Other new monsters..

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Citizen of Undermountain
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Other new monsters..

Post by garhkal »

Well, since i already posted my new undead. Here's some other new monsters i have created...
Hell Fly

Activity cycle: day
Number encountered: Lair - 7-16 (D10+6), Random encounter – 3-8 (D6+2)
Area: any terrain, but must be near mountains, or islands
Align: neutral
Intelligence: Animal (6-9)
Move: 3 ground, Fly 26 (a)
AC: 3
Hit dice: 3+1
Attacks: 1 + special or 1(bite)
Damage: D4+1 charge, or d4 bite
Special attacks: Breath.
Special defense: None
Magic resistance: none
Treasure: none. Occasionally a few gems may be found in their gullets (25% chance of d4+1, with a value of 200 to 1000gp ea)
Morale: Fearless (19-20)
Size: M (3ft to 5ft length, with 3 to 5ft tails, wingspan of 8ft or so)
Xp 650 each

Hell Flies, Are pesky critters that look like a large dragonfly, with a crossed head. The head is hard, and houses 2 separate mouths.

Hell flies are pack creatures that annoy all things roaming in mountainous areas. When hunting they usually fly by a target and spit their acid (50%) or opt to charge and ram them (50%). If they opt to spit, the acid spit has a range of 20 yards with a 5ft width (so usually is only hitting one target). If the target fails a saving throw vs breath weapon, they suffer 6d4 damage over 3 rounds, taking 3d in the first, 2d in the 2nd and 1d in the last round. Making the save means they avoided the spittle entirely. Anyone damaged by the acid spittal, needs to roll acid saves for their gear, and especially their armor.
Hell flies can use this spittle attack three times a day.

If they opt to do the ramming attack, targets hit by this charge, not only take damage (d4+1) but can be knocked down (avoids with a dexterity check at -2) and potentially get stunned for 2 rounds (save vs petrification to avoid). Once a target has been rammed, the fly will stick on him and try to bite him each round. Once engaged this way, they will not break off to try their acid spit attack.

Though they have a morale rating, when hunting and engaged on a target, they never actually check for morale. IN a lair however, they do, fleeing out (by other entrances) if their morale breaks.

Hell flies, live in caves in and around mountain regions. They sometimes also take over abandoned castles. They prey on horses and all cattle, but will also take on humanoids if they are with mounts. They also have a 60% chance of attacking humanoids (doesn't matter the type), if they are hunting and are hungry, and have yet to find horse/cattle flesh. This has caused several groups of adventurers to be targeted, even while marching on foot.
As yet, no one has found any actual lairs of them, to figure out their mating or birthing habits, or how long they live.
For the visual of them, think those funky flying beasts from the Pitch Black film..

Activity cycle: Any
Number encountered: 1-8
Area: Any, open areas especially
Align: neutral (evil)
Intelligence: High (13-15)
Move: 9 ground, 32 (A) fly
AC: -1
Hit dice: 6+6
Thac0: 15
Attacks: 3 (Claw/claw/bite) + special
Damage: Claw/claw of d4, Bite of d10
Special attacks: See below
Special defense: See below
Magic resistance: Nil
Morale: Steady (11-12)
Treasure: none, but may have (20% chance) of gems in gullet (see below)
Size: 23 ft long, 36 ft wingspan (G)
XP: 2000

No one knows where Dagons came from, but they are smaller versions of True Dragons. They only come in 4 types, and all have the same stats. Only their color and breath are different. They DO hunt in packs. They all use their breath to great extent. So far, only one mated pair have ever been encountered in a lair, but the 3 survivors did not notice any eggs or other signs of how they breed.

