Another look at Planescape

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Another look at Planescape

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Recently, I've been reading through the Planescape setting because I have an idea for my campaign that involves planar travel. Sorta looking for ideas, inspiration, etc. I also decided to outline (I love using fluorescent outliners to detail most books I read) pertinent information and make it easier to skim when reading physical books. And that got me looking more closely at the setting as a whole.

Anyway, I was thinking about Planescape and how I feel about it and decided to give it another thinking-over. Here's what I came up with after reading through the campaign setting box set and the Planes of Law box set.

First, I'm still (after all these years) pretty much ambivalent about the setting. What do I like about it? Well, first of all it's a very consistent setting - every product pretty much follows the same feel, the same atmosphere of the whole.

The information is well detailed and expands (somewhat) upon the information for the planes given in the 1E Manual of the Planes. The art, though not my all time favorite AD&D art, is still for the most part very good and entirely consistent (and much better than the travesty known as Dark Sun, with its amazingly gorgeous Brom covers that only serve to make more disappointing the hideous Baxa art inside!). The art sets the mood and it's very consistent.

There are some very cool new monsters (rust dragons, marraenoloths, etc.). I've always loved box sets, so that's a plus too. Overall, it had good and consistent production standards.

On the other hand, there's much I don't like about it. First, the cant. The annoying Victorian-England slang that, while funny and entertaining, comes across as too real-world, outdated, and humorous for the setting. It's like comedy in horror movies - it takes away something.

It's also far too wordy. Sure, the read is entertaining, but the excess verbiage (all written in that disturbing "cant"), often obscures the relevant details. I often find myself thinking - "Ok, ok, I get it! Ha, ha! Now get to the point! Too much of a good thing, etc.

One of my biggest complaints is that they left out so many major powers and (in)famous AD&D characters. Tiamat, one of my Top 3 Villains of all time (along with Orcus and Halaster), is barely mentioned in the main box set where it details Avernus, and in the Plane of Law box set where it looks at the Nine Hells and Avernus (the first layer, where Tiamat plays a major role) in detail, Tiamat is not even mentioned!

:shock: :evil:

Likewise for Orcus. They replaced him with that idiotic Kiarnasalee thing, then later brought him back and turned him into Tenebrous. Look, Orcus is one of, it not THE, most popular AD&D villain of all time! Why screw him over and get rid of him like that? I thought that was utterly stupid, and I know plenty of old time gamers who grew up dreading Orcus in the game who really, really hated the fact that Orcus was passed over.

Likewise, Asmodeus, another of the most popular villains in AD&D history, it not detailed. At all! Worse yet, they made a very strange and idiotic decision to not detail certain arch-devils on certain layers, omitting some of the toughest such as Baalzebul and Mephistopheles. Why? It's no secret to anyone who's ever played the game who rules what layers. It didn't come off as cool and mysterious to me - it came off at stupid. It's like saying - "Well, the Greek pantheon has a lot of gods including one we won't name who rules them all and casts lightning bolts." :roll:

It also got expensive, seeing as how there were 6 boxed sets, of which 4 were necessary to cover all the Outer Planes, while the Astral and Ethereal Planes got only a single book each, along with a single book for the Inner (Elemental) Planes. At $30 a box set, $20 for the Inner Planes book, and $17 each for the Astral and Ethereal Planes, that comes to $174 for the setting, plus another $46 for the two Monster Manual books for the setting, which comes to $220 for everything you need to play. Adjusted for inflation, that's $382 in 2020 dollars. Quite a steep price tag!

It's also a pain in the ass to find information because it's spread out between no less than 8 different products (4 box sets, 3 books for the Inner/Astral/Ethereal Planes, 2 books for the planar monsters).

Without all that excessive verbiage, they could have pared it down to say a 200 pg. book and sold it for $50 and called it a day!

Finally, I don't like how they introduced Sigil and turned it into the cantina scene from Star Wars - with pit fiends, solars, and all other sorts of antithetical beings all getting along. It made the planes too mundane with all the towns and Borderlands and so on. I never saw the planes as a place to use as a setting. It was always just a group of deadly places to visit and therefore all the most exciting and mysterious. To me, the transition from Manual of the Planes to Planescape was a step down, something that detracted from the challenge, mystery and charm of the planes as detailed in 1E.

