What do OOP players want?

Discussion of OOP 1st & 2nd Edition products and rules, ie TSR AD&D material.

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Post by Xyzchyx »

Halaster Blackcloak wrote: And as for OSRIC, considering the personalities and history of the people who developed it, I would sooner sever my own testicles with a dull rusty spork than use their stuff.
Oooh... painful imagery.

One might be compelled to wonder what they possibly could have done to deserve such a remark.

Hey, and wasn't it you who posted on Grognard's Tavern about 7 weeks back about burying the hatchet between folks in the OOP community?

For the record, I'm disatisfied with OSRIC also... although my sentiments on the matter are more related to its actual content (or lack thereof with respect to certain material).
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Jeffx wrote:
Nothing. Really? So how does Paizo do it?
You're taking my "nothing" statement out of context, which is precisely why I added that explanatory stuff afterwards.

Paizo does what they do by paying lots of money and actually selling derivative material via the OGL (by derivative I mean it's derived from AD&D but is not AD&D due to the OGL). That's not OOP AD&D gaming. It's 3E, or rather d20 gaming.

I'm wondering if we're not seeing eye to eye on what the BIP Project is all about. We're not interested in developing OSRIC or d20 or Creations Unlimited material, or any such quasi-AD&D stuff. It's for AD&D material for AD&D fans who don't want modules with 1E-style covers and d20 content or game systems that kinda/sorta feel a little bit like AD&D 2E but mixed with d20 rules.
Castles and Crusades is close to the feel of the older editions, it could be done under that brand.
C&C is crap. It's d20. It limits a great many things. You cannot, for example, write a C&C adventure using copyrighted monsters that do not appear in the OGL, such as beholders and mindflayers. Again, totally different than AD&D.
OSRIC is also an option. I couldn't let the personality of another project team stand in my way of accomplishing something.
We don't need OSRIC to accomplish anything. If we don't need it, why bother with it? What we're doing now is several orders of magnitude higher in quality than anything I've seen published under OSRIC or d20 rules.
I am a bit of an optimist.
I'm just a realist. :wink:
I can list my failures and people would run out of bandwidth downloading the simple text of the message. It hasn't stopped me from trying again. Some people claim that is the sign of insanity. I will eventually get a better result.
Me, I know when to stop banging my head on the wall and when to redirect my energies a different way. You may get a better result. Maybe. But it is worth the effort in the long run? Does the pay off justify the head banging?
Please don't take this personally. That is a failure in project management. Many times it is unavoidable. If I can't keep people excited in a project, I am the wrong person to manage that project. It is the wrong project to do.
I disagree totally. In most cases it's a people problem. People have larger desires than they do the ability to back those desires up. They get excited about a project until they come up against the inevitable reality of how much gut-wrenching work is involved, along with the time and energy commitments. And they back out. It's like the old saying "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach." Or perhaps, "You can bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink". People need to have that spark inside themselves to begin with. Either they do or they don't. Nobody can give that to them.
Did I say anything about free? Did I say anything about people volunteering their time to this project? I already have an artist and an editor. I am actively trying to learn some things to fill the remaining staff holes. I have my attorney trying to find where I stand with core rules. I am about 25 days into this dream. In 45 more days it will either be dead or a project map will be in place.
Good luck. But I suspect you'll find that you're stuck using the crappy OGL if you want to actually sell something.
And the output, Doirche's map, is what brought me to this forum.
That's why I can't wait to release RoUIII. That should really grab everyone's attention.
Don't want "artists" I want professionals. Worst case scenario, I pay artists for commissioned work.
That's all well and fine if you're going to be able to sell the product and recoup that investment. But I'll be damned if I'm going to pay an artist ("professional" or otherwise) several hundred to several thousand dollars for doing far less than a fraction of the work I'm doing writing, editing, proofing, and overseeing a free product. It's not fair to me, to the proof readers, to the cartographers, or anyone else involved. It's not what BIP is all about, ie fans doing fan work for the love of the game. Ask Doirche how many hours of work he put into the Level 7 map alone. Level 8 is twice as much work, and the sub-level is the same amount of work as Level 7 was.
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Shacia wrote:
Thank you! How might a 3.x'r help out around here anyway? I'd love to be able to contribute where I could. I am going to be starting an AD&D UM campaign this weekend, so I'll know more about it soon, but how can I help now and going forward? Is there maybe some material(weapons, monsters, etc.) from 3.x that maybe someone would like to see converted backward, that I could help with, since I'm really familiar with it all?
Well, one of the Golden Rules of BIP is that there will be no backward conversion whatsoever of 3E material. So that part is out. But as for contributing, we can use all kinds of stuff. New monsters, new magic items, new spells, NPCs, new areas of interest (ie unique new taverns, inns, ships, etc), and so on and so forth. Even one spell or one magic item means a lot, considering that if everyone here donated one item, we'd have 4 dozen new items overnight! :shock: :)

Even shell ideas, un-fleshed-out ideas that serve as a core idea for further development, are worth submitting. People who know artists can always ask them if they can draw up a monster. We have one artist at the time, and I have to focus him exclusively on the Undermountain project. But if we had 2-3 more artists, we could have then drawing up new monsters for the Tome of Monsters, which I've been wanting to expand. We can certainly use a few more proof readers. I'd definitely jump for joy if we got one more person who was truly handy with doing PDF conversions. Another cartographer would be great, as I could get him doing maps for other stuff so that Doirche can focus on Undermountain.