Dagons, often can be playful (think child like dog), forming up into a ball and running through -bowling ball style – those they encounter. When in this state (30% of the time) they will only attack if attacked back, but otherwise are somewhat docile, loving to slobber those who they encounter. HOWEVER when they are not docile, they attack fiercly. There's a 75% chance that they will open any combat encounter with their breath weapon. Regardless of which type of breath it is, they all deal 6d6 damage to those who fail their saving throw vs breath weapon.
They can breath 6 times total a day, and need to wait 3 rounds between each breath. Their color does NOT determine their breath type, it is unknown why this is. All Dagons are immune to any attack based on or around their breath type (so one who breaths fire, is immune to fireball, flame arrow etc).
For those who have a cold or fire breath, this is a cone that goes out 60 feet long, within a 60 degree arc.
While those who have lightening or acidic breaths, have a stream that is 10ft wide by 80 foot long.

If they engage in hand to hand combat, they fight, with their powerful bite and claw attacks, focusing on one individual till it goes down.
If their morale breaks, or they suffer more than 50% damage, they attempt to fly out of the engagenement, and unlike most other flying creatures, they retain the capacity for flight, even if down to 5% of their normal HP level.

They spend their times, flying around and looking for adventuring groups, and caravans. They Love horse flesh and ox, and will attack to kill so they may eat. If in a dungeon, they usually will be under the control of giants and orcs, but will sometimes work with drugear dwarves.

Will eat anything. Although horses and oxen are preferred. Because of this, there is often a chance of d3 gems within their stomachs, with a value of between 300 and 1500gp each.

Roll 1d4 PER dagon encountered to see what sort of breath it has
1 – Acid breath
2 – Fire breath
3 – Lightning breath
4 – Cold breath

Activity cycle: Any, though night is preferred.
Number encountered: Small camps 2d20, medium 4d20, large 6d20. Out on patrol, 1d10+2
Area: any terrain, that has access to the underdark, as such are usually linked to mountainous regions.
Align: neutral (evil)
Intelligence: high (13-15)
Move: 12, can climb on walls and ceilings like a spider at 6
AC: 4 to -2
Hit dice: 3 to 9
Attacks: 3 or weapon
Damage: see below or by weapon
Thac0: 19 for 2hd females. 17 for both 3 and 4hd males or females. 15 for 5hd males, 14 for 6hd males, 13 for 7hd males, 12 for 8hd males, and 11 for 9hd males.
Special attacks: see below
Special defense: see below
Magic resistance: Nil
Size: 3 to 5hd (M), 6-9hd (L)
Morale: Elite (13-14)
Treasure: average 3d4 gems inside their stomach.
XP: 270 (3hd), 420 (4hd), 650 (5hd), 975 (6hd), 1400 (7hd), 2000 (8hd), 3000 (9hd)
Shamans and witch doctors: 650 (4hd), 1400 (5hd), 2000 (6hd), 3000(7hd)

Similar looking to Man-scorpions, the Nemokai are large scorpions with humanoid torsos and heads attacked to their 'thorax' area. They can use their arms as well as their claws and often carry polearms or spears, however they can't attack with them at the same time. Its either a claw/claw/stinger OR the weapon. They also form up into communal groups for defense, making camps of 3 grades.
Small camps will generally have between 2 and 40 Nemokai inside (2d20).
Medium camps have between 4 and 80 (4d20), L
arge camps have between 6 and 120 (6d20).

When encountered in their camps, one Nemokai per 30, will be a 'sub-commander' who is 4hd. Additionally 1 will be a 4hd Witch doctor and 2 will be 4hd Shamans. Sub-commanders have a minimum of 5hp per HD. Shamans use d6 for HP, and have a minimum of 4hp per hd, while witch-doctors use d4 for hp, and are always at least 50% healthy.

At 60 and again at 120 people an additional 5hd sub leader will be present, along with adding both a 5hd Witch doctor and Shaman. If their 'group size' is between 60 and 90 Nemokai, they also have a 7hd 'group leader' and a single 6hd Witch doctor and Shaman. Between 90 and 120, the leader shifts up to 9HD, while the Shaman/Witch doctor count shifts to four 4hd, two 5hd, two 6hd and one at 7hd count.
Sub-leaders have a minimum of 6hp per hd, while full leaders have a minimum of 7hp per HD.

