

Major; Animal, plant, travelers, protection, Summoning, creation
Minor; Elemental (all), guardian, wards and necromantic (though DOES get reincarnate)

Special benefits:
Priests of Vorka, gain a few granted powers/special benefits. None are level dependent.
1st; They can get weapon specialty in any missile weapon and gains all benefits of said specialty. Spec still has to be purchased, so costs 2 weapon slots, once proficient in the bow, to specialize. So most likely will not be able to specialize till 8th level, or 6th if a multi-classed fighter-priest. Normally this is in a bow, rather than crossbow, but it CAN be in a crossbow, thought this is very rare.

2Nd, Suffers only ½ the normal movement penalty for overland travel due to terrain.

3rd; While only has minor access to necromantic spells does get access to reincarnate, and has a 50% chance of being able to PICK any form coming from said use of reincarnate.

Special limitations:
No undead turning.
Other than using a magical weapons, gains no bonuses to hit or damage from using melee weapons, this means even if they have a 18 strength, or wear magical Girdles of giant strength, they do NOT gain the + to hit or damage that high strength bestows. Though having a high strength, STILL adds for encumbrance, weight allowance, bending of bars etc.
Can never refuse to seek out a place thought lost

None as yet

To path find for new civilizations, to seek out lost ones

Relation with other gods:
As he is new, he has not made any relations as yet, but his love of the bow will mark him as not liked by Laranni.

Holy symbol is a caravan's silhouette, on open plains.

Vorkian priests share a natural enmity to those who follow Laranni (similar to elven priests of Solonor), as such, they do not cast any spells on their followers, a believe that is reciprocated by Larannian priests.
They are very amenable with priests of the elven god Solonor, due to his also being an archery focused god, and as such can cast spells on Solonorian priests up to 5th level.
They like Sarajin, so will cast spells up to 4th level for them. For all the other human deities, they are restricted to 3rd and lower, with the exception of Peoni, who they will always pay back the Peonian's kindness.
They are similarly, limited to 3rd and lower levels for any of the dwarven priests.
They are kindly to the other 2 elven gods followers, but so far, not so much with the Halfling ones, who are like the dwarves, limited to 3rd level and under.
For Lizard-men, they are limited to 4th level spells, but as many of the good Gnolls, are often worshipers, all of the 3 main encampments are considered all to be 'of the faith', even if that specific Gnoll does not revere Vorka.
For non-priests, regardless of race, only 1st level spells can be cast directly on them.
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
Citizen of Undermountain
Citizen of Undermountain
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Re: Gods of Kervasis..

Post by garhkal »

Now onto the Demi-human deities..
For the Elves, only the following 3 deities are represented.. Corellon, Sehanine Moonbow and Solonor Thelandria..
For the dwarves, its Moradin, Dumathoin, Beronnar and Clangeddin.
For the halflings, its just Yondalla, Avoreen and Urogalan.

All Elven priests, regardless of god, will not aid any Lizard-man, due to the latter's races often consuming of Elven corpses. However, they have come to know, and even aid the few Good Gnoll communities, and as such, will render aid to them, keeping with the specific deity's limitations below...
Corellon Larethian; Priests of Corellon are expected to be leaders of Elven communities in many ways They take a leadership role in developing their own and training others in combat skills, magical arts, arts and crafts (each priest is expected to develop one of these). They are expected to mediate disputes and maintain good relations with the priests of other elves and sylvan deities.

Requirements: Abilities – Str 11, Int 11. Align – CG.

Weapons – Any.
Armor – Any.
Spheres of access granted – All, Astral*, Charm, Combat, Creation, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Summoning*, Sun, Thought*, War, Wards.

Granted powers - 1st level, +2 Cha to other elves.
5th level, +2 save vs poison, auto save vs spider venom.
9th level, goblinoids save vs priests spell at -2. (In the realms there are no true goblins or Kobolds, but there are plenty of Hobgoblins!

Turn undead at regular level. Level limits as per elf sub-race.
Holy Symbol – Crescent Moon

Whom they can cast spells on:
Will cast any level spell on priests following any other elven god. Limited to L3 and under for human good/neutral gods (except for Vorka and Peoni). For the dwarven gods, is on great terms with Moradin, so can cast up to 4th level spells, for those who worship the all-father, while only 3rd level and under can be used on other dwarven deities priests. As they have Good relations with Halfling gods, so L4 and under ok to be cast on their priests.
However, for NON-Priests, its different. 1st to 4th level HEALING spells, are ok for all non-elven non-priest types, though those of level 3 or 4, are restricted, if the person is not chaotic good, or is not currently working on a quest for the elves. At no time however, will L5 or higher spells be cast on ANY non-elf.
Solonor Thelandria:
Solonor's priests must maintain a natural balance between hunting and culling in wild places, and the integrity of wild spaces in nature. They are hunters and providers to Elven communities. They may also preside over initiation ceremonies into adult hood.

