The Hobbit

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The Hobbit

Post by Beowulf »

Okay, by now I imagine everyone has seen The Hobbit, right? What did you all think? I really liked it! A bit too much CGI and a bit too much kiddie stuff (eg singing dwarves) but that's the way the book was. I liked going back to Middle Earth and seeing some "old friends" from the LotR films. All in all it was a lot of fun and I'm eager for the next installment! :D
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Post by Tawnos76 »

I have to still get out and see it. Waiting to get settled down as I have been moving this month.
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Post by McDeath »

I have't seen it and most movies. I'll probably wait until it hits netflix at my brothers. Lately most media just bores the hell out of me. I thought the Avengers movie was pretty lame and boring. The animated Ultimate Avengers was far better with the Hulk nearly killing all the other avengers.

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Post by Mira »

I haven't seen it yet, though we plan to at some point. I just don't want to deal with the 3D version, which is what most of the theaters have.

I liked The Avengers movie myself, there were some very repeatable lines in there. IMO, The Hulk had a some of the best scenes.

I do have to admit that most of my comic book experience was with Thor, Spiderman and the X-Men, I didn't follow the Avengers or the Hulk.

But I do think the Hulk was much better in this movie and the remake than the Eric Bana version. Not that I dislike him particularly, but the Spiderman movies he was in sucked IMO, again, not because of the acting, but due to the stupid idea that Spiderman could do webbing naturally instead of his web cartridges, which were a big thing in the comics. His version of The Hulk wasn't bad, but I liked the remake better. And the hint about The Master in there was nice.

Yes, I've always been into Marvel comics, never really liked DC.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Strangely, I have no interest in the Hobbit. After the 750 hours of watching hobbits walk through Lord of the Rings 1-3, I'm just burnt on those super-long movies. Maybe if there was more to them. :?
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Post by Tawnos76 »

I saw the first part but might wait till the trilogy is finished before watching the rest.
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Post by McDeath »

I honestly never thought they'd make a trilogy on just The Hobbit. Still haven't seen it. But I have now seen (from Red Box) Dredd (now like 9 times) and I just watched Lincoln (Vampire Hunter). Yeah, Ol Abe was a bad ass.
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Post by Tarrax Ironwolf »

I'm slapping myself for not seeing The Hobbit yet. My luck when I get a chance to, it will be out of theaters and I'll be stuck watching on Blu-ray. Not that Blu-ray is bad, quite the opposite, but I hate to see the first movie of a trilogy on the small screen. I just hate to go without my wife (the baby makes going to movies together impossible - and no we don't have anyone who would be able to watch him).

I heard such bad reviews about Dredd, that it made me quite upset that it didn't do that well. But then again, I never trust reviewers when it comes to movies, but you just hate to hear your favorite comic book hero being slammed.
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Post by Beowulf »

All the reviews I've read of Dredd were very positive, it just didn't do well commercially.
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Post by McDeath »

Dredd was awesome IMHO. It had some of the best lines and was all action. The only part he doesn't have his helmet on is the very beginning and you only see the back of his head (he's gearing up).
No face shots.
No romance.
No Stallone.

Lots of killing.
Decent Catchphrases.
I watched it 9 times.. something I never do. (rare I watch a movie twice)

Albeit, I did watch this movie blueray and 3d TV.
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Post by Beowulf »

I'm probably gonna get the Blu-Ray soon.
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Post by McDeath »

"Wait.... Wait..... Wait for what... me to change my mind?"
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Post by Mira »

Finally saw The Hobbit on DVD. It was entertaining, but if you expect it to be as the book you might not like it. They have taken quite a few liberties. Probably because you couldn't make it into a trilogy otherwise :D

I had to laugh at one spot, the only Wilhelm Scream in the movie was from a goblin falling. Not a human or orc, a goblin. You know they had to have done that for laughs.
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Post by Tarrax Ironwolf »

Well my predictions came true. I ended up missing it in theaters and but I own the Blu-ray. Still haven't watched it (waiting on a good evening to sit down and watch it).

I've giving up on movies being 'like the book'. Oh sure, it would be fantastic if it were, but unfortunately I think it would be a massive undertaking to make a movie like a book, so they pretty much take all the pertinent points of the books and embellish it with a bit of artistic licenses. So I just enjoy the movies for what they are, another POV adventure.
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Post by Beowulf »

I'm not even sure the movie should always follow he book. Books and films are two very different art forms, and what works for one may not work for the other. Books also have the advantage of being very flexible in form and length; few would criticize a book for being 800 pages long but it's very difficult to market a movie that's over 3 hours long. One of the huge issues is that theater owners really hate long movies since they get fewer showings per day thus less revenue. A very long book can develop characters and story lines much more fully than a film could ever hope to.

Of course, films can have impact that books can't equal, with dazzling visuals and incredible sound. One imagine in a film can capture a feeling that would take many pages to convey- hence the old saying "a picture is worth a thousand words."

Sometimes the a change made for a film improves things. For instance, as much as I loved the graphic novel series "The Watchmen" if they'd have stuck to the books and ended the film version with a fake alien creature it would have looked inconsistent with the tone of the film. And while I love Galactus, having a 200 foot tall guy with a 50 foot high helmet on the big screen would have been met with gales of laughter.

At any rate, I must confess that I never read The Hobbit. :oops: So all I have to go on is the movie.
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Post by McDeath »

I want to see a Circle of Light series of movies. (or rather the entire series I only read the Circle of Light as that was all that was available and they were the originals not the 2004 reprints).

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