When out on patrol, a standard group will be 3 to 12 people large, with one in ten being a 4hd group commander. Roughly 25% of all Nemokai in camp are females (reduce damage by 1 die type and AC by 2), and 15% are young (claws are ineffective while stingers only do d2 damage with NO poison, who are 4 points worse on their armor class).

Nemokai fight with both their fore claws and stinger, OR a weapon (usually spears, halberds or bardichies) but can use most any pole-arm. Due to very poor depth perception, they never use missile weapons.
Nemokai of 3 or 4hd have an AC of 4 and do d6 per claw and d4 per stinger.
Those of 5 or 6hd increase the damage to d8/d6 respectively and drop to 2 AC
Those few at 7 or 8hd drop AC to 0 and increase damage to d10/d8,
Finally the very rare ones at 9hd are d12/d10, and have a -2 AC.

Targets stung by the stingers of Nemokai need to save versus poison or suffer, but the affect of the poison varies by HD type.
3 to 5hd, slow their targets for a d4 turns duration per sting if the target fails.
6 to 8hd ones paralyze the target if the save is failed for d4 rounds, but slow them for 1 round even if made.
Those rare few at 9hd, causes paralysis for d4 turns, or d4 rounds if the save is made..

All Nemokai can regenerate 1hp of damage per round (2hp/round for those at 8 or 9hd), but this halted if they are victims of Cold or acid damage (similar to how fire stops trolls regenerating). If they are attacked by fire based attacks, they are healed for 1 point of damage per D of the spell. (or 1hp/4hp dealt for spells with no variable D value such as burning hands). Unlike other regenerating creatures though, this does NOT prevent them from being killed. If they are reduced to -1hp or lower, their regeneration ceases to function, and as such will not bring them back from being dropped..

Nemokai have a very interesting weakness though. Any sonic based attack that they are hit with, causes them to not only suffer the normal effects of the attack *such as damage* but also causes them to flee in panic, EVEN if they successfully saved versus the attack. Additionally they are penalized by 1 per SPELL level of said sonic attack. Example - The mage spell, Cone of Sonic Waves is 4th level, and can cause 4d4 damage to normal 'sonic susceptible targets, however the Nemokai take a further -4 to their saves, and even if they don't take damage will still flee in fear.

Nemokai live near any place that has openings to the under dark, for even though they feel driven out by the Drow and Illithids, there is still a 'pull' to return. Additionally, they love creating wooden huts with straw roofs. On Kervasis Kaloom, they often dwell in coastal caves, putting them often at odds with Merrow, Scrags and Sahauagin.

Diet: They eat many normal foods, but can also eat gems and rocks.

Nemokai shamans worship no real god, but a mystical force. They gain access to healing, all, combat and protection spells only (all as major access). They have no powers over undead nor do they have any granted powers, armor or weapon requirements.
In-zola, Stone Giant Kin.
Number appearing: 3-12 (d10+2)
Frequency: Rare
Activity cycle: Any,
Terrain: Any, except subterranian or acquatic.
Intelligence: High (13-15)
Alignment: LE (with NE tendencies)
HD: 6 to 10
AC: 3 natural, can wear armor pieces to raise to 0.
Movement: 12
Thac0: 15 for those at 6 hd, 13 for those at 7 or 8hd, 11 for those at 9 or 10hd. Shamans have 16 thac0 for those at 6th level, or 14 for those at 7th level, while the witch doctors have only a 17 thac0.
Number of attacks: 3/2, 2/1 with hurled rocks
Damage: 2d6 + str, or 2d4 rock hurling
Size: L (10-12ft)
Special Attacks: Rock hurling
Special Defenses: Surprise bonus
Magic Resistance: 0%
Morale: Elite (13-14)
XP: 6hd = 975
7hd = 1,400
8hd = 2,000
9hd = 3,000
10hd = 4,000
Shamans 6hd = 2,000 7hd = 3,000
Witch doctors 975

In-zola (pronounced Een, zola), are kinfolk to Stone giants much like Verbeeg are kin to hill. They often live in the same mountainous regions as their full size brethren do.