To become one;
Abilities: Wisdom 9, Constitution 10, Dexterity 15.
Alignment: CG only.
Weapons; Any bow (not including crossbows), Dagger, Spear, Knife and Long sword.
Armor; Any leather, or silenced elven chain mail. No shield.
Spheres: Major - All, Animal, Elemental (all), Plant, Sun and Weather..
Minor - Healing and Necromantic.

Granted powers:
1st - Further +1 to hit with all bows (not including Crossbows)
3rd level - Can speak with animal, 2/day as if cast the spell.
7th level - Bonus with bows increases to +2 above all others.
9th level - gains +1 to player’s choice of Dexterity Or constitution (cannot take above racial maximum).

Cannot turn undead.

Holy symbol - Silver arrow with green fletching..

Whom they can cast spells on:
As is focused on battling undead, is in great stead with Laranni and Sarajin, HOWEVER, this doesn’t mean they can break with the normal issues, of casting any spell higher than L2, on followers of Laranni, due to the whole BOW issues. If a priest of Sehanine does NOT actually use a bow, then this relationship with clerics of Laranni increases, to allowing up to 4th level spells, similar to priests of Sarajin.
For priests of Sarajin, they are eligible to cast up to 4th level spells. She is neutral to most of the other good/neutral human deities, so can use L1 or 2 spells on them that are NON curative, or L3 if they are curative.
Concerning dwarf or halfling priests, they can cast 3rd and lower level spells, Except for those who follow Berronar, who she has great relations with, and as such can go to 5th level..
For those who are NOT priests, other than cure wounds spells, or ones related to fighting undead (negative plane protection, protection from evil 10ft radius), she prohibits her priests from casting any spell 3rd level or higher on anyone NOT an elf. OR half elf (for those half elven priests, who follow Sehanine..)
Sehanine Moon-bow: Sehanine's priests are protectors of the dead, enjoined to combat undead creatures, organizers of funeral rights and also seers and mystics. They help with practical preparations for journeys to the hidden elven lands, but they do not provide any guidance along the journey itself. Retrieval of lost elven artifacts and lost arcane lore, especially if it pertains to illusions and or divination, are a primary task of her adventuring priests. This sits them in good standing with the human god Save'k'nor.

To become one;
Abilities: Wisdom 13, Intelligence 11.
Alignment: NG or CG only.
Weapons; Any bow (not including crossbows), Javelins, Staves, Slings, Staff-sling, Sickles (Free slot for Sickle).
Armor; Any. Shields allowed.
Spheres: Major - All, Astral, Charm, Divination, Necromantic, Protection, and Travelers. Minor - Guardian, Healing, Thought and Wards.

Granted powers:
1st level - Gains a +2 save boost versus Death magic
3rd level - Infravision, improves to 120ft vice the normal 60ft of elves or half elves.
5th level - gain the ability to cast the Star shine spell, once a day..
7th level - Can cast the Moon-bow spell, once a day. NOTE this is even though the spell does normally Not exist on Kervasis..
9th level - Can cast Dream once a week.

Can turn undead.

Downsides - USES only d6 for hp (vice normal d8 for priests).

Holy symbol - Full moon with a bow inside.

Whom they can cast spells on:
As is focused on battling undead, is in great stead with Laranni and Sarajin, HOWEVER, this doesn’t mean they can break with the normal issues, of casting any spell higher than L2, on followers of Laranni, due to the whole BOW issues. If a priest of Sehanine does NOT actually use a bow, then this relationship with clerics of Laranni increases, to allowing up to 4th level spells, similar to priests of Sarajin.
For priests of Sarajin, they are eligible to cast up to 4th level spells. She is neutral to most of the other good/neutral human deities, so can use L1 or 2 spells on them that are NON curative, or L3 if they are curative.
Concerning dwarf or halfling priests, they can cast 3rd and lower level spells, Except for those who follow Berronar, who she has great relations with, and as such can go to 5th level..
For those who are NOT priests, other than cure wounds spells, or ones related to fighting undead (negative plane protection, protection from evil 10ft radius), she prohibits her priests from casting any spell 3rd level or higher on anyone NOT an elf. OR half elf (for those half elven priests, who follow Sehanine..)
Last edited by garhkal on Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gods of Kervasis..

