Help - where is the telepathy spell?

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Halaster Blackcloak
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Help - where is the telepathy spell?

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

WTF? Am I losing my mind? No - scratch that. Lost my mind long ago. It's my memory I'm worried about. I'm trying to place a magic item in Undermountain (for the project) that grants telepathy, as does a crystal ball of telepathy. Only I cannot find telepathy listed as a spell in any printing of the 2E PHB! :shock:

Likewise, I cannot find a ring of telepathy, potion of telepathy, wand of telepathy, etc in the DMG. This effect must be different than the ESP spell, as the crystal ball magic item description in the DMG gives 4 versions - crystal ball (plain), with clairaudience, with ESP, or with telepathy.

Well...where in the Nine Hells is telepathy dealt with? It's not detailed as a spell or magic item. I've used it before, I know that. Is this one of those odd things like how for 20 years my mind incorrectly pronounced and spelled the demon's name "Jubilex" when it is actually spelled "Juiblex" even though my eyes read it correctly 500 times?

Does telepathy exist in 2E?

See, dwelling in the bowels of Undermountain this long really does affect one's mind! :lol:
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Post by Beowulf »

I really thought it was out there, will have to dig thru my books a bit more!
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Tarrax Ironwolf
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Post by Tarrax Ironwolf »

I just went through the Priest's Spell Compendium and it can be found in the Tome of Magic 3rd level Priest.

But for the sake of having to search...

(Divination, Alteration)
Sphere: Thought
Level: 3
Range: 30 yds.
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 5
Duration: 1 tum + 2 rds./level
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell establishes direct, two-way mental
contact between the priest and a single subject. The
subject must have Intelligence of at least 5 for the
spell to take effect. While the spell is in effect, the
two participants can communicate silently and rapidly,
regardless of whether they share a common

Telepathy does not give either participant access
to the other’s thoughts, memories, or emotions. Participants
hear only thoughts that the other participant
actively sends.

Mind-to-mind communication is approximately
four times faster than verbal communication. The
level of complexity that can be communicated is
only that which can be expressed through language.
Gestures, expressions, and body language cannot
be conveyed.

A priest can establish separate telepathic channels
to multiple individuals. Each linkage is established
through a separate casting of the spell. There
is no network between the channels. For example,
Balfas the priest establishes telepathy with Aka the
warrior and Zymor the thief by casting this spell
twice. Balfas can communicate a single thought to
both Aha and Zymor, but Alra and Zymor cannot
communicate with each other. Balfas, however, can
send a thought so that only one of the two participants
receives it.

If the priest casts this spell on an unwilling subject
(for example, if the priest wants to silently
threaten or taunt the subject), the subject receives
a saving throw vs. spell to resist the effect. Willing
subjects need not make a saving throw.
Notes: Common for priests with access to the
sphere of Thought (Tome of Magic).
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Post by Beowulf »

I knew it was there somewhere!
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Thanks Tarrax! :D

But that's odd! It doesn't exist in AD&D until the Tome of Magic even though it's referenced in the 2E DMG many years earlier? Weird!
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