In-zola attack at range,twice a round with thrown rocks for 2d4 damage, out to a range of 140 yards. In melee, they attack with their large staves. Defensively, due to their skin tones, they can remain motionless against rocks, and blend in 75% of the time, and if they do so, they impose a -4 penalty to enemies surprise checks. Additionally, due to their heightened senses of hearing and smell, they are Only surprised themselves on a 1-2 on a d10. However their heightened hearing does impose a -2 penalty to sonic attack saving throws.
However, due to being smaller, their strength is not as high as their true giant brethren. When encountered roll 1d6. On a 1-3, they have 18/91-99% strength (+2/+5), on a 4 or 5, they have a 18/00 strength (+3/+6), and on a 6 they have a 19 strength (+3/+7).
For those who can become warriors, they often love using human body shields (which they will take proficiency in), and will always charge in for a shield-rush with them.

In-zola, lair in the same mountains stone giants do, and often form small out-lying communities of their own. They love associating with ogres and verbeeg. One in every 10 encountered, will be a Shaman of 6th or 7th level, while one in ever 20 encountered will be a 5th level witch doctor. Shamans however, drop to only 1/1 attacks, or 3/2 for hurled rocks, and the rare few who can be witch doctors, do not even have that capacity. Nor can they wield the body shields their comrades do. However, they make up for this in their spell capacity.

Though they can eat any flesh, they much prefer animal flesh to human(oid).

Shamans worship a nameless deity, who grants them access to the healing, protection, all, guardian and combat spheres for L4 spells, and Weather & creation for L3 and lower.
They can turn undead, at -2 levels.

Activity cycle: Any
Number encountered: 1-4
Area: Any, dungeons especially
Align: neutral Evil
Intelligence: Ave (9-12)
Move: 12
AC: -2
Hit dice: 7+3
Attacks: 5 or 1 (weapon)
Thac0: 11 weapon, or 13 natural weaponry
Damage: By weapon+4 or d4/d4/d4/d4 claws, d6 bite
Special attacks: See below
Special defense: See below
Magic resistance: 50%
Treasure: 3xJ
Morale: Champion (15-16)
Size: L (10ft tall ave, 5ft wide)
XP: 2000

Cyrogens are 6-limbed looking humanoids with a rocky complexion. They gather in small numbers and love to fight.

Cyrogen’s main attack is with their 4 arms and one bite. If 2 or more of the arms hit, they can bear hug like a bear does for 4D4 damage, but once hugged they will let go of the target, often tossing them up over their heads and behind them, then marching towards the next attacker. If they do wield weaponry, it most often is a battle axe, or long sword. Regardless of what weapon they use, they are considered to have 18/66 strength with it (+2 to hit/+4 damage).
For special defenses, they enjoy an immunity to either fire OR cold attacks (check per Cyrogen, roll 1d6, odds its fire, evens its cold). They never need to make a save, and suffer no damage vs that form of attack, but suffer -2 saves vs the opposite, and +1 per die of damage. Versus Electrical attacks, they have a -3 save penalty, and suffer +2 per die of damage dealt.

Cyrogens appear to be a mutagenic crossing of the Xorn, Bears and a here-to-fore unknown entity. They thrive in underground environs, and despise all things not of “The earth” (meaning races that live underground, made of rock or the like) THEY WILL NEVER attack (nor will they ever be attacked back) by Earth elementals, or any form of earth elemental kin! Cyrogens hate undead with a passion, and will always fight one if they find it, using weaponry vice their natural body. This is because any natural attack that would hit, could transfer the undead's 'powers' to the Cyrogen (similar to how a monk hitting a wight would lose a level, just like the wight hitting the monk would cause it).
They live in small communities, near giants and other underground nasties, and sometimes form alliances with Pech and Derro.

