Happy New Year!`

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Happy New Year!`

Post by Beowulf »

Man, this year went by in a blur! :shock: Guess it's true, they go faster and faster the older you get. #@ Seems like just yesterday I was ringing in '08...Oh, well! Here's hoping '09 finds you all well!

Best wishes for a safe & prosperous new year. :D
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Post by Algolei »

Happppppy Newwwwww Yeeeeeearrrrrrrrrrr!... 8)
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Post by McDeath »

I'm just going to repost what I put in the dev department:
Hey guys, I'm back in Oregon. I went to see my brother, in case he gets deployed, from November 3rd to January 6th. Just before that I had Jury duty in late October. I'm still pretty jacked up in my back. I got an MRI and Spinal Epidural Steroid injections while in Manhattan Kansas. The pain is less but I'm still very worried about the bulged disc and will probably see some spine doctors here in Oregon. Obviously my input in the project for the last few months has been nil due to no internet access. Even if I did have access, I'd only have my brain to pick with no FR references or any of my notes (few they are) to contribute. I'll probably do a lot less sitting during my current reabilition.
I've also gained some 40 lbs over in Kansas due to the huge influx of food my sister-in-law and relatives cooked and brought back. A horrible weak willpower I have. So, I imagine my cholesterol is through the roof.

I'll pick through all the posts I've missed and see what's going on. I certainly hope the project isn't tossed. I have a lot of patience and hope I can contribute something else. Good to be back and Happy New Years.
Yeah, I hope I have a much happier new year.
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Post by Algolei »

Welcome back, and I hope your health improves instantly! 8)
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Post by Minstrel »

A happy new year to all!

Just sticking my head in to let everyone know I'm alive (mostly!) after a hectic early winter, Christmas, etc.

Santa didn't bring my old group back together for a Christmas game sadly, but I'm hoping somehow I can get some RL gaming action happening in '09. Reading articles on enworld out of boredom today has me fired up to get on some oldschool goodness, even if I have to go into a nursing home to find the few of us left with whom to game!
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Post by McDeath »

McDeath wrote:I'm just going to repost what I put in the dev department:
Hey guys, I'm back in Oregon. I went to see my brother, in case he gets deployed, from November 3rd to January 6th. Just before that I had Jury duty in late October. I'm still pretty jacked up in my back. I got an MRI and Spinal Epidural Steroid injections while in Manhattan Kansas. The pain is less but I'm still very worried about the bulged disc and will probably see some spine doctors here in Oregon. Obviously my input in the project for the last few months has been nil due to no internet access. Even if I did have access, I'd only have my brain to pick with no FR references or any of my notes (few they are) to contribute. I'll probably do a lot less sitting during my current reabilition.
I've also gained some 40 lbs over in Kansas due to the huge influx of food my sister-in-law and relatives cooked and brought back. A horrible weak willpower I have. So, I imagine my cholesterol is through the roof.

I'll pick through all the posts I've missed and see what's going on. I certainly hope the project isn't tossed. I have a lot of patience and hope I can contribute something else. Good to be back and Happy New Years.
Yeah, I hope I have a much happier new year.
An addendum to this information:

I went to a back specialist and he looked over the MRI. It is far beyond a "bulged disc" and is a complete herniation with possible fragments of disc smashed into the spine. All other treatment has failed, and I did try (thanks for the suggestions Hal, they did relieve me some). My surgery is on the 5th and will be a discotomy (spelling). Basically, they cut the disc, damaged tissue and scarring away from the nerve. According to the doctor this should have been done within 3 months of the accident, but my general practioner is a fucking dickhead asshole who ignored my please of pain and nerve damage. I'm fulling thinking of looking into a malpractice lawsuit against the motherfucker. (excuse my language but that doctor pisses me off). I'll probably be away from computer usage unless I can somehow find finances to buy a laptop. I just thought I'd let you guys here know if you didn't know already from perusing DF.

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Post by Algolei »


Yeah, doctors are mostly assholes. Comes with the medical training, I figure.

Wish: Speedy recovery! 8)
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Yikes! McDeath, I hope everything goes well. Wow, that sucks! Sue that doctor's ass into the ground! :evil:

This is a perfect example of why I hate most doctors. Incompetence, ignorance, stupidity. And those are their good points! :shock:

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. And hopefully when you get back online, we'll have a bit more progress on the Undermountain project. I'm still slowly plugging away on it.
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Post by Hegel »

I knew people didn't like doctors, but hate them... that's another story :) I don't understand the reason, since they are meant to help people.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

The problem is, 99% of them don't help people. Go to any doctor and tell him you have acid reflux or frequent heartburn. I guarantee you, 99% of the time, without even running a test, he will write you a prescription for Tagamet or Pepcid or some other acid-blocker. Here's the problem...