So yeah, after all these years I think it's a great read for pure entertainment, a good source for some new monsters and it has some more detailed rules to a small degree. But to me it's best used to mine ideas and inspiration. I never could see the planes as a place where low- (or even mid-) level characters go traipsing around.
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Post by McDeath »

Yeah, Sigil comes off as a Wild West city of doors and factions. I originall knew the center as: The Plane of Concordant Opposition

For PS it became the Outlands:
Formally known as the Plane of Concordant Opposition, but more popularly known as the Outlands.

The Cant... take it or leave it. I can take it if I have a codex translation. I might add some shit from the Dark Knight returns animation as the punks have some good street cant. Thing is, I like my street cant if playing heavy city thieving and detective investigation games. You could do that but its all RP pizzazz.

Price: I wish I had a hard core job back then from HS coming out. I'd buy 3-5 full sets (alas we didn't know the future but fuck we should have known).

Eh being a pirate...... er digital hoarde... er Archivist (yeah that's it) I have no problem with pdfs (though damn some just suck ass... if you want it done right you have to put some love and effort in scanning and shit).

Musts: PS MC 1-3. I would say the Planes of trilogy and main box. There's good reads all around.

The why they did (demon/devil shit aside) I'm betting it was because of Novels, big name publishers and keeping the 2e in a loose cohesion/compatibility of sorts. There are some dragon Article on hell PS 2e that explain the 9 hells shake up. Some still can't separate Tiamat from Takhisis (I'd really like to know the explanation of separation on that).

2e might be modular in WOTC/TSRs eyes but I think you take some shit and sandbox it else you'll be going fucking nuts. Sadly, most if not all old online PS websites are gone. There was some sweet sweet shit people cane up with. To get some of it you'll have to use files on Planet AdnD for your Core Rules 2.0+expansion.

I enjoyed the art. Lack of heavy hitters was annoying. Be sure to compare MC08 to the PS entries. Look at the MC08 xp bloat. That took the xp table for creating shit literal for each power. Lol. Is it right or is PS? Eh.. dunno.

Magi of the Planes shoul have at least a damn Dragon article. (Eh we had Wizards Three I guess with Dalamar)

Rulers of "Lords of the Nine, The" Colin McComb 223(10) D&D2

Due to thetrove getting hit by the new wave D&D 5e they had to get rid of links.... but hey... I an me and there are still links.... ... %20223.pdf

That has the uh sort of explanation on the new LORDS OF THE NINE.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

McDeath wrote:
Yeah, Sigil comes off as a Wild West city of doors and factions. I originall knew the center as: The Plane of Concordant Opposition
That's a very good description - wild west. That's exactly what it feels like! I like and prefer the version of Concordant Opposition found in Manual of the Planes. It doesn't have all the Sigil stuff and factions and clutter of Planescape.
The Cant... take it or leave it. I can take it if I have a codex translation. I might add some shit from the Dark Knight returns animation as the punks have some good street cant. Thing is, I like my street cant if playing heavy city thieving and detective investigation games. You could do that but its all RP pizzazz.
The's just...jarring. Fun to read, funny and interesting, but far too "modern", far too "earthly", far too "Victorian" for a planar setting. It would work fine in the Ravenloft Victorian setting. But not Planescape. I truly feel the "cant" is one of the major factors that caused me to not like Planescape as a setting.
Price: I wish I had a hard core job back then from HS coming out. I'd buy 3-5 full sets (alas we didn't know the future but fuck we should have known).
That's why I didn't buy them all. I bought the Campaign Setting and Planes of Law (mainly for Baator and Acheron), and the Monster Manual appendixes, and then the Astal and Ethereal books. I still wouldn't mind getting the Chaos boxs set for the Abyss and Ysgard, but I realized back in the day that I didn't want to invest in PS.
Eh being a pirate...... er digital hoarde... er Archivist (yeah that's it) I have no problem with pdfs (though damn some just suck ass... if you want it done right you have to put some love and effort in scanning and shit).
That's the way to go!
The why they did (demon/devil shit aside) I'm betting it was because of Novels, big name publishers and keeping the 2e in a loose cohesion/compatibility of sorts. There are some dragon Article on hell PS 2e that explain the 9 hells shake up. Some still can't separate Tiamat from Takhisis (I'd really like to know the explanation of separation on that).
Oh that part I understand even though I disagree with their decision. I mean, after all, they did release the Guide To Hell with all the names.

