"areas frequented by many slimes, oozes, jellies and amorphous creatures such as a visiting argos (seeMC7) or two - a dangerous gauntlet for creatures from The Realms Below to run, to reach the surface or Skullport. Many of the gates used by Halaster to restock the dungeon with dangerous monsters open into these levels - especially the gates that reach the most dangerous destinations, such as the Outer Planes and bodies in the wider universe beyond - in the Spelljammer campaign universe."
Level 8, as being presented by us, is a massive area (double sized map) teeming with slimes, oozes, jellies and puddings. And other nasties.
But I'm looking at the wandering/attracted monster table so far, and it just...feels wrong. Like something is missing. Here they are:
Code: Select all
Wandering Monster Table – Level 8
D20 Roll Encounter
1 1-4 Slimes (DM picks type)
2 1 Mist, Crimson Death
3 1 Neo-Otyugh (12HD)
4 1-4 Giant Bloodworms
5 1-4 Oozes (DM picks type)
6 1 Gibbering Mouther
7 1-6 Carrion Crawlers (8HD)
8 1-6 Body Snatchers (RoUIII)
9 1-4 Puddings (DM picks type)
10 1-4 Black Cubes
11 1 Giant Slug or 1 Tanar'ri, Alkilith (True) (PS MCII)
12 1 Metalmaster (RoMD)
13 1-4 Jellies (DM picks type)
14 1-6 Cloakers
15 1-3 Ropers
16 1-6 Priests of Ghaunadaur (RoUIII)
17 1-4 Slithermorphs
18 1-6 Slithering Trackers
19 1 Gelatinous Cube
20 1 Abyssal Slime (RoUIII)
Attracted Monster Table
D20 Roll Encounter
1 2-5 Scaladar (RoU) or 1-4 Jellies
2 3-12 Drow or 1 Adventuring party (evil)
3 1 Purple worm or 1 Dreadbane (RoUIII)
4 1-4 Slimes (DM choice)
5 1 Doomsphere (RoMD)
6 1 Beholder (Elder orb) + 2 Death tyrants (RoU)
7 1-4 Black Cubes (RoUIII)
8 1-10 Broken Ones or 1 Gelatinous cube
9 1 Greater Medusa or 1-6 Rigor Mortems (RoUIII)
10 1-2 Tanar’ri (Babau or Vrock) or 1-4 Oozes
11 1-4 Mind flayers or 1 Tanar'ri, Alkilith (True) (PS MCII)
12 1-4 Blood Ooze (RoUIII) or 1-3 Gas spores
13 1-4 Umber hulks or 1-6 Sinister bats (MC11)
14 1-3 Death kisses (RoU) or 2-8 Gargoyles
15 1-4 Puddings (DM picks type) or 1 Abyssal Slime (RoUIII)
16 1 Eye of Fear and Flame (FF) or 1-4 Curst (FRE1/RoU)
17 1 Death knight (FF) or 1-6 Tunnel Worms
18 2-12 Hook horrors or 1 Behir
19 1-12 Sharn (RoU)
20 1-6 Priest of Ghaunadaur (RoUIII)