Post by garhkal »


Due to the dwarves hatred of goblinoids (inc Orcs, Orogs, Bugbears and Gnolls), even if a PC Gnoll is one of the rare few good ones, they are forbidden to be aided by the priest's magic, unless that aid is as a side-effect of others being helped (such as the Gnoll is in the range of a Prayer or close enough for a protection from evil 10ft radius). In regards to lizard-men, even if PC, they cannot be given spells of higher than 2nd level, and even then, any dwarf priest will often cast level 1 or 2 spells, on others FIRST, before helping the lizard-man.
Priests of Moradin are charged with the advancement of the dwarven race in all areas of life, the founding of new kingdoms and clan lands, and a wide range of formal ceremonies (marriages, consecrations etc), along with the education of the young, especially in the teaching of history. They maintain genealogies and historical archives, cooperating with Berronar's priests. Adventuring is encouraged in the priest hood, but only adventuring which directly serves the interest of the dwarven race.
One of the bigger upsides which is also a downside to the priesthood, is that Priests of Moradin (and even warrior/priests who venerate him), can only wield weapons, that they have had a hand in Crafting themselves. This means while they don’t need to fully build it, they MUST have spent at least 1/3rd the time, it takes to make, participating (so often act as apprentices to the main crafter). This does not mean, they can just ‘add some gems to the weapon, or do some etching on its. HOWEVER any weapon they DO help craft like this, are considered +1 weapons, for purposes of what they can strike. This is why many priests of Moradin, have Dwarven weapon-smithing as their Clan based Crafting proficiency.

Race- Dwarf only.. Alignment LG only. Needs a Strength of 13 besides the wisdom of 9. Wisdom is their only PR.

Weapons: They can use any weapon, however see above. They need proficiency in the Warhammer at first level.
Armor: – Any metallic.

Spheres granted: Major - All, Combat, Creation, Elemental (earth and fire), Healing, Law and Protection.
Minor - Divination, Necromantic, War and Wards.

Granted powers:
1st level - Gains +2 bonus to their Charisma, in relation to other dwarves.
5th level - Gains +2 to hit with war hammers, above any other benefits.
9th level - Can cast a special Prayer, that ignores enemies magic resistance, and at end of the spell’s duration, all allies, are healed for 1d3hp.

Special hindrances:
Other than the big one, regarding magical weapons, Moradinian priests, have no downsides.

Whom they can cast spells on:
As the grand pappy of the dwarves, Moradin priests can use their 'blessings' on any dwarf, regardless of whom that dwarf may worship (or not worship).

For any other race who are ACTIVELY Defending a dwarf's home, (the Mining city of Awagorr for instance), All spell levels up to 5th can be cast on them. This does not apply to followers of Corellon though, due to his great alliance with that elf deity, priests of Moradin, can use Any level spell, on someone who follows Corellon.

While out adventuring, Moradinian priests are limited to casting combat/healing spells on comrades up to 4th level, who are not fellow dwarves, DURING or right after battle only. Outside of battle, they are limited to only 3rd and lower level spells.

For followers of the Human gods, he shares a great respect with those who worship Balkao and Laranni, and a grudging respect for Sarajin and Peoni, and can cast up to 4th level spells on their followers. For Halea, Save'k'nor and Vorka, they are only able to cast up to 3rd level spells.
AT NO TIME though, except the aforementioned defending of Awagorr, will a priest of Moradin, ever use a 5th or higher level spell, on someone NOT a dwarf (or follower of Corellon!).
Dumathoin Keeper of secrets under mountains:
Dumathoin's priests often supervise mining operations, and maintain underground safety and security. They are charged with retrieving treasure buried in the earth, without being overtly greedy, and without marring the beauty of the subterranean realm. They are also negotiators with other, non-hostile underground races, bargaining to avoid over exploitation of resources.

Requirements: Abilities – Con 12. Alignment – LN or N.
Weapons – any.
Armor – any.
Gains free slot of Weapon-smithing, Dwarven!
Spheres granted – All, Combat*, Creation, Divination*, Elemental (earth and fire), Protection, Travelers*, Wards.

Granted powers - 1st level, Can detect gems underground within 60' once a day for a turn. 5th level, gains one free Stone shape a day. 9th level, Gains one Stone skin as if a mage of same level, once a day.

No turning of undead. Standard level limits.

Holy Symbol – Gem inside Mountain

Whom they can cast spells on:
Of the dwarven gods, Dumathoin's priests are the odd ones out, often favoring helping out priests of Balkao (the human's elemental god), or those of Save'k'nor, over the others. However, they always help out fellow Dwarves first. Then they move onto helping those who worship the god of knowledge or elements after, up to a maximum of 4th level spells. Only once that's done, can they move onto helping other humans, up to 2nd level spells. But like with Clangeddin, they never use their priestly magic on gnolls or any other form of goblinoid.
He maintains good relations with the temples of Save'k'nor, and Balkao, and some what good relations to Vorka. They are ambivalent to the other human gods, as well as those of the elves, and as such can only cast up to 2nd level spells for those who follow anyone else for the humans, or for any of the elven worshipers. But Curiously they are on good terms to those of the halflings, especially those of Urogalan, and can go even up to 5th level for their priests.
For non-priests, regardless of elf, human or halfling, only Curing magics up to 3rd level can be cast.
Clangeddin's priests are often fighter-priests, leading the fight against the goblin and orc hordes that prey on dwarven societies. They often form an elite warrior caste in many clans. They strive to maintain such a position, and train hard physically. They must always prepare for war, physically, tactically, and by acquiring resources. They must attack hill giants when ever possible. They respect combat prowese, and strength, and thus are great allies to the human’s who worship Sarajin.