Will eat anything. But favor raw meat, especially lizard meat.
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Those hell flies really sound like something I want to throw at my players! :twisted:

I like how the dagon get random breath weapons. That will certainly screw with the players' minds, when they assume a particular breath weapon based on the skin color. Don't judge a book by its cover! :twisted:

I'd love to see art for the cyrogens, how you picture them. They're another monster I'd love to use!
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Post by garhkal »

When i envisioned (mind scape) the Cyrogens, i pictured a Rock skinned 6 limb bear like monster...

And yes, the Dagons not having a breath linked to their 'skin color' throws parties off a lot..
As for hell flies, though only 3+4hd, they are NASTY!! I'd love to hear how your players fair against a group.
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Re: Other new monsters..

Post by garhkal »

So hal. Any stories of putting your party against some hell flies yet?
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Halaster Blackcloak
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Re: Other new monsters..

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Damn! I forgot all about that! I definitely have to work some in now! So far they've only had issues with abyssal ants. But I like the hell-flies more! I'd like to squeeze them into Level 8, although I just had a cool idea for them on Level 5 - Muiral's level as well. :twisted:
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Re: Other new monsters..

Post by garhkal »

Have done an edit on the dagons and hell flies (to give a range for their HD).
Hell Fly

Activity cycle: day
Number encountered: Lair - 7-16 (D10+6), Random encounter – 3-8 (D6+2)
Area: any terrain, but must be near mountains, or islands
Align: neutral
Intelligence: Animal (6-9)
Move: 3 ground, Fly 26 (a)
AC: 3 for those at 3 to 5hd, 1 for those at 6hd
Hit dice: 3+1 to 6+1hd
Attacks: 1 + special or 1(bite)
Thac0: 3 and 4hd, 17, 5hd 15, 6hd 13.
Damage: D4+1 charge, or d4 bite. Those at 6hd change this up to d6+1 bite, or 2d4+1 charge.
Special attacks: Breath.
Special defense: Immune to illusions and blinding attacks
Magic resistance: none
Treasure: none. Occasionally a few gems may be found in their gullets (25% chance of d4+1, with a value of 200 to 1000gp ea)
Morale: Fearless (19-20)
Size: M (3ft to 5ft length, with 3 to 5ft tails, wingspan of 8ft or so)
Xp 650 each for 3hd, 975 for 4hd, 1,400 for 5hd, and 2,000 for 6hd.

Hell Flies, Are pesky critters that look like a large dragonfly, with a crossed head. The head is hard, and houses 2 separate mouths. No one quite knows how they hunt, but some suspect its by pheromone, sonic location or movement detection, as in the past, a number of adventurers who encountered them, described darkness or blindness like spells as Not working, nor did visual or auditory illusions…

Hell flies are pack creatures that annoy all things roaming in mountainous areas, though occasionally pester islands near the coasts, where mountain ranges end at the seas. When hunting they usually fly by a target and spit their acid (50%) or opt to charge and ram them (50%). If they opt to spit, the acid spit has a range of 20 yards with a 5ft width (so usually is only hitting one target). If the target fails a saving throw vs breath weapon, they suffer 6d4 damage over 3 rounds, taking 3d in the first, 2d in the 2nd and 1d in the last round. Making the save means they avoided the spittle entirely. Anyone damaged by the acid spittle, needs to roll acid saves for their gear, and especially their armor.
Hell flies can use this spittle attack three times a day. The rare 6hd versions, have an acid spit that does 3d6/2d6/1d6 damage. It also has a further range going out to 40 yards. But still is individual in targeting.

If they opt to do the ramming attack, targets, IF HIT by this charge, not only take damage (d4+1 or d6+1 for those rare ones at 6hd) but can be knocked down (avoids with a dexterity check at -2, or -4 for those at 6hd) and potentially may become stunned for 2 rounds (save vs petrification to avoid, save at -2 for those at 6hd).
Once a target has been rammed, the Hell-fly will stick on him and try to bite him each round. Once engaged this way, they will not break off to try their acid spit attack. If they miss the ramming attack, they often land to try and bite the target. If they miss with a spittle, they fly back, using their great maneuvering to come right back at that target.