I just don't why, of all the major players, they left out Tiamat. Everyone knows Mephistopheles, Baalezebul and Asmodeus are "devil names", but almost no one recognizes the name Tiamat. And as I said, hell, they named most of the other arch devils. Dispater is mentioned by name, which is a pretty well known name.
2e might be modular in WOTC/TSRs eyes but I think you take some shit and sandbox it else you'll be going fucking nuts. Sadly, most if not all old online PS websites are gone. There was some sweet sweet shit people cane up with. To get some of it you'll have to use files on Planet AdnD for your Core Rules 2.0+expansion.
It really surprised me how many people actually got into PS.
I enjoyed the art. Lack of heavy hitters was annoying. Be sure to compare MC08 to the PS entries. Look at the MC08 xp bloat. That took the xp table for creating shit literal for each power. Lol. Is it right or is PS? Eh.. dunno.
Quite a difference, huh? Pit fiends went from 57,500 xp down to 21,000 xp. When I used the original MC:OP for demons and devils, I obviously used the higher xp because that's all we had to go by. And while it was a bit much, my players earned every damned xp, let me tell you! :twisted:

But I do think a pit fiend or balor shouldn't have twice or more the xp of a great wyrm dragon. Both are damned deadly, in different ways, so I adopted the newer and more accurate PS stats for xp.
Magi of the Planes shoul have at least a damn Dragon article.
What was Magi of the Planes? Rings a bell but..
Rulers of "Lords of the Nine, The" Colin McComb 223(10) D&D2
Wasn't that incorporated into The Guide to Hell?
That has the uh sort of explanation on the new LORDS OF THE NINE.
That's something I hated about the Guide to Hell. It changed too many of the classic arch-devils. I always use the originals. The newer ones just seem too bland and similar.
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Post by McDeath »

I'd have to reread the Guide to hell. My favorite articles on demons/devils was Greenwood's in old Dragon. Good shit. There were some angel articles but I guess people weren't all that interested. Demons from Mayfair had some unique demons but also an entirely different approach. Possession rules and influnce brought demons into the scope like movies/tv and books. The inquisition was interesting as well. Their approach to angels was just as creepy and it left you wondering "how good are they?" Pity the last demons splatbook never hit print. Damn pity.

I bought a remaster of a hell bundle from drivethru last year. It basically was a full reimagining of the Dante scope. It didn't delve into Purgatorio or Paradiso though. The Divine Comedy needs a more direct english translation and audio book to go with. As is, too much politics in it.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

McDeath wrote:
I'd have to reread the Guide to hell. My favorite articles on demons/devils was Greenwood's in old Dragon. Good shit.
Yeah, some great articles! I have those in PDF format!
There were some angel articles but I guess people weren't all that interested.
Yeah, I barely remember those. Do you recall what issues that was in?
Demons from Mayfair had some unique demons but also an entirely different approach. Possession rules and influnce brought demons into the scope like movies/tv and books. The inquisition was interesting as well. Their approach to angels was just as creepy and it left you wondering "how good are they?" Pity the last demons splatbook never hit print. Damn pity.
I got those Mayfair box sets for demons. Some good stuff in there!
I bought a remaster of a hell bundle from drivethru last year. It basically was a full reimagining of the Dante scope. It didn't delve into Purgatorio or Paradiso though. The Divine Comedy needs a more direct english translation and audio book to go with. As is, too much politics in it.
That sucks. I tryt o get AWAY from politics in my games.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

I came across some cool rules while outlining the Manual of the Planes that I forgot and that I think (as far as I can remember without checking) did not make it into Planescape.

1. True Seeing (pg. 80) - when used on the Outer Planes, true seeing allows you to see the very essence of evil, good, law, chaos and it's overwhelming. Using that spell on the Outer Planes are frozen in space for 1d10 turns, after which they must save vs. spell or become feebleminded (lawful or chaotic planes). On Evil or Good planes, they're likewise frozen in place, after which a failed saving throw means instant conversion to the alignment of the plane. Using the spell on Concordant Opposition results in a save vs. spell of become insane for 10 years.

