Mapping Programs

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Mapping Programs

Post by Tawnos76 »

What mapping programs are the best?

I recently found and installed:
Dungeon Crafter
Campaign Cartographer 3
Fractal Mapper V7.0

I like Campaign Cartographer the best so far but the others still have good uses as well.

Post by Doirche »

It all depends on what kinds of maps you want to make. Campaign Cartographer is an excellent "jack of all trades" mapping program. If you also purchase the Dungeon Designer and City Designer add-on's for it, you will be able to create any kind of map really. I own all three programs and have used it primarily to make overland and village maps for my own campaigns.

If you want to make dungeons, then the Dungeon Designer add-on will work but I find it is really geared towards 3rd and 4th edition styles of dungeons. There are several add-on's for Dungeon Designer that allow you to make some nice "old school" dungeons though. Dungeon Crafter is a very good map making program as it is easy to create your own "tiles" and can customize quick little dungeons very easily. I have actually used it in real time during an Undermountain campaign using a projector so my players could "see" where they have been already in the complex.

For the Ruins of Undermountain III project I am using Adobe Illustrator to create the maps.

I recommend you take a look over at The Cartographers Guild. There you will find a wealth of information on mapping programs for RPG's. Also take a peek at their tutorials section for maximizing the ability of each program.

Hope this helps you out. =)

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