Due to lacking eyes, visual based illusions have no effect, neither does trying to blind them via darkness, blindness spells or the like, and since they have a mix of sonic and smell detection (via pheromone), silencing them only applies a -2 to hit penalty, and -1 to their effective AC.

Though they have a morale rating, when hunting and engaged on a target, they never actually check for morale. IN a lair however, they do, fleeing out (by other entrances) if their morale breaks.

Hell flies, live in caves in and around mountain regions, and along coast lines near and around mountains. They sometimes also take over abandoned castles. They prey on horses and all cattle, but will also take on humanoids if they are with mounts. They also have a 60% chance of attacking humanoids (doesn't matter the type), if they are hunting and are hungry, and have yet to find horse/cattle flesh. This has caused several groups of adventurers to be targeted, even while marching on foot.
As yet, no one has found any actual lairs of them, to figure out their mating or birthing habits, or how long they live.
Note: Dagons use d10 for hp, vice the normal d8 of monsters.
Activity cycle: Any
Number encountered: 6 to 8hd 1d3 normally with a 20% chance of 1d6 of them. At 9HD or higher, its just one, unless in mating season, then its a 20% chance of a mated pair.
Area: Any, open areas especially. Most seem to be found near the coast lines, especially up north, or east, and around the easterly islands.
Align: neutral (evil). 12 or higher HD are always Neutral evil.
Intelligence: 6 to 8HD - Exceptional (16 to 17), drops to animal (2-3) when in ‘child like’ phase. 9 HD and up ones increase base int to Genius (18), and have NO child like phase.
Hit dice: 6+6, to 14+6
Move: 9 ground, 32 (A) fly, for those at 11 or less HD. 12 ground, 36 (MC B) for those 12 or up HD.
6 or 7hd / AC -1 / Thac0 15 / Claw/claw/bite, damage d4 claw/d10 bite.
8 or 9hd / AC -2, Thac0 13, damage increases to d6+1/d12
10 or 11hd, AC drops to -3, Thac0 to 11, Damage goes to d8+1/2d8
12 or 13hd, AC drops to -4, thac0 to 9, adds in tail slap, damage becomes d10+1 claw, 2d10 bite, d8 tail
14 hd, AC -5, thac0 7, damage becomes d12+1 claw, 2d12 bite, d10+1 tail.
Special attacks: See below
Special defense: See below
Magic resistance: 6 to 8HD 0%.
9 to 11HD, 20% chance MR, if has, it is between 10 to 40% MR (d4 x10)
12+HD 40% chance of MR, if has is between 20 to 50% MR (d4+1 x10)
Morale: 6 or 7HD steady (12)
8 to 9HD- Elite (14)
10 to 12HD - Champion (16)
13 and 14HD - Fanatic (17)
Treasure: none, but may have (20% chance) of gems in gullet (see below)
Size: 23 ft long, 36 ft wingspan (G). 9 or 10hd increase this to 28ft/40ft respectively.
XP: 2000 at 6hd,
3,000 at 7d,
4,000 at 8hd,
Add +1000xp per HD here after.

No one knows where Dagons came from, but they are smaller versions of True Dragons. They only come in 4 Scale colors, and all have the same stats as above. Note, their SCALE color does NOT indicate what breath weapon they have! 2% of the time, there may be one of the very, very rare ones, known as a Grey scale. These “Grey scales” have their own special breath attack.

For the lower HD ones (6 to 8hd) they DO hunt in packs of 2 or 3, but occasionally can be seen in groups of up to d6 in #. At 9 or higher HD, they are usually loners, and 35% of the time, its a male, 65% of the time female. They only come together at this HD, to mate. They all use their breath to great extent. The higher HD ones usually are loners, but if in mating season, there’s a 40% chance to encounter a mated pair.