So really, just about anything would be a help! :D
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Post by jeffx »

Halaster Blackcloak wrote: I'm wondering if we're not seeing eye to eye on what the BIP Project is all about. We're not interested in developing OSRIC or d20 or Creations Unlimited
I'm not developing this under BIP. The work I do to help here (and will continue to do) with BiP is independent of anything I am working on. It was brought up as what I would like from OOP. It grew from that.
But it is worth the effort in the long run? Does the pay off justify the head banging?
It's not fair to me, to the proof readers, to the cartographers, or anyone else involved. It's not what BIP is all about, ie fans doing fan work for the love of the game.
We are talking about different things. However, I don't pay just artists.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Xyzchyz wrote:
One might be compelled to wonder what they possibly could have done to deserve such a remark.
One might not want to open up that can of worms! :lol:

It's a long, dreary story of politics and mental illness and quite unpleasant.
Hey, and wasn't it you who posted on Grognard's Tavern about 7 weeks back about burying the hatchet between folks in the OOP community?
Absolutely. Unfortunately, the "other side" insisted on remaining assholes. The Bunker Buddy crowd (which includes several DF moderators) has been harassing the thread at DF about the BIP Project. They've been posting outright lies about being disallowed at BIP or being banned from the BIP site (IP banned or something). They're been breaking the rules at DF and slinging personal insults at people like Jared Synn and of course at me, even though I haven't been a member there for over a year now. And the biased mods are the same as they've always been. Same old politics and same old hatreds. They're mentally ill. And they say I'm the one holding the grudge. :roll: After Jared went in and corrected the lies, one of the moderators jumped down his throat and actually issued him a warning for bringing up my name and correcting false information and lies being told about me personally and about the BIP Project.

So it's the same mental illness they've always had. I call it like I see it. Always have, always will. I speak my mind, and I speak the truth. Yes, the olive branch remains in place. Any of them are free to join here, and I'd treat them far better than they treat me or other members of the BIP Project. They would not be subject to the same harassment we are at their supposedly fair and wonderful sites (both of which I have been permanently banned from since I won't bow down to them). They jokingly mentioned joining here, but I know they won't dare. Why? Because it will expose them for the liars they are when they realize that they're the ones being absurd and holding a grudge, since that grudge doesn't go both ways. Imagine if Egg of Coot or PapersandPaychecks were to join up at BIP and receive the standard warm welcome, and realize they're free to join, and that they're not being treated any differently due to past fights. That would certainly make them look foolish, wouldn't it? Considering that they have "perma-banned" me from their sites (DF & K&K). :roll:

So yes, I offered to bury the hatchet, and I invited them to all join in here. And when Doirche and Jared posted at DF to share the excitement...and it did receive a lot of positive excitement...the usual crowd of dickheads responded by spamming the post, spreading outright lies, attaching Doirche and Jared with accusations of being "sock puppets", and the moderators harassed them as well, simply for correcting the lies and complaining about personal attacks which are unwarranted. That's the response I got.

So screw'em. Let them be that way. It's not like we aren't having plenty of activity, lots of fun discussions, and developing some absolutely amazing material without them. Again, I urge people to look at PaSqualls' Caves of Sydwall module. It was fun as hell when I ran it! And you can see how excited people are just with the map for Level 7. Wait till the whole box set is unveiled! :D

So they can go either way. They can stop being dickheads and let the past die, move on, and in a big way help re-unite the OOP community. Or they can keep being dickheads and acting like they are. Either way, I don't care because neither action affects what we're doing here. RoUIII moves forward as usual, regardless of their behavior. Is it sad that they insist on being that way? Sure. But then, I suspected as much. But it was better to offer the olive branch and at least be able to say I tried.
For the record, I'm disatisfied with OSRIC also... although my sentiments on the matter are more related to its actual content (or lack thereof with respect to certain material).
I wasn't impressed with the content myself, though I'm more averse to the people involved than to the content itself, admittedly.
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Post by Xyzchyx »

Halaster Blackcloak wrote:Xyzchyz wrote:
One might be compelled to wonder what they possibly could have done to deserve such a remark.
One might not want to open up that can of worms! :lol:

It's a long, dreary story of politics and mental illness and quite unpleasant.
Hey, and wasn't it you who posted on Grognard's Tavern about 7 weeks back about burying the hatchet between folks in the OOP community?
Absolutely. Unfortunately, the "other side" insisted on remaining assholes. The Bunker Buddy crowd (which includes several DF moderators) has been harassing the thread at DF about the BIP Project. They've been posting outright lies about being disallowed at BIP or being banned from the BIP site (IP banned or something). They're been breaking the rules at DF and slinging personal insults at people like Jared Synn and of course at me, even though I haven't been a member there for over a year now. And the biased mods are the same as they've always been. Same old politics and same old hatreds. They're mentally ill. And they say I'm the one holding the grudge. :roll: After Jared went in and corrected the lies, one of the moderators jumped down his throat and actually issued him a warning for bringing up my name and correcting false information and lies being told about me personally and about the BIP Project.
Hmmm... Maybe I'm just inattentive, because I can't say I've ever seen anything like what are describing there. Unless things have been happening mostly in private messages, I'm quite confused by what you are saying was going on. Anyways, I don't want to dredge up any more bad feelings, I'd rather consider the subject closed.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Xyzchyx, most of that stuff happened over a year ago and is probably buried on page 45 of whichever sub-forums it was on, or thereabout. The current posts in the BIP thread at DF (now in the 2E section) are still there, with people calling me a "tool" and ripping on BIP and making false claims that they've been banned or disallowed or had their accounts deleted here at BIP, sprinkled in amongst a great many insults. All demonstrably untrue. And the rest was in PMs.

But yeah, there's no point in discussing it. It's not even a matter of bringing up bad feelings, because it doesn't affect me. It's just time wasting is all. Speaking of which, I just lucked out and had a 24 hr seminar this weekend canceled, so I will be up tonight and over the weekend writing more rooms for Undermountain. I'm hoping to polish off Level 7 before April is over. :D
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Shacia Amastacia
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Post by Shacia Amastacia »

Halaster Blackcloak wrote:Shacia wrote:
Thank you! How might a 3.x'r help out around here anyway? I'd love to be able to contribute where I could. I am going to be starting an AD&D UM campaign this weekend, so I'll know more about it soon, but how can I help now and going forward? Is there maybe some material(weapons, monsters, etc.) from 3.x that maybe someone would like to see converted backward, that I could help with, since I'm really familiar with it all?
Well, one of the Golden Rules of BIP is that there will be no backward conversion whatsoever of 3E material. So that part is out. But as for contributing, we can use all kinds of stuff. New monsters, new magic items, new spells, NPCs, new areas of interest (ie unique new taverns, inns, ships, etc), and so on and so forth. Even one spell or one magic item means a lot, considering that if everyone here donated one item, we'd have 4 dozen new items overnight! :shock: :)

Even shell ideas, un-fleshed-out ideas that serve as a core idea for further development, are worth submitting. People who know artists can always ask them if they can draw up a monster. We have one artist at the time, and I have to focus him exclusively on the Undermountain project. But if we had 2-3 more artists, we could have then drawing up new monsters for the Tome of Monsters, which I've been wanting to expand. We can certainly use a few more proof readers. I'd definitely jump for joy if we got one more person who was truly handy with doing PDF conversions. Another cartographer would be great, as I could get him doing maps for other stuff so that Doirche can focus on Undermountain.

So really, just about anything would be a help! :D
Ok. I learn something new everyday. =D Once I get acquainted with AD&D, I'll try to start writing some NPCs, spells, etc. I could probably come up with some Places(Taverns, Stables, Blacksmith, Brothels, etc.) right now. I'll need someone to tell me the level of detail that we would need, and then away I go!

I can also proof read. Is there a program Doirche uses for the mapping? I am pretty good with Photoshop as well.

Let me know!
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Post by jeffx »

Shacia Amastacia wrote: Is there a program Doirche uses for the mapping? I am pretty good with Photoshop as well.
I don't know what Doirche is using (I have an educated guess). But I recently did a lot of investigating on cartography programs. I ended up purchasing a suite of tools from Profantasy called Campaign Cartographer. They can be found here. I specifically bought The World Builder bundle. I am still fumbling around with it but overall I have been pretty happy.

There is a nice free tool called AutoRealm. It can be found here. You can make some pretty nice maps with it but not as artsy looking as Campaign Cartographer.

Another free one is Inkscape. Found here. I didn't try it but heard lots of good things about it.

A nerd site had a nice discussion about cartography programs for RPG games here. And the folks at Fear the Boot did a podcast talking about RPG maps that might be worth a listen. I won't link to it but it is episode 82.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

I had Campaign Cartographer, and it mixed with me like oil and water. Never could make a damned map out of it. :evil:

Doirche is using Adobe Illustrator, since that's what the original maps were made with (by TSR).
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