Requirements: Abilities – 15 Strength. Alignment – LG.
Weapons – Any, but must have Battle axe at first.
Armor – Any metallic, no shields. Prefers fighting either with two weapons, or using two handed weapons.
Spheres granted – All, Combat, Elemental (earth)*, Guardian, healing*, Law, Protection, War, Wards*.

Granted powers - 1st level, gains Two Commands a day in addition to any taken as spells, 5th level, Can cast Strength once a day, gaining D8 as a fighter would, 9th level, Can use a triple damage axe blow once a day. Must declare before damage is rolled but can do so after hit is successful.

No turning of undead. Standard racial level limits.

Holy Symbol – Crossed Battle axes

Whom they can cast spells on:
Clangeddin by dint of being the god of battle, is well disposed to priests of both Laranni and Sarajin, but this also puts his clergy at odds with both those of Peoni and Save'k'nor, the former due to her priestesses being pacifists, the latter because of their alliances with mages. Clangeddin's priests are instructed to always cast spells to aid and help those non-dwarven allies, when engaged in battle, especially with giants. This however, does NOT extend to breaking the “all dwarf restriction” on casting spells on Gnolls or Lizard-men’s cap of 2nd and lower level spells.
In regards to the human specific deities, they will often put those who give faith and dues to Laranni or Sarajin, before others. So if a priest has 3 healing spells left at the end of the day, and 2 Larannian worshipers are in need, and there's 3 who say worship Vorka or Halea, he will heal those who worship Laranni, using his last one on the most needy of the latter 3. This means, they are limited by the deities dictates, to only casting spells of 1st to 3rd level, on non-dwarves, except after a battle, in which case anything up to 5th level, are fair game. However, spells such as raise dead, are still kept only for use on fellow dwarves.
For Halfling gods, regardless of whom worshiped, they can cast up to 4th level spells.

They are Loathed to help out elves, and will only cast the most minor (1st level) of their magics on elves. This is regardless of whom the elf pays lip service to. And this is ONLY after they have helped fellow Dwarves first, then halflings, Then humans..
Berronar's priests are guardians and protectors of dwarven clans, and maintain lore records as well as family histories. They must also heal sick and injured dwarves and those in need. In some ways, she is the Dwarf version of Peoni, but her priests are not pacifists, in fact, they will EASILY take a combative roll, to defend those they are sworn to protect.

Requirements: Abilities – standard for clerics. Alignment – LG.
Weaponry – Battle axe, club, crossbow (all but hand and assault), Flail (both horseman and footman's) Mace (both horseman and footman) and Morning star. Must have be proficient in the Mace (either type) at first level.
Non-weapon: Bonus - Either Healing, or Herbalism.
Armor – any.
Granted spheres – All, Animal*, Charm*, Creation, Combat, Divination*, Elemental (earth), Guardian, Healing *, Law, Protection, Necromantic, Wards*.
Granted powers – 1st level, all protection spells cast as if four levels higher for all level based effects. 5th level, gets one free Detect Lie a day. 9th level, Can cast one Wall of Stone, Iron or Force spell a day.

Turns undead at -4 levels. Standard racial level limits. Uses d6 for HP.

Holy Symbol – Two silver rings interlinked

Whom they can cast spells on:

Similar to Moradin, she lets her priests cast spells on those who help defend dwarven communities, when they are non-dwarven, up to 4th level spells. And will even allow raise dead to be used on those who die, defending said areas.
Otherwise her priestesses are limited to casting 1st to 3rd level spells on non-dwarves. The only exception to this is spells of healing (inc removing curses) on those who ask, up to 5th level spells for followers of Sehanine. In fact if a priest of Sehanine is in the party too, priests of Berronar will render aid to THAT priest, before spending any magic on others.
She has great relations with the human goddess Peoni, but otherwise, is neutral to the other human gods clergy. They are also closely linked to the Halfling god's followers of Avoreen and Yondalla, due to sharing a very similar “portfolio”.
For non priests, they can only cast 1st or 2nd level spells on them, for those who are not dwarves.
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
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