So far, only one mated pair has ever been encountered in a lair, but the 3 survivors from that adventuring band, did not notice any eggs or other signs of how they breed.
Often they can be cut open, and gems can be found in their gullet (20% chance of gems being there, if there are, roll 1d6-1 for # of gems, and each will have a value of 2+1d8 x100gp (300 to 1,000 gp). Add 5% her HD above 8, to the chance of gems in gullet. Occasionally they can also be found with weapons such as daggers or short swords, still in their sheaths, after eating someone who was armed.

Dagons, often can be playful (think child like dog), forming up into a ball and running through -bowling ball style – those they encounter. When in this “adolescent' like state (30% of the time) they will only attack if attacked back, but otherwise are somewhat docile, loving to slobber those who they encounter. HOWEVER when they are not docile, they attack fiercely, and in this state, they often go STRAIGHT for any horses that a party has, attacking those who are ON the horses, to make it easier to get horse flesh. Note, only those at 6 to 8hd, ever have this ‘playful’ state. Those rare ones at 9 o higher HD, do not!

When they DO go for straight out attacking, There's a 75% chance that, they will open any combat encounter with their breath weapon. Regardless of which type of breath it is (Fire, cold, acid or lighting), the damage is based on their HD.
At 6 to 8hd, its a flat 6d6 damage (save vs breath for ½).
At 9 to 11hd, this increases to 9d6.
At 12 to 14hd, this increases to 10d8.

Dagon’s can breath up to six times a day total, and need to spend at least 3 rounds (for 6 to 8hd, or 5 rounds for 9 or 10hd), between each time they breath.
NOTE: Their color does NOT determine their breath type, it is unknown why this is.
Range/Arc of Breath;
6 to 8hd - Fire or Cold breath is a 60ft long 60 degree arc. Lightening or acidic breaths, have a stream that is 10ft wide by 80 foot long.

9 or 10hd - Fire and Cold, increases range to 100ft. Acid and Lightning breath increase to 140 feet stream.

The Rare as hell, Grey Scales, instead of having a 'damaging' breath, instead breath out a cloud of 40ft a side, 'demi-plane shadows', that saps the strength and vitality of those caught in the breath cloud. This inflicts a loss of both d4+1 points of Strength and Constitution, for a period of 2d6 turns. And this is cumulative, so if someone gets breathed on say 3 times, they suffer 3d4+3 points of Strength and Con loss! If anyone drops to 0 in either Strength OR constitution, they die, and will raise up as a Shade or Spectre, in 2d8 hours.

If they engage in hand to hand combat, they fight, with their powerful bite and claw attacks, focusing on one individual till it goes down. Those at 12 or higher HD, also add in the ability to make a Tail slap attack. Anyone struck by the tail, not only takes damage, but must make an immediate Dexterity check, or be knocked both DOWN and back 1ft per point of damage dealt.

IF they roll a natural 20 on a bite attack, their jaw LOCKS Onto the target, dealing automatic bite damage EACH ROUND, till either the target’s killed, the Dagon let’s him loose, or he breaks free (opposed Strength roll). If they get a Natural 19 or 20 on a Claw attack, they grab hold and can deal automatic Claw damage each round, and Similar to Wrestling attacks, BOTH Bite and Claw damage, increases +1hp/round this hold is maintained! If they grab a horse or person, they CAN (30% chance) fly up with the target, and either leave (if it’s a horse), or drop the target.. Note: For their “effective Strength”, for making opposed Str rolls,
6 or 7hd, have a base 18 (no %) str
8 or 9hd, have a 18/01-50% str
10hd, have a 18/51-75% str
11hd has a 18/76-90 %
12hd has 18/91-99%
13hd has a 18/00 str
and 14hd has a 19 str.
If their morale breaks, or they suffer more than 50% damage, they attempt to fly out of the engagement, and unlike most other flying creatures, they retain the capacity for flight, even if down to 5% of their normal HP level.