In reality, at least 90% of people with heartburn and acid reflux do not have excess stomach acid. Instead, the problem is insufficient stomach acid. With insufficient stomach acid, the pyloric valve does not open properly, and so the food sits and ferments and the gasses push up against the esophageal sphincter and viola! Acid reflux. So turning off all stomach acid makes it even worse. And then you end up with vitamin deficiencies because without stomach acid you cannot absorb B vitamins (especially B12) and therefore you have chronic fatigue. You cannot absorb calcium so it weakens your bones and builds up in the blood, hence kidney stones. And when you cannot break down proteins properly, you cannot form proper neuropeptides and there's a neat reason so many people are fucked up and given anti-depressants. It just cascades from there.

So yeah, I have no respect at all for slacker doctors who don't read their own journals, don't do anything more than destroy their patients' health, and still think they're God-like in their intelligence.

Ask your doctor what the difference is between ascorbic acid and vitamin C. If he says it's the same thing, he's a moron.

So yeah, I hate most doctors because they're nothing more than whores for the pharmaceutical companies. :evil:
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Post by Algolei »

Doctors never talk. They use the placebo effect -- don't tell the patient what's going on, just tell them it's all under control and that they'll feel better soon. "And if this doesn't work, we can try a few more things."

They charge for the visit, do nothing, then tell you to come back if you find it didn't help so they can charge you for a second visit.
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Post by Hegel »

Ok, now I see the reason, but, actually, the way you describe doctors acting is not the proper way, so I assume what you mean is that doctors which aren't good doctors are assholes :) I say this because here in Brazil people also hate doctors, mainly because most of the time they don't really heal the patient, but (educated) people like doctors that explain their illness/disease. But sometimes that's not possible, even if you do a lot of tests, which people like a lot. The doctors should remember the first principle of the medical ethics which is "Primum non nocere", (firstly, do not harm).
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

In my experience, the "asshole" doctors are about 99% of all doctors. I haven't met one in the last 10 years who knew anything about healing. All they knew how to do was prescribe harmful drugs to suppress symptoms. Before my grandmother died, I asked her doctor to his face who he slept with to get his degree (I used another term for "slept with", but this is sort of a family site, so...;-) )

The average MD gets only a couple of hours of nutrition training and even that is all old, outdated, incorrect information. Like the whole "aspirin a day to prevent a heart attack" fallacy. Most doctors believe that. Well, it's untrue. The study they base that on was actually done using a brand name aspirin that contained magnesium. It was the magnesium that was helping the heart problems, as so many people are magnesium deficient. Then when it was re-done, the new study used just aspirin and guess what? Not only did it not prevent heart attacks, it also raised the risk of stroke by about 300%! :shock:

The doctors don't even read their own medical journals. I challenged my grandmother's doctor to a debate any time, anywhere, for any amount of money (ie a bet on who would win). I even made the stakes unbelievably attractive...if I lost, I had to give everything I own to the doctor. If I won, all the doctor had to do was shake my hand and admit that I know more than him about medicine...not one red cent out of his pocket!

He refused, of course.

Then he claimed I got all my info online, as if I were a moron who believes whatever some idiot on the internet posts. I corrected him and said that my training came from studying with and reading the works of the best cutting edge MDs and PhD researchers on the planet, including Nobel Prize winners, and that everything I would cite would be double-blind, peer reviewed studies printed in the world's most prestigious medical journals, such as Cancer, Journal of the American Medical Association, Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine, etc.

In other words, the very journals a man in his field should be reading and should know about. I even told him I would cite the issue and page number!

That's when he shit his pants and backed down.

Test my claim yourself. Go to any MD and say you're suffering from frequent heartburn and acid reflux. I guarantee you, he will not tell you to take the Heidelberg Test, which is the gold standard for determining the state of your stomach acid. Instead, he will spend 5 minutes with you, write a prescription for Tagamet or Pepcid, shake your hand, and leave. And in at least 90% of cases, the problem is insufficient stomach acid, not excess. But the doctors are all idiots and all they know how to do is pimp drugs.
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