I like that rule and cannot for the life of me recall it being in Planescape. I am DEFINITELY using it in any planar adventures I write!

2. Wishes Are Granted by the Nearest Power (pg. 79) - Wishes, limited wishes, and alter reality spells are granted by the nearest Power capable of granting them. So if you're on say the 666th layer of the Abyss (where I place Orcus as his main level), then any wish or other similar spell cast must be granted by Orcus. Wish yourself teleported out of the Abyss? Not if Orcus has anything to say about it (and he does)! :twisted: I like this rule, although it was more a 1E rule than a 2E rule that powers granted wishes when the spell was cast.

3. Travel Between Planar Levels by Force of Will (pg. 76) - This forgotten nugget of nostalgia says that PCs on the Outer Planes can "will" themselves to a lower or higher level of the plane (say from Level 666 of the Abyss to Level 665, or from the 8th level of the Nine Hells down to the 9th level). You must make a Wisdom ability check to do so. Of course, this doesn't guarantee a safe landing. :twisted:

4. Powers Control Spells In Their Area of Rule (pg. 76) - Using Orcus once again, Orcus can decide that holy word or ice storm spells do not work on his level. He can also rule, for example, that Holy Avenger swords do not work on his level (even though in 1E Holy Avenger swords do not lose magical ability for passing through planes as most other weapons do). Again, I like this and I don't recall seeing it addressed in Planescape.

5. Poison Does Not Work on Planar Creatures (pg. 78) - Poison from the Prime Material Plane (of any kind) has zero effect on any creature native to one of the Inner or Outer Planes. I'd forgotten this one entirely and I'm almost 100% sure it never made its way into PS.

6. Necromantic Spells Have No Effect On Planar Creatures (pg. 81) - Nercomantic spells (slay living, raise dead, finger of death, etc). have no effect on natives of one of the Outer Planes while they are on their home plane. That can be a hard lesson for some. :twisted:

7. Raise the Dead - Become Possessed (pg. 81) - When someone from the PMP dies on an Outer Plane, there is a 1% chance per day per depth of level that a spirit of the plane possesses the dead body before it can be raised, resurrected, etc. So on the 100th layer of the Abyss, if you do not raise a dead PC immediately, it will absolutely become possessed by an evil spirit from the Abyss. A tough rule, although most PCs going to an Outer Plane will have a priest of high enough level to cast the spell. Except that he loses his higher level spells so likely will not be able to cast it. Takeaway - DO NOT DIE ON AN OUTER PLANE! :twisted:

8. Regeneration of Limbs On A Chaotic Plane Is Dangerous (pg. 81) - If you're on a plane of Chaos (the Abyss, Gladsheim, etc) and you lose a limb and cast a regeneration spell, there is a chance that the regenerated limb will be warped - a wooden, gnarled arm or a palsy-type deformed arm, etc. That rule is just cool!

9. Giants Have Spells (pg. 96) - The giants on Asgard are highly intelligent and can be spellcasters of up to 20th level. Giants are a LOT more dangerous there than anywhere else! :twisted:

10. Summoning Charon (pg. 80) - Any summoning spell cast near the River Styx will summon Charon on his boat. What he does when he arrives is up to the DM, since it does not control him, only attract his attention. Cool!

I really do like the Manual of the Planes better than Planescape. A $15 book (Manual of the Planes in 1987) costs just $20 in 1996 dollars and has EVERYTHING you need to run a planar campaign compared to $300 in 1996 dollars for the PS materials.
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Post by McDeath »

"Angels" William Fawcett 35(18 ) D&D1
"Messengers of God: Angels In Dungeons & Dragons" Stephen H. Dorneman 17(32) OD&D

So issues 17 & 35 ... %20017.pdf ... %20035.pdf

An option to look up articles are these two sites:
When I find a polyhedron index I'll let you know. I don't know of any Whitedwarf indexes either off the top of my head.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

You're the ultimate researcher and sage of the site, McDeath! It's a super power you have! :D

I have a challenge for you. Can you find PDFs of an RPG named Man, Myth & Magic? I haven't been able to find anything PDF for that product, and I especially was trying to find the main box set and the Egyptian stuff.
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Post by McDeath »

That's some rare shit. I think i have i personal module piece of that. It was some ascent to hell chapter. Weird shit if I recall.