Special defenses: All Dagons are immune to magical (or psionic) attacks based on their Breath weapon’s form. This is on TOP of any Magic resistance they may have!
So a Dagon breathing fire, is immune to Fire based spells, or the Psionic power Molecular Agitation, While a Dagon breathing Cold is immune to Cold based spells, or the psionic power of Cryokinesis. Grey Dagons are immune to any spell from the Illusion/phantasm school of magic, as those spells tap into the demi-plane of shadows. They are also immune to any form of energy draining attack.

In addition to the spell/psionic immunity, Dagons of 9 or 10hd, have a 25% chance of needing magic to strike, if so, they need +1 weapons. Those at 11 or 12hd, increase this to 60% of needing +1 items. Those at 13 or 14hd, instead require +2 magic to strike them... THIS only applies to melee weaponry. Those of 10 or higher HD, are immune to arrow fire, as if they were permanently protected “from normal missiles”.

They spend their times, flying around and looking for adventuring groups, and caravans. They Love horse flesh and ox, and will attack to kill so they may eat. If in a dungeon, they usually will be under the control of giants and orcs, but will sometimes work with drugear dwarves.

Will eat anything. Although horses and oxen are preferred. Because of this, there is often a chance of d3 gems within their stomachs, with a value of between 300 and 1,000gp each.

Roll 1d4 PER Dagon encountered to see what sort of breath it has
1 – Acid breath
2 – Fire breath
3 – Lightning breath
4 – Cold breathIf their morale breaks, or they suffer more than 50% damage, they attempt to fly out of the engagement, and unlike most other flying creatures, they retain the capacity for flight, even if down to 5% of their normal HP level.

Special defenses: All Dagons are immune to magical (or psionic) attacks based on their Breath weapon’s form. This is on TOP of any Magic resistance they may have!
So a Dagon breathing fire, is immune to Fire based spells, or the Psionic power Molecular Agitation, While a Dagon breathing Cold is immune to Cold based spells, or the psionic power of Cryokinesis. Grey Dagons are immune to any spell from the Illusion/phantasm school of magic, as those spells tap into the demi-plane of shadows. They are also immune to any form of energy draining attack.

In addition to the spell/psionic immunity, Dagons of 9 or 10hd, have a 25% chance of needing magic to strike, if so, they need +1 weapons. Those at 11 or 12hd, increase this to 60% of needing +1 items. Those at 13 or 14hd, instead require +2 magic to strike them... THIS only applies to melee weaponry. Those of 10 or higher HD, are immune to arrow fire, as if they were permanently protected “from normal missiles”.

They spend their times, flying around and looking for adventuring groups, and caravans. They Love horse flesh and ox, and will attack to kill so they may eat. If in a dungeon, they usually will be under the control of giants and orcs, but will sometimes work with drugear dwarves.

Will eat anything. Although horses and oxen are preferred. Because of this, there is often a chance of d3 gems within their stomachs, with a value of between 300 and 1,000gp each.

Roll 1d4 PER Dagon encountered to see what sort of breath it has
1 – Acid breath
2 – Fire breath
3 – Lightning breath
4 – Cold breath

IF psionics are in play (as per group house rule), each dagon has a % chance to have psionics, and an Wis/Con rating, based on their HD, as well as an "effective level of psionics".
6 or 7hd, has only a 10% chance of any psionics. IF they do, they are akin to a 2nd level psion, with a 16 Wis, and 15 Con rating (for psionic power check ratings).
8 or 9hd has a 25% of psionics, up to 4th level ability, with a 17 wis and 16 con.
10 or 11hd has a 45%, up to 6th level psionic, with 18 wis, and 17 con.
12 or 13hd, has a 75% chance of psionics, up to 9th level ability, and 18/18 for wis and con.
and 14hd dagons ALWAYS have psionics, up to 12th level, with 19/18 wis and con.

IF they do have psionics, TELEPATHY IS always their primary. For those who have secondary, metabolic is 35% chance likely to be it, 40% for clairsentience OR 25% for kinetic.
IF they are high enough for a tertiary discipline, they favor metabolic for this one, if it was NOT selected for their secondary.
Portative is always their fourth....
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
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