Supposedly a company through drivethrurpg started doing reprints but they didn't do the whole series... god... how hard is a simple clean reprint to do?,_My ... ying_game) ... temversion ... _and_Magic

Might be able to get some via ebay.

Its looking more and more like an ebay case unless i can find a hidden pdf trove.

As is, there us an ebay one for $45 + $28 S&H.

If i get this tribal payment i could pad out the series via ebay and scan. Big if. I could save and do it. I saw on auction that had a mint sw set of all the MM&M books. I should buy drivethru rpg reprints and see how they stack up. I only have Ascent to Hell. Ending of series 1 adventures (i guess it was complete ).

I'm a tad annoyed theg don't mention page or book counts.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Strange how they only have a reprint of the setting but no adventures. The scans on the boardgeek site looks good, but the pics are too small to see it well. I may have to search ebay for these.
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Post by McDeath »

There are technically 6 adventures. I just bought the reprint and will put it in a zip to you. Sadly they 7-9 (9 being the hell one i can scan when i get to oregon)

The 7 & 8 no dice on ebay.

The pharoah is... and when i hit oregon i can buy it.

The werewolf of europe i saw one in Italy but 38 + 50 s&h = $80sh. Ehhhhhh dunno about that one.

Heres hoping reprints are the same as original.
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Post by McDeath »

OK Hal and whomever else. Here's the Dropbox link: ...

From a casual look, its a direct cleaned up scan. There's a little tinkering on the cover to indicate "reprint." I don't see how it'd be hard for them to finish up this short series unless they can't get their hands on the others which I think would be bullox. I mean, its not like I've exhausted asking others on various trade sites about a few modules. I definitely need to scan Ascent to Hell assuming my time back in Oregon goes well. Stupid virus and my parents are kind of feeble with immunity. I've had this shit twice and might be a "Covid-Larry" (long haul even) like a "Typhoid-Mary."

There are other issues I've blathered about but mostly it'd be about getting space and scanning it. I bought that hand scanner but these modules are really simple to flatbed scan being so small in page count with simple staples. We'd be fucking golden if I had found 7/8 and werewolf and Egypt. I know you want that Egypt content so... its on my list having bought from ebay. Shipping looks cheap and it wouldn't set me back much. Werewolf...... ah.... there's gotta be some fucking cheaper one out there.

It's a real pity they didn't get the Viking adventures out. Kinda sad tbh. Maybe it'll make a resurgence. I mean look at what they did with the reprints of
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Post by McDeath »

Eh, I could be dead in a year or w/e. I bought the ebay Egypt one, wereeolf, and Man, Myth & Magic The Glastonbury Labyrinth (Adventure ..), sorry, I can't find a lead on Newgrange Reactivated. But...... if i get that shit scanned we'll have nearly a full digital set. Only cost $120.14. It was far less than previously as i wasn't logged in. Lol... so yeah shipping was way cheaper.

It should all arrive before i hit oregon (which is where i had it shipped).

You know what will happen now? Some fucker will open up a hidden digital set of all those. It happened when i bought the Catacombs Quest crap.

Eh... w/e. Here's hoping its all complete.
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Post by McDeath »

I signed up to

They are the ones responsible for the reprints. Seems they do other rpgs as well. Good news if they keep up. At the Aceum I posted a Wanted for the last module I'll be missing. Here's hoping all the orders get through and everything is complete. I can clean up the scans if they have marks. It is time consuming but making pdfs IMHO is tedious anyways.

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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Great work McDeath! :D

Damn! They want $50 to ship a BOOK from Italy? Yikes! :shock:
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Post by McDeath »

Yeah, but I think the ones I snagged were local USA. So, on backlog scans are Thieves Guild and MMM. Technically, there are some 1e Thieves guild i could ebay. Someone on df offered at one point to sell a 1e set but i really wanted the 2e box (glad i held out as its a complete set). Tbh, sone of these could use a 3e for text format.
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Post by McDeath »

Ever look at this comic. This has a dead gods kind of approach and I think i might lift some info for planescape.

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